<br /> �-��' DE�D RE�CORD NO. 1 O l '''�
<br /> 4lTIT i,L.,I'�1 DrF:P.
<br /> TNI� IfiDF?�TI:R!�:, '�iade this 22r� day of Sep*;mt;,r, ir the yea.r or�e thousand ni.n� hundred and fifty, between Glen A, Spi_dle
<br /> and l�:mma F.. Spidle, husbar�d and `,��fe, parties of the first part, and The City of Grand Isla:�d, a municipal corpo:ation
<br /> in �la.11 Cour.t3-, '�Tclirask�� ;�f t��e s�c°ond �art, ?�'7TNF..SS?:Tti, tha.t thc� said parti�s of the first part, ir, consideration of
<br /> t}i� sum of Crc and ?�0;�10{� ai�3 ot'���r valual�le consideratiot� — — — — DQLI�ARS to us �:�uly paicl, the receipt whereof is
<br /> h�:reh�- ackno�iled�ed hav� r�m:.sed, rel:ased .�t�d quit—clai.m, and b3� these pr�sents do, for otxrselves and ozzr heirs,
<br /> exe:.utor� a.nd a;�m�nisr^atars, r��mise, release and forever quit—claim and conve}- urto the saic� party of the second part,
<br /> and te its successor� ar�d ��ssi�n.s fore�=er, a11 our right, title, interest, estate claim and �lemand, both at la�a and in
<br /> equit3°, of, ir. azzd to a].l
<br /> Fra.ctional �.:ot. Or,e (l ), i�� Fracti.onal 13].ock Fourteen (14), in Evans' Ad.dation to the City of Gran�' Tsland,
<br /> '�`ebraslta.
<br /> � Te;ether wit11 al]. ard si���ular th� he�redita.merts thereunto bel�nging,
<br /> T� tI.'��'�' r1?�`D TQ idC�T.n tiln a�ot-e descrihed prem:ises unt� the sa.id party of the second � �a.rt, its successors �nd
<br /> assi�ns; so thtit nei.ther �tie the sa3d p�rts� �f the first pa.rt, or any pers�n in otir name �nd }�ehalf, shall or will
<br /> herea.fter claim or d�mand .�n�° ri�ht ox• titl_c= to rhe said prernise� or an,y part thereof, but they and e�er,y one of them
<br /> shal.l t�y tl�ese presents l�e �;�c7_udecl and forc��r barr��a., •
<br /> I^, �;�'TT"'?�5 �;'Hr^ECr, rhe ss.id �arr.ics �,f the f:irst part l�ave hereunto set thei.r har.ds and seals the day and year
<br /> above written.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delirerecl. ir: presence of Glen A. Spi�le
<br /> I3. .j. HoYe F�nma. E. Spidle
<br /> �T�Tc: C`P '��braska )
<br /> 1 �_�
<br /> '.,• Cr, t-h:s �2n:1 day of `;eptember, "..P, �.�?�^, befox�e rn2, the. undei si�ned R, T. Hoye a Notary
<br /> Hall �'ot�rty ) P�.i'�7 ,c, dt�Iy =�mn��.s�ioned ,ar.:� q��al.�fied f�r anc? resi_�:�in; in s�.i.d �"oizrty, personally came
<br /> :'1_:�r; R , S�i��i7_e ard. rnu�:a r, S�i�le, h,.isba.r,d a.r.d c�i.fe to me lcno�m to �e r:he identicai persons
<br /> LdZlO�e ;11111tS �1Y'E �1'�f?1t�.a •`..0 I'�1C f1�7't.'?`'i 7T2�' .',I',Sf:l"1�?';E',tl� �iS oi'�L't�Y'S ci2�� 8C'}�C!OW1.E'�oE?;� t;�1C' S8!71C' rQ t?C t;�lf�1.1' vol.untary 8Ct dT1C�
<br /> �f'C�. v
<br /> �1'11;ilFSS t!?Z- }2��1+� �i1?i� �'Ut.1r7i1i �c'C,�_ til,^, C���' �T:� b'E'87' Z�l.St B.�OV'P wrjttet7,
<br /> (`;r^:L) �. .T. Hoye �
<br /> My c�1;�rn:ssion e��,ires t?�t� :��th aati- of ?ut�e, 1�?�2 '�ot�:r� Public.
<br /> Fi1e� for r�2cord tli:�s 2� :�}�- Lr �'��:e�t�:uer•, 1�5�, at 1::.� c��clec?L �,M. � Q
<br /> ��.��b�/
<br /> Rebistez° of Deeds�
<br /> n--C-v-�-�-�'-l�_��e„^.n__��.(�-.(�_.f� .(?..,.1_,(�_.^_(4_�_:�_.�_�..�.._^_11....;�._(�...{�_(`_(�_l_(�....tl_(�...(`•-^_C-:�-�-�-�--�-U-v-�-�-�-�-l-C)-C-`�°�-Q-C�-C-Ci°�-C
<br /> ��� C�� ��i�
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 25th day of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and fiftp, between Sidnep G.
<br /> Phillips and Martha D. Phillips, husband and wife of the first gart, and Cora A. Wisong of the second part, WITNESSETH,
<br /> that the said parties of the first part, in consideratioa of the svm of One and no/100 DOLLARS, to them duly paid, the
<br /> r�ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they have remised, released, and quit-�3aimed, and by these presents do for
<br /> themselves sel and their heirs, executors and administrators, remise, releasc and forever qnit-claim and conveq anto
<br /> the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all their right, title, interest, estate
<br /> clai.� and demand, both at law and in equitp, of, in and to all �
<br /> Commencing at a point on the South side of Pltim Street in the Village of Doniphan, Three Hundred Ninetp (390)
<br /> feet east of the Center of the St. Joe and Grand Island Railroad running thence East One Hundred Elev�a (�11)
<br /> feet, thence South One Hundred Fortp four (144) feet, thence West One Hundred Eleven (111) feet, thence North
<br /> One Hundred Forty four (144) feet to the plaee of beginning, bein,� part of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) uf the
<br /> Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P. M.
<br /> Nall County, State of Nebraska. �
<br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND T4 HOLD the above described premises unto the said Cora A. Wisong and her heirs and assigns; �o that
<br /> neither shall the said parties of the first part, nor any person in their name and behalf, shall or will hereafter
<br /> claim or demand any right or title to the said premises ar any part thereof, but they and everq one of them shall by
<br /> these presents be eJCCluded and foreqer barred.
<br /> IN WITKESS WHEREOF, the safd parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year
<br /> above written.
<br /> - -- -- � - - - � �-
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of SidneY G. Phillips
<br />' W. S. Pickens - �—- -�` Martha D. Phillips
<br /> STATE OF Nebragka )
<br /> ) ss. On this 25th day of September, A.D. 1950, before me, the undersigned W. S. Pickens a Notarp
<br /> Hall County ) Public, duly co�maissioned and qualified for and residing i.n said county, personally came
<br /> Sidney G. Phillip� and Martha D. Phillips, husband and wife to me known to be the identical
<br /> persons whose names affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and acknourledged the same to be their volnntary act
<br /> and deed.
<br /> Witness �ny hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above Written.
<br /> (SEAL) W. S. Pickens
<br /> Aty Co�nission expires the 17th day of Au�ust, 1954 Notary Public.
<br /> Filed for record this 30 day of November, 1950 at 10:30 o�clock A.M. �,
<br /> ��,...��a-�
<br /> Register of Deeds i�
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