'� � �� D�E� RECORD NO. 1 Ol
<br /> CiU1a R�Zl�+�t S D�''�D ,�
<br /> Know all men by these presents, that in pursuance of an order of the Hon. �dilliar� F. Spikes, ,]udge of the District
<br /> Court of Howard Cc�unty, r;ebraska, made on th� 29th day of Tune, 1951, I was licensed by said Tudg� to sell at public
<br /> auction in the �anncr provided by law, the real estate hereinafter described; that thereupon I gave notice of the tirne
<br /> ar.d place of said sale as required by law, and at th� ti�ne� and place ther.ein specified, after said sale had been held
<br /> open one hour, I sold said. rea.l estate at public auction to Henry E. 1�'offke and rieta D. .Noffke, as joint tenants, they
<br /> being the highest bidder therefor, that said sale was thereupon reported to said Tudge of the District Court and by
<br /> hir� in a.11 things confirmed, and I wa:s ordered to naak� a de�d of said premises to said purchasers.
<br /> R'ow, therefore, I, Ferdinan.d I'. 1�?ietfeld, Guardian of the F,state of Ruth Y. Nietfeld, a Minor, in consideration
<br /> of the premises and the suna of �711.10 so bid and paid by said ��enrp F, l�offke and Meta l�. l�?offke, and by virtue of the
<br /> powers in�trusted in �ne by said order and proc�edings, do by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the said H�nry
<br /> �, l�'offke ard Meta D, Noffke, as ioint ten�nts, and not as tenants in cotrurton or of a coa�ununity estate, the following
<br /> described r��l estate, to-wit:
<br /> f'1n undivided two-fortyfifths interest in the West Half of the I�'ortheast quarter (ta2NF�.) and the South half oF
<br /> the fi orthwest quarter (S1A'�J�) of Section thirteen (13), Township twelve (12), 1"orth, Range Ten (10), t�lest of
<br /> th� 6th P. M., in Hall �ounty, fiebraska.
<br /> with all tenements, hereditaanents and appurtenances to tre same belonging; it bcing the intention of all parties hereto
<br /> that in the event of the death of either of said grantees, the entire fee simple title to the real estate described
<br /> herein shall vest in the surviving grantee, to have and to hold th� same as such joint tenants, and to their assigns,
<br /> and to the heirs and assigns of �he survivor of them, forever,
<br /> In tit'itness �tirh�reof I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of �?ugust, 1951.
<br /> (�l.l(' I. R. Starnps) Ferdinand F. nictfeld
<br /> (�'ancelled ) Guardian of the F.state of Ruth Y.
<br /> Nietfeld, a rlinor.
<br /> State of ?�'ebraska )
<br /> ) ss. On this 27_st day of �i�g., 1951, before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualificd
<br /> Howar�. County ) for and residing in said county, personally carne th� within named Ferc.iinand F, I�ietfeld,
<br /> C,uar:�ian of the isstate of Ruth Y. NiPtf�ld, a Minor, who is personally kMOwn to me to b� the
<br /> identical person whose name is aff ixed to the within deed as grantor, and he acknowledged the same to be his voluntary
<br /> act and �eed, as such C��.�ardia.n .
<br /> jJitness my ha.nd and hotarial Sca1 the date last aforesaid,
<br /> 1�4y commission expires 1/11�195� (�'.hL) R, t�, Hag�art
<br /> l��otary PuBlic
<br /> Filed f or recerd this 20 �ay of October 1951, at 8;30 otclock t�. , ��. --C�
<br /> Fegister af Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(J-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-�'-0-�-(�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> COnPORATIOI� G���1RF�NTY DT'-TD--Vestir� ?�,ntire Title in :,�',urvivor �,
<br /> KNQ��; �^LL T�:I�' �3Y TH!�:S�T P"ES;�:ivTS, That r;IT?T�L �- CG':��PAI�TY, a corporation organized an.c� existing under a nd by virtue of
<br /> the Iaws of the State of i�'ebraska, for and in consideration ef thP sum of One doll�r and other valuable consideration
<br /> DOLLARS in han.d paid d.oes hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey xulto T{:LZI� V. RISHOP (r'�LSO KR?Ot�T AS F. V. BISHOP) AND
<br /> RIITH I�. BISHOP, as TOIl�;T TEI�'�I�T�, and n.ot as tenar.ts in com�non; t�e following described real estate, situat�d in the
<br /> County of Hall and State of Nebraska., to-wit:
<br /> All of the Fast 100 feet of Lot One (1), in Block TM�11t in Pt1RKVIF;W SL?I3-DTVISION located in the I�'ortheast
<br /> Quarter (I�F_,4) of Section Twenty-Nine (28) and the Northwest Ruarter (i�'�a-��) of Section Twenty-eight (28),
<br /> both in Township Fleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), SJest of the Si�cth Principal Meridian, as surveyed,
<br /> P
<br /> latted and recorded
<br />, TO HAVE AAD TO HCLD the above described prer�ises, with the aforesaid appurtenances, unto the said grant�es
<br /> as OII�T '�El�TAi�`
<br /> J TS and not as tenants in common and to their assigns or to the heirs and assi ns of the surn�YOr of
<br /> > > > g
<br /> them, f orever, and the grantor her�in, for itself and its successors does covenant with the grantees na�ned herein and
<br /> with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the surviver bf them that it is lawfully se�ed of said pren�ises;
<br /> that they are free from encumbrarce, and that said grantor has good title to and goexi right and lawful authority
<br /> to convey the same and it does hereby covena.nt to warrant and forever defend said prenlis@s unto the grantees nan�ed
<br /> herein and unto their assigns an' unto the heirs and assi�ns of the survivor of th��forever, against th� lawful clai�ns
<br /> of all persons whomsoever, excluding the �xceptions named herein.
<br /> IN �dITNFSS LJH�:I�r(�F the said grantor has caused this instrument to be executed by its president and its corporate
<br /> seal to be affixed hereto.
<br /> Signed this 19th day of Octob�er, �4. D. 1951. (CCRP) NITZEL �� COMPAh'Y
<br /> , y_` (S�:AL) A Corporation
<br /> In the Presence of ---- -•--'� By .T. H. Nitzel President
<br /> Attest �. B. Francl Secretarp
<br /> STAT� OI+ Nebraska )
<br /> )ss. On this 19 day of October 1951 b�f ore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said
<br /> County of Hall ) County, personally cat�e ,T. H. Nitzel, President of the Nitzel �a Cor�pany to �e persorsallq
<br /> known to be the Presid�nt and the identi.cal person whos� na.�ne is �ffixed to the above
<br /> conveyance and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary
<br /> act and deed of the said Nitzel Fa Corr�pany, and that the Corporate seal of the said Nitzel f� Con�pany was thereto
<br /> affixed by its authority.
<br /> �Jitness my hand and A?otarial Seal at Grand Island in said c ounty the day and year last above written.
<br /> riy cornmission expires the 19 day of Dece�nber 1955. (SFaAL) Howard S. Hin�nan
<br /> I�'otary Public !,
<br /> Filed for record this 22 day of October 1951, at 1:45 otclock P, M. ��, ���,,,, �I
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds „
<br />