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<br /> lu�ti�ii�nt t.rt ti�ti�it'itd tu r�� Iru•iLnC, mhn�.�� mFlili.rq ad�lresg is ��22�FC�, ntn P(1TASH R01�
<br /> ' � u}�U.�� r��__�� ni�f:NU ii, t�nnr:lt, AttornF.y at l.aw, hereinafter referred to as ''Trustee," „
<br /> . � ^ � ,��I„i�u� m;�tlli��� ni1t11'u'�❑ t�� P. p, F3ax '79U� Grond Island, Nebrask� 688U2= a�d HOmE FEDERAL
<br /> ti '�IIIIiNI�'� ANII IIIIIN A;i!iUl:Ilill(l�d Of" GRAND ISLIIND, herainefter referred to as "Beneficiary�"
<br /> �-"`"""""� , � ��ilui�n+ in,�111i��� n�lilrn�iri 1.rc 77.1 �inuth l.ocust Strest� P. 0. Box 1009, Grar.d Island, Nebrasl<a -
<br /> "'."�. •��• idlllll�',
<br /> In� unlunl�l�� i:ui���i�let��ti.nr.� lrustor irre�ocably grants, t.ra�sfFrs, con�eys ar.d
<br /> ; k ,i�i�,li�i��i tn liu�►I.i�n, ti� i.ru��t., uii�h paw�r af sole� for i:he ber.efit er.d s�curity of Bene- ..--s_�
<br /> ,,^,,..
<br /> • '; I I� I:�ty, unct�rt iirri ;wb_�i:�r.t. t�i the term3 ond conditions of this Oeed of Trust, the fol- -�'"��
<br /> ;;�,.
<br /> limile�i� il���,i.t'Ihrnl �►Pu�inCl.y, loc7lr.d in t��T"i• Caunty, Nebraska, to-witt � --
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<br /> - � =-� t.hr.re�tu• nnil I.liu rnr�t�i� i�;r�ui3��, profit�z, r�versians or.d the remainders thereof� ir.clud-
<br />_=�'��`��mp ir�� c�ll ciuc:h p�!ce�nnr�l prup��rLy that is .�ttnched tn tha im�rovements so as to cor.stitute
<br />- ��':�� � fixturu� f�ll uf wl�lr.f�, including cE�pincements end additions thereto. are hereby de-
<br /> _, clnc�cl to h� r� E►r�ct of 1.h�� ronl �3c�tnt.n r.onueyed in trust hereby, it beir.g agreed thet
<br /> -_ --- r�ll nF t.hri foet!t�nlrt� ��Ic�ll bi� hi��nir.rift.r�r rr.fr.rrod to as the °Property."
<br /> F'qH 1"HF: I�IINI►U!;G fll' !iI:C1117INL';
<br /> _ (n) �.hrt pnymr,nk nt i�?clat�t�cli�n���3 i�vidc�r.ccad by 'f�rusl:or's r.ote of even date herewith
<br /> = 1�� l.I��� �iel��clpnl cium nf aNf; NUNDHLp 'fWI:NTY 'PHOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100- - - - - -
<br /> (5120.00 .OD. ,�� �•��11��t.h��r i�� tli Ghn t�nlr�nco af such indebtedness, if not sooner
<br /> _,;,,�,,� pn1d� du�� �u�d �r�ynfil�� in� � ��{ �dith interASt at the rate or rates
<br />�--"" ""�� pCnvi�Snd t,hocoin� nln���� uilt i �u ����ym�nt. aF f�ll other swns� with tnterest thereon� -
<br /> — nclunrr,i!ri 1�+ ncr.ue�lrii�r.n I�ur���alt.h tii r�rntact tha security of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> _ —_ tus�ot.h��c wlt.h 1.1u� �u ii�� Ipnl rir�l intciru}yt �n nny fututo aduar.ce as evidenced by
<br /> - prinnl��:�nry ����tm� nl.ritli��� tl�ny ,��u rn�rurcii hctrr.by, nnd nny and all rer.ewals� modifi� —
<br /> _- -_, r.�:�tlnir� nrrl uxt.ci��ilni+�� nf r�ur.li i�ni.���:� t�nth prinClpnl ar.d interest on the notes
<br /> "�`� bitii�g pnyr�hli� �n r��.c��ril��i��.�� ullti t.he tnrm� �ot forth therain� which by this refer-
<br /> ..ti,',,
<br /> -_--;:::� enc�! Lt� h��rnliy m;��ln ,� �m� t. I��a�n��f, fl�n lu.�l�iar horr�uf shall hnve the optian to
<br /> -�-.'"�� nr�:nli►cnLi� t.lm rnr►t�nfiy ul Il�n ni�tn fnt iahir.h tlii:i murtgac�o !a given ns secuTityr -
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<br /> _`�,,::�°�:,� .
<br /> ���: .. 1� thi� t.6�nn nan�t�r nf lim pt��mt�m�a �1u�tirclln�d fu3rain t+ writtQn notica three months =-
<br /> ' 1 S .•' —.
<br /> �; �� .- !n n�lwmcn ��f It.n Ii+L�n�t 0�� �I�► ����. !N. r�n tlmti :�hnll tho principal amount of the
<br /> . __ . , liaJoUi.t!iln�!���+ �����ut���! liy Ihl�� Ihr�vl uf Ir�rit., ivt. ircluc11rc� :;um� od�ar.ced in accord- - .
<br /> '-- :.`., nnci► Nne���,�ltli fu �ii��l.��� t. tlo��+e� u� ft.y ��f' th�! floud ��f 1'ru3t� axceed the nriginal ��`:--
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<br /> . ' liy Hn����i lrluly �u�it��� 11��+ I�•im � ut t I�I�• Ili!i�il ��1 f�ii�i1., t.nyitt.hr�r o�lth int.erac;t theCeon
<br /> � nt, tJu� InLn �il�iitl�h��l li� tl��• i���l��,
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