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<br /> 1 16.Borrow�r's Copy. Sorrowcr shall hc givcn one wnformcA copy of tho Notc and af this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Y
<br /> !7.Transfex af the P'roperty or a Deneticial Interest in Dorrower. If ap or any pnrt of thc Property or any interest in it is
<br /> , sold or uansfsrred(or if a beneficlal interest in �orrawer is sold or uansierreci end Borrow•cr u not a natur�l�e�son) without -
<br /> • .� I.ender's prior wriuen con�sent, Lender may,at its aption,require immadiata payment in.full of all sums secured by this Securiry .� ' �
<br /> Instrumen� However,this option shall nat bc exerc�scd by Lcndcr if cxetcise is prohibited by federal law os ot the data of this ,
<br /> � Security Instrumen� "`
<br /> �•� If Lender exercises this optlan,Lender shall give Borrower nodce oi acceleration.'Ilte notice shall provide apenad of not less �
<br /> then 30 days from the date�he nodce is delivered or mailed within which Bocrower must puy all sums scxured by Ihis Security
<br /> � InstrumenG If Bacrower fails ta pay ihese sums prior to the capiratlon of this period.l-ender may�nvoke any rcmcdics pertnittcd _
<br /> by this Securiry Inst�rrument.wittwu6ferther nod�e or d�man{� n Borrowcr. ,. _
<br /> � gm q�r r
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right to Ite��te. u B �at� �e p r ton U e�earlicBr orf(ai 5 daYs oresu�h othcr�period es
<br /> enforcement of this Secur� I�strumeAt tll�bdW►��.� �u���� wer of saile containc��this Security
<br /> applicable law may spec'�y'[or i�irtstd6eitl��t�t�eYora sala of e Properry P Y PQ - -��'�4
<br /> Insuument;or(b)entry of e'Judgment enfareing thls Secorlry Inswment'Iliose condltions are that Bonower.(a)pays Lender all ��
<br /> sums which ihen would be due under this Securlty Inswmenn� �t����forcing tt►'ueSec�urity U►suument, i�teluding.but .__
<br /> default of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays aU pe
<br /> not limited to,reasonable aporneys' fees; and(d)takes such acdon as Lcnde�maY reasonably require to essure ti�t the lien of this
<br /> � Security Instrument, Lender's nghts in the Property and Borrower's obligauan to pay the sums secure�d by this Security , ____
<br /> Instrument shall continnue unchanged.Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Scxurlty Inswment and the obGgadons secured �� r �r
<br /> � hereby shall remain fully effecave as if no acceleradon had occurred•Howover,thia right to reinstat�e shell not apply ir►t1►e case of •.r..��.�
<br /> � acceleration under paragraph 17. mterest in ihe Note (wgether wilh diis Security jC• .�--
<br /> � 19.Sak of Note;Change ot Loan Servicer. 'I7�e Note or a partial '
<br /> Insmunent)may be sold one or morc ames without prior nodce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in U�a endty(known .,?�',.,�r�.
<br /> as the"Loan Serv�cer")that collects monthly payments due un�er�he Note and this Secunty Instrumen�There also may be one or ,�
<br /> , more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the No!e. If thcre is a change of the Loan Servicer,Hosrower will be
<br /> given wriuen nouce of the change in accordance witt►ParagraPh 14 above enda�plicable law.'Itie norice will siate the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address w which payments should 6e made. The notice will also contain any olher
<br /> �''�` � informarion required by applicable law.
<br /> 2p.Heurdoas Subst�nces. Borrower shell not cause or pernut the presence, use. disposal, storage. or release of any '
<br /> � �ia7ardous Substences on or in ihe Property.Bonower shall not do.nor allow any�one else w�������Ba��� i
<br /> . ¢hat is in violation of eny�nvironmeniai Law.'Iiia p���g t�'��siessr,�..hsl._:�i�P-. � ro nate to normsl resideati�al uses - ...�, ..��: .�
<br /> 1
<br /> property of small qaac►dnes of Ha�ardous Substances that ere generaUy reco8nized to be aPP P .k�::.. ,� , .
