D D D NO. 101 ��
<br /> �� RECOR _
<br /> STATE OF A��3RASKA )
<br /> )SS. On this 4th day of April, A. D., 1951, before me, the undersigned a notary public,
<br /> COUI�TY OF HALL ) duly commissioned and qualified f or and residing in said county, personally came Anna
<br /> Frances Krall, single; Gertrude Krall, single; Fdward Kra�l and Bernice Krall, his wife
<br /> Herman Krall and Lottie Krall his wife; and Robert A. Krall and Bessie F. Krall, his wife, to me known to be the
<br /> identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors, and acknowledged said instrument
<br /> to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) Carl E. Willard
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> My commission expires the fifth day of September, A. D., 1953.
<br /> STATE OP' TFXAS �
<br /> � SS. On this 2nd day of April, 1951, before me, a Notary Public duly qualified for and
<br /> COUNTY OF ,]EFFERSON � residing in said county, personally came Margaret Duby and Frank Duby, wife and husband,
<br /> to me known to be the identical persons described in and who executed the foregoing
<br /> conveyance as grantors, and they each a�knowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and nTotarial Seal at Beaumont in said county the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) �'Y�omas E. Garrett
<br /> rit commission expires June 1951, Notary Public in and for Jefferson
<br /> County, Texas
<br /> Filed for record this 16 day of April �:1951 at 3:45 o�clock P.M. �i�/��/
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> �
<br /> o-o=o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> 1dARRt11�TY DFFD--Vesting Fr.tire Title ir �urvivor
<br /> KNOW ALL MEfi BY THFSF. PRESFUTS, That Haxold Philli.p Sto�at and Delores St.out, h��sband and wi.fe; Maxine I. Compton,
<br /> a si.ngle person; and Donna rtay Stout Gc+rin anci Forrest Gorin k�ife and husban�; and Floyd Allan Steut and Pauline
<br /> S�e�zt, husbar.3 a��d wzfe ir. consaderatior. of Qne nolla.r and other valizable consideration DOLi�12S in hand paid, do
<br /> hereby yra.nt, bargain, sell., com�ey anei confirm unto Floyd Allan Sto�it and Pauline Stout, husband and wife as
<br /> JOII�TT TFIvANTS, ard not as tenants in ccmmen; the fo].lowing described real estate, situated in the County of Hall
<br /> and State of 'VPbraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lo*s 1.58 and 15i, F3elmont Addition to the City ef Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nehraska
<br /> together with a11 the ter.emQnts, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belongir.;, and all the estar,e, title,
<br /> dower, right of homestcad, claim or demar.d whatsoever of the said �rantors, of, in or to the sa.me, or any part
<br /> ±hereof; su�ie�t to
<br /> TO HAVr ANn TO HOLD the abol*e descr.ibed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said orantees as J07NT
<br /> TFNANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assibns of the survivor of them,
<br /> forever, and the3* the grantors r,�mcd herezn for themselves and thezr heirs, executors, and administrators, do
<br /> covenant with the grantees named herein and wi.th their a.ss.igns ar.d with the heirs and assi.gns of the survi��or of
<br /> them, that they are lawfull.z- seizea of said pr�mises; that they arc free from in.cumbra.n�e except as stated herein,
<br /> and that the.�T *he sai3 grantors have ;ood right and lawful authority to sell the same, and r,hat they will and their
<br /> heirs, esecutors and administra*ors shal.t �varrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their
<br /> assigns and unto their heirs and assi.gns of the survivar of them, forever, agai.nst the l.awful claims of all persans
<br /> whomsoever, excludinb the exception^ named herein.
<br /> II� W�TNF�S WHFREOF we have hereunto set our hands this 4th day of April, �. D. 1950
<br /> (�.55 I. R. STArfPS) Donr.w May Stout Gorin Narold Phil7ip Stou*
<br /> (Cancelled ) ForreSt Gorin Delores Stout
<br /> Flopd :�111ar Ctout Maxire I. Compton
<br /> Pauline Stout
<br /> STATE OF Iv'ehraska )
<br /> )ss. On this 4th µa3• of ^pri_1 ^.. D. 1�5�J, befcre mc, u �?otary Public, ir. and for said Count3r,
<br /> County of Hall 1 l2rscna,lly came *he abc.•:, named Floy� A11an Stout and Pauline Stout, husband and wife
<br /> who are personally knoGm to me to be the identical persons whose rames are affired to
<br /> the above instrument as grantors, and they acknowledged sa.id instrument to be their voluntar}* act and deed.
<br /> E�'ITNFSS my hand ar.d ?�Totarial �ea� the �a.te ]_ast aforesaid.
<br /> (SF.AL) nonal.d H, t�ea��er
<br /> My commission expires c+n the l�t day of December A. D. 1951 rotarv Public.
<br />, State of Ca7_ifornia 1
<br /> lss.
<br /> County of 5an Francisca ) On this l0th day of April'1950, before me' a Notary Public in and for said Count,y,
<br /> persona�ly.�ame, the abo�e nam�t� H�rold Phillip�Stout and Delores Stout,, husband
<br /> and wif�►, who are persona]ly known to me t� b� the identical �ers�ns whose names are affi�ted to the above instrument
<br /> as grantcrs and they acicnowl�dge3 sai3 instru;,tent ;,o he their volurtary act and deed.
<br /> in�ITNFSS my hand a��d ^'c;,arial Seat the da.te Zast aforesaid.
<br /> (S�^L) T.illian B. McKevin
<br /> Uy C�'TL'rilSS1On exlires 9th day of �;overrher 1�5�. �?otary Public
<br /> li 6 6 n' :: :. :� �.- '� :. � ii :: .: i: � :: :� �� i: �: �C 'r� �: ia i.- '.a �C :i '� rC �� �� �� i� ..' ri i.- ri '�L Y i� 'i� .0 i� �� :� 'i�' n �C � �: n :: � ��
<br /> State of Kansas )
<br /> )ss On this 18th day of April 1950, before me a �'c�ta.ry Public in and for said County,
<br /> County of Geary ) personal.ly came the above named Donna *�ay Stout Gorin and Forrest Gorin, wife and husband,
<br /> who are personally knokn to me to he the a.�entical persons whose names are affixed to
<br /> the above instrument as grantors and they a.cknowledged said instr�unent to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ���IT!�ESS my n�.na and !�Totaria7 �ea.l the date Iast �foresaid.
<br /> (SF..AL) , Waneta F. Leenard
<br /> My c�mmission expires 22nd day of October 1951 Notary Pu�Tic
<br />