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<br /> �� DEED OF TRUST �4---
<br /> ,, , 1997• The .
<br /> —_ { _— T:-!!°.'J� �TAII.cT�•Sacurkv InsWmenYl b made on�EbrUNN 26t11 ?
<br /> �` _. ...�e,... .� �r �_o �tn�_ 1 NEBRA 88803 �-
<br /> ��� ("BOrrower") 7rie trustee is NITED NEBFlA�w e+wriii i"uv � .•��� �
<br /> ' �� (�rrustee").T►�e beneflc�erY�s NITED NEBR BAN ,end whose eddres8 is
<br /> whbh IS orpNf�Bd Wtd exf5thp undet the laws of NEBRA �.���•�,
<br /> 7�0 tl WHBB RD GRAND ISUIND, NE 68803_
<br /> Borrower owes Under the prncipal sum of i Six Th4uaand even undre nn 0 100
<br /> DoN4rs N.S.i 6 70Q.OQ 1. Thls debt Is evWencad by Borrowefs note dated the
<br /> ! . � . � d�a ,d� thls Secur'�ty Instrument ('Note'). �"Th�3'e�cu kY����m�^t sepcureto I.enkder:(e)rthe repaYment of the debt evlden od
<br /> ;� psyable on Msrch 1 2027
<br /> , by the Note,wkh htorest,and all renewals. extensbns end modNkatbns of the Note;(b)the payment of all other sums,wRh interest,
<br />-`� advanced under parapraph 7 to protect the security o!thb Seaurity Insuument; and (c)the periortnence ot Borrowe�'s aovsn�nts end
<br />` � �yrssrnents. For thb purpose, Bottower krevoc�b�y prents and conveys to Trustee, h Wat, wRh power o1 sale, the Ioibwhy
<br /> ? d�sCrbed proprty foc4ted In HALL County,Nebraska:
<br /> �`f` :' ' °��?�� .' THE SOUTH SE1I�NTY FEET�(70) OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE FJ1ST HALF(N1/2E1/2 OF BLOCK _
<br />:,:' �" NINE�(9)W��ST OF�THE 6TH�P.M., HALL COUNTY, �IE�RASlCA. _
<br /> .....• E___--�r
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<br /> � � � whfch has the addross ot 1410 S LINCOLN ,GRAND ISLAND — z'`?'"�''�° �
<br /> ' ..,:�_.��y-..
<br /> { — e,��.� p"' 'il;c��_ _` :-
<br /> t s�--:
<br /> .} Netraska 88801 ("Properly Adthess'): t=•�rY,:°:�,.
<br /> 4 Zlp Cod� FA-'. ..:,.
<br />— . ! TOOETHER WRH nll h►�provements now or hereafter wectod on tho property,end all easementc, appuRenances,nnd tixtures now _.,t;,•�:.
<br /> � or hereafta a part ot the property. An repkcements ond addftbns shan bo covered by thts Securky Inswment. All of the toregohp ks _ ;, . _;;,
<br /> reterred to In this SeCUrity Instrument as the'Prope►ty.' � '�'`
<br /> ' � EpFIRpW�R COVENANT3 thet Borrower is bwhiQY selsed of the estete hBreby oonveyed and h8s the rfpht t0 fl�t end Convey ,
<br /> the Propaty and that the PropertY Is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Borrowor wartents and wui defend genera�N
<br /> the tftie to the Properly x9ahst sil c�i6ns and demands,subbct to any encumbrances of recad.
<br /> • , THIS SHCUFiITY �NSTRUMENT comb�es unMo�n covenants tor natbnal use and nan-uniform covenants wlth I'mfted variations by
<br /> --- . ,_,�.L_._ ..,.._.,...��e.��v„�.n mc�rav hstrument coverho real property. � :,
<br /> - �—
<br /> -_._—--- �: -- �u�uue.s�v..... ......�...�.�__..__.. _.. . .._�:,'-`�-— .-
<br /> --_...'------.--
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lcnd�covenent an0 agrea as follows: �
<br /> 1. Peyment of Prinetpal end Intereat; Prepayment end Late Chargea. Borcower shall promptry pay whon due
<br /> the prhClpU of and htsrest on the debt ev{dMiCed by the Note flnd any prepayment and lato Charges due undor the Note.
<br /> 2. Fund�for Texes end Insurence. Subject to appNcable 1�w or to a written waker by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ' lsndar on Ihe day monthy paymsnts ue due under the Note,untli the Note is pald h tull,a sum ("Funds")for. (a) yearh�taxes nnd
<br /> assossments wh�h maY attain Prbrky over thk SeCUrity Instrumint as a lien on the Property� (b}yearty leasehold paymonts or pround
<br /> rsnte on th� Prop�rty, M tny; (c) yeedy hamrd or prope{ty hsurance prembms; (d)yearty�bod hsurance premtum�. H any;(e)yeariy
<br /> pe ty
<br /> mprtQ�p�in�unnc�pnmiuma, M any;md (��nr sum� p�yabN by 8orrower to LondQr,h accordanca wRh the prpvisbns of pareyraph
<br /> p, In lieu ol the payment of mortpaQe hsurence premiums• Triese kems are called "Escrow Items." lender may,et eny time, colbct
<br /> end hoid Funds In an amount not lo excead 1ha maxlmum nmount a lender for n federnly related mortgnge loan may requlre lor
<br /> Form 3o4e 9/�
<br /> NEOfU81fA•&nQ1�FtmNr�F�nni�Mu/Fr�adi� M�c UNIFW7M INflTfN1MENT P'Q, ' o'6
<br /> Ft040.1MO(2/O6)
<br /> � ..
<br /> I ..
<br /> _� I 45�
<br />— ' -.--' � -.'-'
<br /> .
<br />