,� °'� .
<br /> � t'3M�4. . . „ • ... ..v ayk7�?►yw.'..,.r:/5-. , ._.. . '-��� '�•'� �++_��
<br /> ' _ _—��ALwut- . .. . . . n . . .
<br /> ....__._...... —__...___' �.. .
<br /> � _�r� ��__
<br /> . • rxiaz�z�� ���,�� 97,,, �(1�3�3`7' .
<br /> Cnmmanc:inq c�� Narthaunt aorn�r of I'raatianal Lc�t 10,
<br /> �oclar Prixk Add1��.on, in thc� Ci�y of Grand Ialand, Hall
<br /> CaunCy, Nobr�aka, and running southoa�torly on tha E�starly
<br /> lina of eai.d Fr�ationA2. Lat lo and Wc�sterly line of'
<br /> { Wa�hingtan Straot, A dis�anaa oQ 65, 8 Feet to the �?�int of
<br /> boginniny, f:yie►ice deflc�c�it�g P.ight 90 Deqr��� �nd r.unning
<br /> . Wosterly to the point oP inters�ction with the line between
<br /> said Cedar Park Addition and Frac�ior.al Lot 17, County
<br /> ....�+�' Subdivis�.on, in the Southwost Quarter (sWl/�) o� Saction 16,
<br /> �•���••�""�� Township 11 Nor�h, Range 9 West, in the City of Grand
<br /> . Island, HaZl County, Nebraska, a distanca of 10.1 Feet�
<br /> . thence running E�stezly on said �.ine beta�een Cedar Park -.
<br /> � Addition end Fractional Lot 17, Cnunty �ubdivision a ,��=
<br /> � distance of 20.7 Feet i-o the Eastarly ].ine of said �';�=
<br /> Fractional Lot 10� Cedar Park Addition and Fractional Lot ' .'•�=
<br /> 17, County Subdivision, also being the Wes�texly line of '`'"_'
<br /> ��.
<br /> . Washingtan Stxe�t; thence running Northwesterly on said ��"
<br /> �;�_-.
<br /> � Westerly line of Washington Street a distance of 10 Fee� to __
<br /> �• the point of beqxnning.
<br /> �� ��;
<br /> AND ��_`
<br /> A tract of land in tlze f
<br />- Ci�y of Grand Island, Nebraska, beinq a part of Lot °
<br /> . seventeen (17) in County Subdivision in the Southeast ___
<br /> � Quartar of the Soutwest Quarter (SE1/4SW1/4) of Section -
<br /> . Sixteen (16), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine ( 9) ,
<br /> r West of the 6tt1 P.M. in
<br /> : •'',,;:�:'; Hall County, Nebrasxa, more particula�-Iy i.iab�iibGU as
<br /> , ' <-�: : follows a
<br />�" ������ '� � Beginninq at the Northwesterly cornar of the in�ersection of
<br />-^f,�''�'�•;�i--:
<br />_�.;.k'.,;;:'.:'. .. Washington Street and Koenig in said City; thence running
<br />_�.�.�:•.� southwesterly on the Northerly line of Koenig Street Por a
<br />'"'=�" `` � � distance o� 52.8 feet to the Southeasterly aorner of Lot 9
<br /> ����"=� in Cedar Park Addttion to said City; tk�ence runn3nq
<br />�`--Ji�� Northerly on th� Easterly line o� said Lot 9 for a dist.ance —
<br /> °`=--�— of 85.5 feet to the SouthwFaterly corner of Lot 10 in said
<br />�-�-�-:e� Cedar Park Addition; thence running Easterly on tha '
<br /> ,.u•_
<br />-=-�°ia�.� Southerly line
<br />� ��--��-�— of said Lot l0 for a distance o£ 60 .4 fe�t, more or le�s, to
<br /> _____�`�� �he 5outheasterly cor.ner of said Lot 1.0; thence running
<br /> Souther3y on the Souther].y prolongation of the Easterly line
<br /> - - - �— of said 1,ot 10, also being the Westerly line of said
<br /> — - — Washington Str�et, for a distance of 56.2 £eet to the point
<br /> ---= of beginning.
<br /> ___---------�:� -
<br /> —___ -_-- Exceptinq a aertain tract therefrom as recorded in
<br /> ""T�= Warranty Deed as Document No. 93-106422 in the Itegister of
<br /> -�--_- -- Deeds Office.
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