DE�D RECORD NO. 101 - �- `��
<br /> .1cxr�c�,�:,rnc���r:T,
<br /> sz�T� cF �Tr��a�xn )
<br /> 1 ss. C�n this 25th day of �epten�ber, �., D., 1951, before rne, a I�otary Fublic, in and for said
<br /> County of Hall ) rol�nr.y, pers onally ca�ne the above named, ?�ernhardt Koehler, a man; Albert Koehler and
<br /> Helen Koehler, husband ard wife; f�rnhold 0. Koehler ard Irer.e !!. Koehler, husbar,d and wife;
<br />' and, Ar�anda. D, Schrnidt ard ".ichar3 H. Schrni3t, wife and husband, each of whom are personally known to me to be the
<br /> identical persor.s whose :�arr�es are affixed to the above instrument as Grantors, and they each severally acknowledged
<br /> said irstrun�ent to be their v�luntary act an:3 deed.
<br /> '1'ITP�;�:rS rny hard a.nd r;otarial .Seal *ize date la,sr, aforesaid.
<br /> ?ty cornrnission e�pires on the 21 day of �une, !'1, D. 1953. (S�^.L) Faul C. Iiuston
<br /> P;ot ary Publ ic
<br /> . i� i� i� ri i� 7C it i� i� i� i� i� iC n i� ��' ri iC i: iC i: i� iC :C i� iC iC iC iC i� i� i�' i� i� iC i� iC '� i� i� iC i� i: i� i� i� i� i� �� :� �� i� �� �� i� �L X „ „ �;
<br /> i �i �� v v v v v v �i �� �i v �i u �i v v �r �i u �i �i �i v �i �i �i v v �r v v �� �i �i y v v �r �i v v v �i �i y v v u v
<br /> ) ss. On this 2nd day of Cctober, A. D., 1951, beftir.e �e a l�otary Public, in and for said County,
<br /> County of Douglas ) personally came the above na�ned '�1�rie �. Ta'olf, a widow, who is person�lly kr.own to me to be
<br /> th� identical person i�hose name is affixed to the above instrun�ent as grantor, and she
<br /> acknowledged said ir,strum�nt to be her voluntary act and �eed,
<br /> ���ITr;FCS my hand ar�d T�otarial �e�:�l the :ia.te last aforesaid.
<br /> My Cornalissior expires on th.e l;th day of �anuary, �.. D., 1955. (Sr�^�L) '.;aymond R. Crossman, ,1r.
<br /> ?�otary Public
<br /> ��. �t ic ;� �c ;� �; =� ;,- :,- ;; 't -c ;,- '; ',: ;; ;c ;c �c :c „- '� ;c �r ,� :; ','- ;,- ;� �� ;,- "- �c ',� �: �c ��. :� �,- # „ ;,- 't �c ;: '� �,- '.'- ;: ',� ',= �,- ;� ;,- �� "- :c :� ��
<br /> CT:�Tr �'F C."_LIFORI�'I1' ) • , •
<br /> ) ss.Qn this 30th day of Ceptember, �". D., 1951, bcfore r�e a *'otary Public, ir. and for said
<br /> County c�f Las 1`.ngeles ) cour.ty, personally cam� the a.bove ��.nna Ffietcher, a widow, «ho is personally known to
<br /> rne to be the idertical person whose name is affixed to �he above instru�nent as grantor, and
<br /> --2-- she acknowledged said ir.strur„ent ta be her voluntary act and dee3.
<br /> �4'ITl`;T�'SS my hand and P,otarial Seal the date last aforesaid,
<br /> My com�-ni.ssier. expires or tize 15th day of ^.ugust, �. D. 1952. (S'+:��1L) ?'earl Laura Peterson
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> iC � iC �� K �� �C i� iC iC i� ri :� i� i� iG "iC �� iC iC i� i.- �� i� �C i� i� � i� iC iC i� 'L i� �� i� i� i� 3� :� i� � i� i� i� �� � i� �i i� iC iC �C �C iC �t iL ri �� ri
<br /> STAT�' OF C�':LIFCRl�'I�. )
<br /> ) ss.On this 27 day of Sept, n. D., 1951, before me a Notary Fublic, in and for said County,
<br /> County of Crange ) personally car�e the above narried nobert I(oehler �nd Georgie K_oehler, husband and wife, ZJI70
<br /> are personally �cnown to me to be the identical persons whose nar�es are affixed to the
<br /> above instrw�acnt as grantors, and they severally acknowledged said instrumern to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �4'ITPdrSS my hand and \otarial Seal the date last aforesaid.
<br /> (S�1`.L) Eugene P. Schaefer
<br /> --3-- �'sy conamission expires on the 3ay of jan 25, �.. D., 1952 �'otary Public '
<br /> �
<br /> Filed for record this 18 da.y of October 1951, at 1:30 o'clock F. M. ���� (,��i
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> ti���;RRAT�TY D��D--Corporation �
<br /> �'�IIS II�?DENTt?RE, Made this llth day of October A. D., 1951, between I�'. .P. DODGF CORFORt�TI01�' a corporation organized
<br /> and cxisting under a.nd by virtue of the laws of the State � Delaware party cf the first part, and Philip M r4artin of
<br /> the County of F�all, and State of h'ebraska, party of the s�cond part,
<br /> SdITI�FSSL;TH; That the said party of the first part for and in considena,tion of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) ��
<br /> other valuable consideration DOLL�RC in hand paid, reccipt whereof is, hercby acknowledged, has sold and Uy these presents
<br /> does grant, convey and confirm unto the said pa,rty of the secon.d part, the f ollowing described premises, situated in
<br /> Grand Island Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> �!11 of Lot I�inetten (19), in IiUEIi�VISTA SUBDIVISION in the �ity of Grand Island, Being a part of the Northwest
<br /> �uarter (1�4) of S�ction Twenty-two (22), Township Eleven (11� North, Range Nin� (9) West, in Nall County,
<br /> rlebraska.
<br /> Subject to restrictions�ed in an instrutnent entitled 'tAgreCmen.t for Protective Covenants ar.d restrictions" covering
<br /> lots ir. Buenavista Subdivision, recorded in the records in the office of the Register of Deeds in Hall �ounty, Nebraska,
<br /> in Book �fV", Fage 584.
<br /> TQ HAVE �?Ie'D TO HOLD the pre�►ises above described, together with all the Tenerxents, Hereditaments and Appurtenances
<br /> thereunto be�onging unto the said Philip Martin
<br /> And the said N. P. DODGF, CORPQRATI01� for itself or its successors, does hereby covenant and agree to and with
<br /> the said party of the sccond par± .. ' _ __ � - - - " '
<br /> F - .:_ . ` ,nd heirs and assigns, that at the time of the execution and delivery�of these presents it is
<br /> l�.wfully seized of said prernises; that it has �ood right and lawful authority to convey the sa�►e; that they are frce
<br /> fro�a encumbrance except liens or encu�brance assumed or created by purchaser or his a.ssigns on or after July 5, 1951.
<br /> Subject to regular taxes for the year 1951 and subsequent taxes ar.d all special taxes and assessments due or'payable on
<br /> or after july 5, 1951, including any nondelinquent installments does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said
<br /> premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> IrT WITA?FSS ti��fiERL'OF the said N. P. DODGF. CQRPORATIGN has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and
<br /> �
<br /> these presen.ts to be signed by its President �he day and year first above written.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of (CO�P) N. P. llODGE CORPORATION
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> ------------------ Bp N. P. Dod��. .Ir.
<br /> Presid�nt
<br /> ' ($.55 c�. R.,�taaxps)
<br /> (Cancelled )
<br />