D D D N . 101 � ��
<br /> EE RECOR O
<br /> Together with a.11 the tene�nents, hcreditaments, �,nd appurtenances to the san�e belonging, and all of the estst�e
<br /> risht, title, interest, c�.aim and den�and whatsoever, of said grarjtor, of, in and to the same, or any pa.rt thereof.
<br /> rrIt bein.� the intention of �11 parties heretio, that in the event of the death of eithcr of said Grantees the
<br /> entire Fee Si�ple Title to the R,�al Estate described herein shall vest in the surviving Grantee."
<br /> TO HAVE AnD TO HOLD the above described pre�ise�, with the appurtenances, uMto the s�,id ,Tes�e B. Kanouff and Mary
<br /> A. K�nouff and to their heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby conenant with the �aid Jesae B. Kanouff and Mary A.
<br /> Kanouff tha,t I hold said pren�ises by good and perfect title; that I have �ood right and lawful authoritp to sell a�d
<br /> eor�vey sa,�e; that they are free and clear of all li�ns and incumbrances whatsaever. And I covenant to warrant and
<br /> defend the said pre�ise� agair�st the lawful clain�s of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> Signed thia 31st da,y of March A. �., 1950.
<br /> In presenee of ($1.10 I. R. STAMPS)
<br /> (CANCELLED ) Olga F. Palr�er
<br /> Hernsan F. Buckow
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska, )
<br /> ) ss. On this 31st day of M�rch A. D. 1950, before a�e a AIotary Public, in and for sa.id County,
<br /> Countp of Hall ) personally came the above na�ed Ol�a F. Palrner, single who is personally known to n�e to
<br /> be the identicsl person w�ose name is affixed to the above instrun�ent as grantor and she
<br /> aeknowledged sa�id instrument to be her vc>ltantary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS n�y hand and rotarial Seal the date last aforesasd�
<br /> My con�xission cxpires on the 17�f day af April A. D. 1950. (SEAL) Hern�an F. Buckt�w
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 10 day of October 1951, at 2:30 o�clock P. M. �y
<br /> �-�- �- =
<br /> 4�_ ,
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0
<br /> QUIT CLA 7NI DFED �,
<br /> THIS IND�I�?TURF, Made this 29th da.y of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and fiftp-one, betwe�n RUTH E.
<br /> BEh'JAMIl�', wife of Edwin D, I3�njar�in of the first part, and TDWII� D. Br1�IAMI�", husband of iiuth F.., Benjamin, of the
<br /> second part, WITNESS?�TH, that the said tiarty of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Ol�T DOLLAR ($1.00) and
<br /> other good and valuable consideration to her duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has remise�,
<br /> released, and quit-clair�ed, and by these present� does for herself, her heirs, exeuctors and administrators, remise,
<br /> release and f orever quit-clairn ar.� convey unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forev�r,
<br /> all her right, titl�, interest, est�te, claim and deman�l,both at law and in equity, of, in and to all the following
<br /> described real estate, situated in the County of Hall, State of I�'ebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lots Six (6) and Seven (7), in Block Seven (7) in Bo�gs and F?illTS �"sddition tp the City of Grand Is3and, Hall
<br /> County, l�Tebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> Toge'ther with all an�3 singular the hereditarnents thereunto belonging.
<br /> TQ HA��� AP'� TO HOL.D the above described. premises unto the said '�'dwin D. Benjarnin, his heirs and assigns; so that
<br /> neither Ruth ?�,. Renia�nir:, the said �rantor, nor any person in her r.ame and behalf, shall or will hereafter cl�,i.�n or
<br /> demand any rig�t or titl� to the said pre�nises or any part thereof, btit t.hey and every one of them sha.11 by these
<br /> presents be excluded ard forever barred.
<br /> Il� ti1ITr,�SS �ti'H"?r'3?0�', the sai�1 party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year above
<br /> written,
<br /> Signcd, sea.led and deliv�red in presence of
<br /> Gloriette Ganzs Rtath E. Ben jamin
<br /> Margar�t S�stergood
<br /> STAT�±, OF S outh Da.kota )
<br /> ) ss. Or, this 29'' day of Septeml�er, A. n. 1951, before me, the undersigned T. .'i. ?iielski a
<br /> Minnehaha County ) � I`Totary Public, duly comirission.ed and qualified for and residing in said county, personally
<br /> carne Ruth :�, �3er.jarnir� to rne krowr to be the identical person whose narne is affixed to
<br /> the f oregoing instrument as grantor ar.d acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> je'itness my har.d and t;otarial Seal the day an.d year last above written.
<br />, (SEl�;) ". A. '3ielski
<br /> My cornrnission<;expires the 14 day of October, 1951. Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 13 day of October, 1951, at 11:15 dclock t"�, ?", > Q
<br /> �-�..����_..,,.�
<br /> �iegister of Deeds
<br /> 0-0 - 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0
<br /> THIS nEFD, �nade this 16th day of October, 1951, by and be�Gween Herbert F. Mayer, of Grand Isl�nd, in the Count� of
<br /> Hal1, State of i�'ebraska, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Antonie Voss, deceased, late of Grand Island, in the
<br /> County of Hall, Statc of I�ebrask�,, party of the first part, and rfargaret Myrtle Eusden, of Grand Island, in the County
<br /> of Hall, State of I�ebraska, partp of the second part;
<br /> tdITI�ESSETH, that the s�.id party of the first part, .;.tht duly appointed, qualified and acting F�ecutor of said
<br /> Antonic Voss, deceased, undcr her Last Will and Testament, whieh is of record in the office of the Probate Court of Hall
<br /> County, fi�braska, by virtue of the p�er and authority granted and conferred u.pon him, under the said Will, and in
<br /> consideration of tk►e su�+ of Fleven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($11,500.00) to him paid by the party of the second
<br /> part, tt�e receipt whereof is herebp cenfessed and a.cknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, ren�ise,
<br /> release, alien, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs a.nd assigns forever, all
<br /> of the following described tract, piece anci parcel of land, si.tuate, lying and being in the County of Hall a�nd State of
<br /> N�braska., to-wit:
<br /> The W�stcrly one-half of the following tract, to wit: Fraetional Let Seven (7) i� �'ractional Block pne Ht��dre�-Fe� Ela4)
<br />