�►�� DE�D RECORD NO. 101
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREO�', we have hereunto set our hands this 3 day of July, ].950.
<br /> In presence of ($7.70 I. R. STAMPS) Fred W. Gulzow ,
<br /> (Cancelled ) Carolyn K. Gulzaw
<br /> ) SS. On this 3 day of JuZy, 1950, before the undersigned, a notary public, in and for said
<br /> nt ersonall came the above named Fr�d W. Gulzow and Carolyn K. Gulz�r, husband
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) cou y, p Y
<br /> and wife, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are
<br /> affi.xed to the above instrument a9 grantors, ar�ci severally acknowledg�d said instrument to be their voluntary act
<br /> and deed. � �
<br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the date last aforesaid. �� . _
<br /> (SEAL) Wm. Suhr
<br /> l�otary Public.
<br /> My Commission Expires Feb. 17, 1951
<br /> Filed for record this 1 day of March 1951, at 2:45 ofclock P.M. (��^ ��
<br /> Register of Deeds
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<br /> That The Island Realty Company, a corporation, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the
<br /> State of Nebraska, at Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, in consideration of the surrender and cancellation of all
<br /> the outstanding stock of this corporation,. the cancellation of indebtedness of this corporation to them and the
<br /> assumption by them of the outstanding obligations of this corporation which has been consumated, has sold and by
<br /> these presents does hereby grant, convey and confirm unto Fred I3. �Jinter and L. E. Ray, both of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, as tenants in common, share and share alike, the following described premises situated in Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Lot Eleven (11) of Riverside Farm Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty-nine (29}
<br /> in Townshi� Eleven (11) North, Range I�ine (9) West of the 6th P. M., also part of the i�est Half of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter (W2SE4) of Section Twenty-nine (29) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), �aest of the 6th P. M.,
<br /> more particularly described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of
<br /> said Section Twenty-nine (29), and running thence North along the west line of said southeast quarter, Ninety-one
<br /> and three-sevenths (91 3�?) rods, thence east Sixty (60) rods, thence south Ninety-one and Three-sevenths (91 3�7)
<br /> rods to the south line of said Section, thence west along said south line Sixty (60) rods to the place of beginning,
<br /> subject, however, to the right-of-way of the St. ,joseph � Grand Island Raal.�tay Company,
<br /> and
<br /> Commencing at a point 1326 feet west and 3I55.2 feet South of the hortheast Corner of Section 29, in Township 11,
<br /> North, Range 9, West of the 6th P. M., and running South 612.9 feet along the one-siacteenth section line; thence
<br /> west 1251.8 feet to the right-of-way of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railway Company; thence 1�'orth 616.9 feet along
<br /> the right of way of said St. Joseph and Grand Island Railway Company, thence East 1255.7 feet to the point of begin-
<br /> ning, and containing 17.7 acres, a little more or less, said tract being located upon the Northwest Quarter of the
<br /> South�sast Quarter �I�'��yS�4) of Section 29, '�ownship 11 N. Range 9, West of the 6th P. M.,
<br /> and
<br /> The l�ortheast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (nE4S�a4) and the South half of the Northwest Quarter (S2N�d4) of .
<br /> Section. Four (4), Township Ten (10), North, Range Ten (10), �dest of the 6th P. M.
<br /> and
<br /> That certain Tract of land consisting of Sixty (60) acres of the South part of Lots Seven (7), Nine (9) and Ten (10),
<br /> in Section Six (6), Towr.ship I�Tine (9), North of Range ten (10), West of the 6th P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, bounded
<br /> on the south by the South Ckann.el of the Platte River, and on the north by a straight line run due west to east to
<br /> a point where it intersects the said Platte River and more fully described as follows; Commencing at the Southwest
<br /> corner of said Section Si�c (6), which is designated by a mark on the floor of the bridge located at that point, and
<br /> rulnning north along the west side of Lot ten (IO) a distance of 25922 feet ro a point 67 feet 2 inches west of an
<br /> iron pipe; thence runnirg in an easterly direction 3350 feet 4 inches to an iron pipe on the north bank of said
<br />�� Platte River; thence following the north hank of said Platte River to a point where it intersects the west line of
<br />! said Lot Ten (10) the intention being to convey that part of the above described premises lying east of the public
<br /> road, and accretions belonging thereto,
<br /> I'i and
<br />� The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-T'rao (32); also the North Half of the Southwest Quarter and
<br /> the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty-three (33), {except the right-of-way of the Union
<br /> Pacific Railroad Company where laid across said tracts), all being in Township �leven (11) North, Range Ten (10)
<br /> West of the Sixth Principal Meridian (except a strip of land 80 feet in width parallel with and adjacent to the
<br /> North line of the right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company where laid through the A�'orth Half of the
<br /> Southwest Quarter of Section. Thirty-three (33), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the Sixth
<br /> i Principal Meridian, containing 4,22 acres, more or less; and except a piece or parcel of land situate in and being
<br /> all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-two (32), Tawnship Eleven (11),
<br /> 1�'orth, Range Ten (10) �Jest of the Siutth Principal Meridian lying northerly of the northwest.erly line of the right-
<br /> of way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company which is a straight line that is parallel with and 200 feet distan��;
<br /> northw�sterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of the South�rly, or east bound, main tract of said
<br /> Railramd Company, as now constructed and operated, lying southerly and southwesterly of a line that is parallel
<br /> with and 50 feet distant northerly and northeasterly, measured radially, from the center line of the east leg of
<br /> w�e tract of said Railroad, as now surveyed, located and staked out upon the ground, whieh is a curved line, concave
<br /> northeasterly and having a radi�,sof 764.49 feet, intersecting the west line of said Southeast Quarter of Southeast
<br /> Quarter at a point thereon approximately 462 feet distant north of the southwest corner thereof, measured alon� said
<br /> west line, and intersecting said northwesterly line of the right-of way of said Union Pacific Railroad Company at
<br /> a point thereon approximately 381 feet distant northeasterly from the west line of said Southeast Quarter of South-
<br /> east Quarter, measured along said northwesterly line of right-of-way, containing an area of 1.5 acres, more or less.)
<br /> A tract�, of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter �SE4NW4� of Section 'i�+enty-one (21) in Tcn,mship
<br /> Eleven (,11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P. M. more particularly described as follows, to wit: ,
<br /> Commencing at a point on the southerly boundar� Iine of Anna Street in the City of Grand Island, 1�Tebraska, where
<br /> the same would be intersected by the easterly boundar� line of Monroe Street (e�ctended) running thence in a south-
<br /> easterly direction along the easterly boundary line of Monroe Street, if extended, for a distance of Three Hundred
<br /> (30d) feet, thence at right angles in. a southwesterly direction, parallei with the southerly boundary line of Anna
<br /> Street, in said city, for a distance of Two Hundred Fift�-eight (���� feet, thence at right angl�s in a northwesterly
<br /> direction parallel with the east�rly boundary line of Monroe Street, if extended, f or a distance of three hundred
<br /> (3Q0) feet, thence at right angles in a northeasteriy direc�ion, �pon and along the southerly boundary line of Anna
<br /> Street, for a distance of �wo-Hundred Fifty-eight (258) feet to the place of�beginning, containing 1.7? acres, a
<br /> little more or less,
<br /> and
<br />