���� DEED RECORD NO. 101
<br /> John �. Baudend.istel and Helen A. Baudendistel, husband and wife, as Joint Tenants and not as tenants in common,
<br /> and with right of survivorship, a deed conveying said lands to them as such J'oint Tenants in fee simple; ,
<br /> NOW, TH�RFFORE, I, C�erald T3. Buechler, Referee, in consideration of the premises and the sum of $5,$50.0� �o bid
<br /> and paid by said John E. Baudendistel and Helen A. Baudendistel, husband and wife, a� Joint Tenants, and not as
<br /> tenants in common, and with right of survivorship between them, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law,
<br /> 2 do by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the said John E. �3audendistel and Helen A.. Baudendistel, husband
<br /> and wife, as Joint Tenants and not as tenants in common, and with right of survivorship between them, and to .their
<br /> assigns, or to the heirs of the survivor of them, the following described real estate, to wit:
<br /> Lot Three (3) in Block Sixteen (16) in Wallichs� Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br /> TO HAVE AA'D TO HOLD the same to them, the said John E. Baudendistel and Helen A. Iiaudendistel, husband and
<br /> wife, as Toint Tenants and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs of the survivor of them,
<br /> -f orever,
<br /> IN WITI�ESS L�f-iERFOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of riarch, 1951.
<br /> In presence of (�6.60 I. R. STAI�tPS) Gerald fi. Buechler,
<br /> (Cancelled ) Referee
<br /> Selma C. Dahlke
<br /> )SS; On this 12th day of rfarch, 1951, before the undersigned a Notary Public in and for
<br /> COU1�'TY OF HALL ) Hall County and the State of 1�Tebraska, personally appeared Gerald B. Buechler,
<br /> Referee, of Hal1 County, Nebraska, who is personally known to me at1d to me known
<br /> to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing deed as grantor, and acknowledged the execution
<br /> ��ereof to be his volurtary act and deed as such Referee and for the purposes therein set forth.
<br /> �dITNESS my hand and seal this 12th day of Niarch, 1951. _
<br /> (S�AL) Dan _j. Mara
<br /> ?ty commission expires 12 August 1954. Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 12th day of rfarch 1951, at 3:20 o�clock P.T1.
<br /> J e1�
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�
<br /> KNOW ALL M�I� BY TI�E �'ItE�Ebl`PS:
<br /> THAT Artbnr J. Lc� ry and Edith Lawry, his wife; Ethel M. Larrr�r, s single waman; Francis �. Lo�rry and 1�l�elissa
<br /> Lc�rry, his vrife; Clarence A. Lcywry and I. I�ot�ise Lc�ry� hia wife; I�y�c►nd W. Still aad Erlene Still, hia Wife;
<br /> Beuford �. Still 'and Elreno I. Still, hia �ife of the Co�nt, of `� a�d State cf for aad i� ceasideration
<br /> of the ama of On� and ao/1�� DOLLARS and ut�er vaivable cunsideration in h�nd paid do henbT ffirant, baraain, sell,
<br /> conve� and cc�afir� �nto Trne�t �1. Jo�aaon and Kathr.yn A. Johnaos, husband and Wife, or ia the event of the death of
<br /> either of them, to the snrvi�or, a�d nndivided une half share arad to I�erle T. ,jahnson, an ondivided one half ahare
<br /> af the �o�ant� of Hc�rard and State of �ebraska the follc�ring deacribed real estat� sit�ated f� ia Hall Co�nty,
<br /> and Stste of �ebraska to-�it:
<br /> The east one half of Seetion five (5), in taarnship twel�e (12), Ncrth, range ele�en (11), Weat of the
<br /> Sixth P. �I.
<br /> TU HAVE AND T� H�I.iD the pre�ises abeve described, to�ether with all the Tene�e�ts, Heredita�e�ts and appartenaaces
<br /> there�anto belea�ing, anto the said grantees and to thefr heir3 a�d assigns forever. And we da hereby cot�nsnt �►ith
<br /> the said �rantees aad with their beirs and a�si�s, that r�e are la�fully seized of ssid premiaes; t�at they are free
<br /> frv� eac�branc� that we have goeci right and lawful snthority to �ell the same; and �c do hereby ccvenaat to wsrra�t
<br /> a�d defenc� the title to said premiaes a�ainst the laWfnl. clai�as cf all persons �ho�soever.
<br /> And the aaid grantors hereby relinquishes all oP th�ir ri�hta and cla,ia� in and to the abore de��ribed premisds.
<br /> (�12.10 I. R. STAMPS) Signed this 3rd dsy of Febr�ary, A. D. 1951
<br /> (Canc�lled ) In Presenee of Arthtu� J. Latrr, Edith I�r�
<br /> W. E. Sore�ae� Framcis W. Lo�wr� �telissa La�rry
<br /> RayeMOnd W. Stiil 6 �rlc�ne Still
<br /> Bec�ford C. Still Elrenb I. Still
<br /> Clsreace A. Lc�wry I. I:oeise Lcx+r�
<br /> " Ethel I�. Lo�r�
<br />, STA'PE f>F,Nebraski )
<br /> )ss. On this 3rd day of �'ebrnar,, A. H. 1951, before �e, the �ad�rsi6ned W. E. Sorenaen
<br /> Hali Co�aty ) � Notary Fablic, de�l� cc�issioned aad qualified far and residing i� msid conntT,
<br /> persoaallT can�e Clarence A. L�rry and I. Lonise Len;rrj, huabsad aad wtPt to s� k�vrn
<br /> to be the fdentica.l persona �hcae namem are sffized to the foregoing in�tr�ent as arantars and acknc�rlcdged the ss�e
<br /> tc be tbeir valuetarp act and deed.
<br /> i�itness s� l�and and Notarial Seal the diy and �ear laat abave written.
<br /> (SEAL) W. E. Soreasen
<br /> l�otar�r Pmblic
<br /> I�d� c�wiasic►a expires the 24t� d�� oY Jal', 1955
<br /> S?ATE 0F Ahio )
<br /> )sa. E1n this 22nd daf of F'ebruary, A. D. 1951, b�fore xe, the �alersf�n�d Ae�a I�iederet�yer
<br /> Gq�►►�thog� �c�nt� ) a �otary Pablic, d�ly coasiaaioned aad qaalified for a�d rdsfdia� in ssid cot�ntT,
<br /> personally caa� Beufcrd �. Still and Elreno I. Still. tc ae k�arn to be tl�e idetttical
<br /> per�pas x+hese naus atF3zed tc the f�regoin� inatr�eat s�d ack�c�led�ed the sa�e to b� their iola�tary act u�d deed.
<br /> Witnes� �► hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above �ritten.
<br /> (S�AL) Ann �tieder�e�er
<br /> �otary P�blic
<br /> I� Cc�wisaion �xpires ��,�. �2, 1952
<br /> ,
<br />