� �� - DEED RECORD NO. 101
<br /> of t�ai].�Qa�� Addition to the Town of Grard Island, and its con+ple�nent, Fractional Lot Seven (7) in I'ractional Block One
<br /> Hundred Four (104) of Koenig F- Wiebe�s Addition to Grand Island, hoth being in the City of Grand Island, according to
<br /> the recor�ed plats thereof,
<br />� together wi.th all and sing�alar the ter.en?ents, hered�taments and �pptartenanc�s thereunto belonging or in any wise
<br /> appertairing; and also all the estate, right, r.ir.le, interest, prop�rty, passession, clair� and demand ';,whatsoever,
<br /> which th� said Testatrix hac� in her lifeti�e, and ,�,t the ti�ae of her decease, a,nd which the said party of the first
<br /> part h�s, by virtue of the said Last Will and Testament, ar oth�rwise, of, in, or to tk�e above _granted pre�nis�s, and
<br /> every p�rt and parcel thereof, �+itl� the appurtenanccs.
<br /> TO HAVE AATD TO HOLb the said pr.e�nises, the tract of land aforedaid, with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof,
<br /> unto the said party of the seconc� part, her heirs and assigns forever,
<br /> And the said p�rty of the first part, for hintself, his heirs, executors and adr�inistrators, does covena.nt, pror�ise
<br /> and undertake to and with the said party of the second part, her heirs �.nd assigns, tha,t he is Zawfu�.ly the Executor of
<br /> the Last Will and Testa�ent of said Ar�tonie Voss, :and has power to convey as aforesaid, a�nd has in all respects acted,
<br /> in �a.king this conveyance, in pursuance of the authority grar+ted in and by the said La,st Will and Testament, and that �
<br /> he has not made, done or suffered any act, r��.tter or t�ing whatsoever, since he was Executor as aforesaid, whcreby the
<br /> ahov� gra.nted premises, or any part thereof, are, shall or 'r�ay be i�peached, charged or encun�bered, in anp �anner
<br /> whatso�ver.
<br /> Il� WITitiESS WHF.REOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his ha.nd the day a.nd year first above written.
<br /> Herbcrt F. Maycr
<br /> (�12.65 I. R. Sta�ps ) Executor of the Last Will and
<br /> ( Cancelled ) Testa�ent ef Ar�tonie Voss,dcccas�d.
<br /> STATE OF l�'EI3RASKA ) SS: On this 16th day of October, 1951, before �e, Gl�,dys L, Sinlpson, � I�otary Public, within and
<br /> C OUrTY OF HALL ) for said County, personally appeared Herbert F. Mayer, Executor of th� Estate of Antonie Vuss,
<br /> deccased, to mc known to be the iden.ti��,l person and officer r�escribed in and who executed the �bovc and foregoing in-
<br /> stru;�ent and he acknowledged the same �o be his voluntary aet and deed as such officer for the uscs and purposes �herein
<br /> anentionmd.
<br /> IN WIThES5 WHERF.OF I have hereunto set my hand and offici�l seal thc da�y and pear la,st above written.
<br /> (SEAL) Gladys L. Simpson
<br /> Coa�ission expires ,Tuly 1S, 1956 Not�,r� Public
<br /> Filed for record this 17th day of Detober, 1951, at 1:30 o�clock P.�f. p
<br /> �aG�..�. ��Y�/
<br /> R�gister of D�eds
<br /> o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—ac�o—ao—o—oo—o—o—o—o—o—o—ao—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—
<br /> KR04ti' ALL MEI�' I3Y THES� PR�;S�1�TS, That l+nna Fletcher, a widow, Mari� E, Wolf, a widow, Bernhardt Koehler, a single
<br /> n�an, �lbert Koehler and Helen Koehler, husba.nd and wife, Arnhold d. Koehler and Irene� A, Koehler, husband and wife,
<br /> Robert Koehl�r and Georgie Koehler, husband and wife, and �manda D. Schn�idt and Richard H. Schnaidt, wife and husband,
<br /> in consideration of C�I�F THOUSAA'D and N0�100 ($1,000.00) DOLL,ARS in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey
<br /> and confirm unto William t�. ?�nsen the f ollowing described real estat�, situa,ted in the County of Hall and State of
<br /> Nebraska, to-wit;
<br /> The ;;ast One-half (E2) of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), in f3lock Two (2), in South Grand Isiand, an A.ddition
<br /> to the City of Grand Island, l�ebraska, as survey�d, platt�d and recorded.
<br /> TC HAVF: 41�'D TQ HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tener�ents, Hereditar�ents and appurtenances
<br /> �.hereunto belonging, unto the said �Jilliam tA. Tensen and to his heirs and assigns forev�r. And they do hereby cov�nant
<br /> with the said Grantee and with his heirs and assigns, that they ar.e lawfully seized of said pr��ni.ses; that they are free
<br /> from encumbr ances; that they have good right anc�. lawful authority to sell the sarne; and they do hereby covenant to
<br /> warrant and def�nd th� title r,o said premises against the lawful claim.s of all persons who�soever.
<br /> I And the said Grantors do each hereby relinquish all their �state, Right, Title, Interest, Clai� or Demand
<br /> whatso�ver; including Dower, �urtesy a.nd Nor��stead nights in and to the abo�re described premises.
<br /> Sign.ed this 25th day �' September, A, D. 1951.
<br /> .10 I. ^. STAMPS
<br /> In presence of• �ClkI�t ELI�i?I? �
<br /> Fearl Laura Peterson ( Anna Fletcher
<br /> WITrIESS ro signatur��of �?nna Fletcher �,nna Fletcher
<br /> iaymo�� R. �?'ossma�, Tr• ( Marie F. �Jolf
<br /> i�'ITI�FSS to signature of Marie r. :�oTf Marie F, �dolf
<br /> F'aul C. Huston ( Bernhardt Koehler
<br /> WITRTF�S to signature of I��rnhardt ECoehler Bernhardt Koehler -1-
<br /> Paul C. Huston ( tlbert Koehler
<br /> WITI��;SS to signatures of z"tl�ert Koehler and r�elen Koehl�r ) Albert [:�aehler
<br /> ( Helen Ko�hler
<br /> L�elen I<oehler
<br /> Paul C. Hustor ( prnhold 0. Koehler
<br /> iJITIvESS to signatures of �.rripld� oehl�r ard Irene '�. Koehler ) �'zrnhold 0. Koehler
<br /> ( Irene A. Koehler
<br /> Irene �. Koehl�r
<br /> ru�ene P. Schaefer __ ( Robert Koehler
<br /> :.ti'ITI�'�SS to signatures of �obert �Coeh.ler and Geergi.e Koehler ) Robcrt Koehler
<br /> (_ C�eorgie Koehler
<br /> Georgie Koehler
<br /> Faul C. Nuston ( �ymanda D. Schrnidt
<br /> y�rITIvI�SS to signatures of :`,rnanda. D. �chmidr, ar,d T'ichard H, Schmidt � Aman a . ..c mi -"
<br /> ( �ichard t;. Scian�idt
<br /> °ichard �i. Schn�idt �
<br /> I
<br />