- �- ��l� DEED RECORD NO. l 01
<br />, of these presents it is lawfully seized of said prernises; that it has good xight and lawful authority to convey the
<br /> I sarne; that they are free from encumbrance does hereby covenant to warrant and defcnd the said premises against the
<br /> lawful ciairns of aII persors whomsoever.
<br /> IN WI'PI�'ESS WEIEREOF, thc said PLATTE VALLEY DEVFLOPMEr'T CO., a corporation has hereunto caused its corporate
<br /> seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its President the day and year first abov� written.
<br /> ,
<br /> Signed, sealed a.nd delivered in presence of
<br /> ($1.65 I. R. STAMPS) (CORP) Platte Vall�y Development Co. �
<br /> A,. J. Guendel (CAI�C�LLED ) (SEAL)
<br /> By D. H, Meves, Pres.
<br /> (ss. On this 20th day of September 1951, before rne, the un3ersigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br /> HALL County ) said County, personally came D. H. Meves, President of thc PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO.,
<br /> A Corporation to mc peraonally known to be the President and the identical person whose
<br /> name is affiaced to the above conveyance, and aclmawledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such
<br /> officer and the voluntary act and deed of the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO., a Corporation, and that the Corporate
<br /> seal of the said PLATTE VALLFY DF..VF,LOPMENT C0. was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Tsland in said county the d� and year Iast above written.
<br /> My commission expires the lOth day of Iv'ovember, 1954. (SEAL) Lida Dietz
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Filed for record this 2 day of October 1951, at 11:55 otclock A. M. _s� ��'����
<br /> �
<br /> Register of Deeds
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<br /> Know All Men by these Presents: That ��hereas, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of
<br /> Nebraska, within and for Hall County, wherein Platte Valley Development Co., a Corporation is Pla�ntiff, and Dclmar
<br /> D. Wilcox, Dorothy M, Wilcox, et al, in Case No. 11642 are Defendants, it was by said Court at the January Term thereof,
<br /> A. D., 1951, to-wit, on the 12th day of July A. D., 1951, considered, adjudged, and decreed that in default of the
<br /> payrnent to the �lerk of the District Court of the costs of said action, and to the plaintiff and other defendants in said
<br /> action the arn�ounts f ound du� in said Decree within 20 days frorn the date of such judgrnent and decree, that the equity
<br /> of redem�tion of each and all of said defendants in and to the lands and tene�e�nts hereinafter described be foreclosed
<br /> and forever barred, and that the Sheriff of said Hall County cause the lands and tenen�ents hereinafter described to be
<br /> .
<br /> advertised, and sold according to law, and whereas the said defendant having made default therein Ezra H. Stobbe as
<br /> �
<br /> Sheriff of said County, under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him directed, did, on the 20th day of August
<br /> A. D., 1951, at the Court House in the City of Grand Isla.nd, I�'ebraska, in said County of Ha11, (the same being the
<br /> �place wherein the District Court was last held in said �ounty}� having first given due and legal notice of the time
<br /> and place of said sale, for not less than thirty days prior thereto, in the The Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal
<br /> newspaper printed and in general circulation in said County of Hall, sell the said prernises at public auction to Bertye
<br /> L. Welch and Willis W, ti4elch� wife �nd husband, as joint tenants and not�as tenants in conunon with right of survivorship
<br /> (they being the highest and best bidder therefor) for the sum of THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN and 66�1.00
<br /> DOLLARS, which sale was afterwards at the January Term of said Cou�t, A. D., 1951, examined and confirmed, and the said
<br /> Ezra H. Stobbe, as Sheriff of said County, was ordered to ex�cute a deed of said pren�ises to the said Bertye L. Welch
<br /> and Willis W. Welch, wife and husband as joint tenants and not as tenants in co�anon with right of survivorship
<br /> NOW, THERFFORE, I, the said Ezra H. Stobbe, as Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, in pursuance of the order of said
<br /> Cot�r�, as aforesaid in consideration of the premis�s, and by virtue of the powers in �e vest�d by law, do hereby give
<br /> grant, and convey unto the said Bertye L, Welch and Willis W, �Jelch, wife and husband, as joint tenants and not as
<br /> tenants in conunon with right of survivorship.
<br /> It being the intention of all partics hereto, that in the event of the death of eithcr of said grantees, the
<br /> entire fee sin�pl� titl� to the rcal estat� described herein shall vest in the surviving grantee.
<br /> and assigns, the premises sold as af oresaid, to wit: All of' Lot Ttiaenty-two (22) Block Three (3), in Meves First
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebra�ca with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging
<br /> to have and to hold unto the said Bertye L. Welch and Willis W. t�ielch, wife and husband, as joint tenants and not
<br /> as tenants in cor�anon with right of survivorship and their and�?_a;ssigns forever.
<br /> Ilv WITNESS Wf�F'�FOF, I have, as such Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, hereunto set �ay hand this 24th day of September
<br /> A. D, 1951.
<br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of
<br /> Margaret Kozal Ezna H. Stobbe
<br /> Winifred Cla.rk Sheriff:;.of Hall County
<br /> ) ss. Qn this 24th day of Septe�b�r, A. D., 1951, bef ore me Max E. Mo�es a District Clerk duly
<br /> Hall County ) elected and qualified for said County, personally appeare� F,zra H. Stobbe, Sheriff of said
<br /> County, to me l�nown to be the identical person described in and who executed the f oregoing
<br /> instrurnent as grantor, and acknowledged said instru�e,n� to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff.
<br /> II�T WITNESS t+!HF.REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Grand Island, 1�'ebraska, in said County, the day and
<br /> year last abovc writtei . .
<br /> (.'SEAL ) Ma�c E. Moses
<br /> Clerk of the District Court
<br /> Filed f or record ' : October 3, 1951, at 2:45 o�clock P. M, ���/ ��
<br /> Register of Deeds
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