D 5�
<br />� EED RECORD ,
<br /> �41177-THEAUGUSTINfiCO.GRAND15L�ND,NEBR. � � '
<br /> A. E. Liver�ood, single SS.
<br /> Ha,�,]. County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br /> and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County,
<br /> TO Warranty the 30 day of Apz'il 19.�'� , at 10
<br /> Hans JeSSen aMd ' Deed
<br /> EdT1a M. Jessen OZ' sU.z'v1v0Y' o'clock and 30 minutes, A. M. (���, „
<br /> ./ ��v �
<br /> `Register of Deeds,
<br /> f" By Deputy.
<br /> ��C�t�a� ,��� ���t br� ��r��� �x��e,��n��:
<br /> That A. E. Liven�ood, single
<br /> of the County of H811 , and State of �ebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> One dollar and o�her valued eonsiderations DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and,confirm unto Hans Je s�er� and Edna M. Je seen, Husband a,11d W3fe
<br /> as �oint tenar�ts and not as �enan�s in common
<br /> of the County of H81.�. , and State of l�ebraska , the following described real estate situated
<br /> in Grand Island in Hall County and State of Nebra�ka , to-wit:
<br /> Lots Ten (1�) ar�.d Eleven (11) , In Bloek Eleven (I1} in Boggs and Hill� s
<br /> Addition to the city of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> .�� I.R. Stamps
<br /> ( Cancelled _)
<br /> It being th� inten�ior� oP a11 partles hereto, tha� in the even� of �he death of
<br /> either of' said grantees, tMe en�ire Pee simple �itle to the Real Esta�e described
<br /> herein shall vest 3.n the surviving gran�ee.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be-
<br /> longing, unto the said HaT"is Jessen and Edna M. Jessen husband and wife
<br /> and to the ir heirs and assigns, forever
<br /> And I do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with their heirs and assigns, that
<br /> I a,m lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> that I have good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and I do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> And the said A. E. L1V813gOOd hereby relinquishes all
<br /> z'�.�';ht �1�I�+ and interest in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Signed this 2Tld day of April , A. D., 19 ,52
<br /> In presence of
<br /> H. T'. Brown A. E. Liv�ngood
<br /> State of Nebraska � On this 2nd day of April A. D., 19 �"2
<br /> Ha.11 County, SS' before me the undersigned, H. RT'. BPOWri
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came
<br /> A. E. Livengood
<br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name 1 S affixed to the foregoing instru•
<br /> ment as Grantor , and acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> My commission expires the �'7 day of �OV 195'�
<br /> (SEAL) H. T. Brown
<br /> Notary Public
<br />