��� DE�D RECORD NO. 10�
<br /> STATE OF I�`ebraska )
<br /> ) ss. On tnis 24th day of Septernber 1951, bef ore n�e, the undersigned, a Notary' Public in and for
<br /> Hall County ) said County, personally came Sister M. Mechtildis Adrninistrator of the St. Francis Hospital
<br /> (mernber of the Franciscan Sisterhood of Nebraska) to m�e personally known to be the Adrninistrator
<br /> and the identical person whose narne is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his
<br /> voluntary act and deed as such officer. and the valuntary act and deed of the said Franciscan Sisterhood, and that the
<br /> Corporate seal of the said Francisca.n Sisterhood was thereto affixed by its author�.ty.
<br /> t�itness rny hand and I�Totarial Seal at Grand Island, Neb. in said county the day and year last above written. �
<br /> I�1y con�mission expires the 23rd day of March 1956. (SEAL) Sister M. A�atha Eti�ell
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 6 day of October 1951, at 8:30 o�clock A. M.
<br /> �w
<br /> Register of Dceds /9
<br /> Cb'� �j,�°--� - "`��
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> C orporation V1�,rrant�y Deed �.
<br /> KNOZ�T ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That PLATTE VALLEY DE'JELOP?I�IEENT C0. a corporation organiz�d and
<br /> exis�ing under and oy virtue of the lati•rs of the S�at� of NEBRASKA, for and 3.n c onsideration of the
<br /> sum of One Dollar and other vaZ°aable cons3derations ici hand pa3.d does hereby gr�nt, b�rga3n, sell
<br /> and convey unto Fra��L D. Gion the follot�ing deacribed real estate, situated in �he County of HALL
<br /> and State of NEBRI�SKA, to-t,rS t :
<br /> Lot Eleven (11.) in B�ock TVTO (2 ) in Meves First Addition to the City of Grand Taland,
<br /> Ha11 County, Ne'c�raska ass surveyed, platted and recorded;
<br /> SUBJECT TO the restrictions as shown in Book "D" , Page z38, in the office of the regis�er
<br /> of Deeds, Hall County , Nebraska
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the aforesaid appurt�nances, unto the
<br /> sa.id grante�s as JOINT TENANTS, and no� as tenan�s in common, �,nd to their assi�ns, or �o the
<br /> heir� and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and the grantor herein, for itself and i�a
<br /> successors does covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and t�rith the h�irg �
<br /> and assi�ns of the survivor of them tha� it is 1�.�,rfully seized of said x�remises; tha� they are
<br /> f ree f rom encumbrance and that said grantor has good titl� to and good right and lawful authori'�y
<br /> to convey the sa.me and it does hereby covenan'� �o w�.rrant and �'orever defend said premi ses unto
<br /> the grantees named herein a,nd unto their assi�ns and unto the heirs and assigns of the aurvivor of
<br /> them, forever, against tne lawful claims of a1i persons t�rhomsoever, excluding the excevtions named
<br /> he rein.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF the �aid grantor has caused �his inetru��nt to be executed by its president
<br /> and its cor�orate seal to be afflxed hereto.
<br /> I
<br /> Signed this 2bth day of June A.D. 1951 1.10 T.R. Stamps
<br />� ( Cancell�d ) PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0.
<br /> I A Corpora�ion
<br /> In the Presence of (CORP)
<br /> (SEAL) By D.H. Meve� Pres3.dent
<br />� Winifred Clark
<br /> Attest A.J. Guendel Secretary
<br /> ) ss. On this 2oth day of June 19�1, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> ) Public in and for said County, personally came D. H. Meves, Presiden�
<br /> of the Platte Va�.ley Develo_pment Co. , a cor7�oration �o me personally known to be �he Presiden� and
<br /> the identical person �,rhose name is affixed to the above conveyance, and acknowledged �he execution
<br /> thereof to be his voluntary a,ct �.nd de�d as such officer and the voluntary act and de�d of �he said
<br /> Platte Valley Developnent Co. , and that the Corporate seal of the said Plat�e Valley Development Co. ,
<br /> w�ts there�o affixed by itg author3.�y.
<br /> Witneas my ha.nd and Notarial Sea1 at Grand Island �.n said county the day and year �as� above
<br /> ��ri�ten.
<br /> My Comm3.ss�.on ex}�ires the lOth day of November 19��.
<br /> ( SEAL) Lida Di,et z
<br /> No�ary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 9 day of October 1951, at 9:�5 o� clock A.M. ���� _
<br /> 0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-y0-0-0-�0- r0op_Deed��
<br /> Know All Men. By These Presents: THAT I, Olga F, Paln�er (single) of Haall County, and State of Nebraska in consideration
<br /> of the sum of One Dollar and other sufficient DOLLARS, in hand paid bp Jesse B. Kanouff and Mary A. Kanouff, (husband
<br /> and wife) of Hall County, and State of rebrask�, do hcrcby grant, bargain sc11, conv�y, and confirm unto the said Jes�e
<br /> B. Kanouff and Mary A. Kanouff gs joint tenants and not as ttnants in co�on �he follcc�win� described pre�ises, situated in
<br /> the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Lot One (1) and �,►o (2), in I31ock ttF�t, in. Park View Subdivision of a part of the West half of the ATorthwest
<br /> quart�r of Section 28, and the east he.lf of the northeast quarter of Section 29, both in Tan,mship 11, North,
<br /> Range 9 West of the 6th P. M., as surveyed, platted, and recorded, sub,iect, hc�wever, to the follawing conditions
<br /> and restrictions, each and all of which shall be and remain in full foree and effcct, as eovenanta runni�g with
<br /> the land, until the first daq of May, 1953, na.mely: That said pre�niscs are sold f or residcntial purposes
<br /> on1p; that no building shall be moved onto s�id pren+ises without th� written consent of the Lots in the blc�ek
<br /> w�ere it is proposed to re�ove such building,, th�et any building erected or placed on said pren�iaes shall be
<br /> 35 feet or more fron+ the street on which said pre�nises fronts; that no residence �hall be erected on said
<br /> prcmises at a cost of less thafl $2500.00, that said premiscs shall not be sold, rented, or leased, to any
<br /> person or persons other than persans of the white or Caucasion race; that no swine s�aa.11 be kept or n�aintained ,
<br /> on said pren�ises; said pre�nises are a`lso conveyed aubject ta an easement fif scven feet along the western<�line I
<br /> and Fourteen feet over the rear of said pre�nises uilic� is ded2cated for public utility purposes, and testrictivc
<br /> agree�ents recorded Septe�nber 4, 1940, Boek �tT«, Page 187, Office of Hall County Register of Deeds. I
<br />