<br /> and to maintenance of the Properc)►- � ��
<br /> Boirower ahall promptly gi�e Lender written nodce of any investigarion, claim,demend, lawsuit or other acaon by any ,
<br /> gove�nmentol or regulatory agencY ar prlvate parcy iavolving the Property and eny Ha7ardous Substance or Fnvironmentall�w t��i':� �'. � �, ...
<br /> of which Borroaer has actuallu►owledge.If Borrower leams.or is nodtied bY�Y�B����Borrowe,�r s�all prom ttyl' tak eall �r �� '3
<br /> removel or other remediaUon of any Ha7�rdous Substance affectinng the PropertY P Y
<br /> • ncxe�sary remedial acdonsin aceordance wi�h Environmental Law• '; .c
<br /> cx sar
<br /> pg�sed in this paa�agraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substancrs defined as coaic or htvardous substences by
<br /> ' Environmental Law en d t he (o llowing subst�nces: g a s allne. kemsene, other flemmable or wxic petroleum products, Wxic ;� � .
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,vola�le solvents,meterials containing esbestos or formaldehyde.and rac�ioactive materials•As ased in _ _
<br /> �his paragraph ?A."P.nvironmental Iaw" mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate _
<br /> to health.safety sr eavironmentel pmtection. .� �
<br /> a �•:_
<br /> NON-iJNIFORIVI COVENAN'TS•Borm�'aer and Lender fwther covenant and agree as follows: -__- -
<br /> 21.Acceleratinn;Remedks. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prbr to accekratbn fofbw[ng Borrower's breach ot -__�
<br /> � s�ny ooveaant or egreement ia this Secur[ty Instrumcnt @ut nat prior to acceierAtfon und=r pAngraFh 17 unkss _
<br /> � ttpplkable{yiw prnvide�o26erwise).The notice sha➢1 apecify:(a)t6e defaulh @)the�e t(on req u[r e d to cure t6e defAUlh(c) ___
<br /> a date,not kse than 30 d�ye from the date We notice is givm to Borrower�by whic6 the detwuit mus�6e cured;and(d) -�,i_.
<br /> .•��. _,._
<br /> tl�at faUur�ta cure t�e defs��t on or bePore tht dmte sptc�f"kd in t6e aodce may re�eilt iu accekrAtion olthe sums securul ,..�.;���,
<br /> by thls Security Instrument wad sa}Q at We Property.The notice si�all furt6er intorm Sorr�wer of the rlg6t to reInstate .:�A,��_ ---
<br /> ,:.�::�----__-.-
<br /> � s�tlter 000ekrxtton and t6e rlght to bring a coart Action to assert the non-existence ot a default or�ny o�her defense ot _:F,�-;--�--_
<br /> Borroaer to aocekrntion and ss�k.If tLe default tv not cured on or before t6e dote speci�eed in t6e natice,I.tuder,at its ,�:,.;�a-:��
<br /> :r.. •• ;.
<br /> option,may require[mmediate payment in full of xll sume secured by thts Security Instru�ent without further demand . �,�`�-���,
<br /> and m�y involce t6e power of s�k and nny other rEa�edbes permitted by applkable Iaw.Lender st�ll beestitkd to rnllect ��� ���= ��:.. -
<br /> ��.r:�. .=����-'�,��F:f-
<br /> a�expenses incurred in pursuing We remedfes provided in t6is parAg*aph 21,including,but not 13mi1W to, reasoaable _. ', ��
<br /> � attorncys°tees and costs ot Ntk evidena. ' ����''�: �•
<br /> It the power of sak es invoked, '[lvs4ee shail reoord a Qotke ot default in each county fn wh�ch anY part of the -
<br /> Piroperly Es located wad shall m+atl wpia ot such notice In the manner prescn�k'�wP��shell Bivae qublic ottce of �
<br /> ot6er persons prescribed by applicabk law.Af�ter the time requlred by App E P
<br /> � I sa{e to the persons and in the manner prescrioed by appikable law.Trustee,wi46out demand on Borrower,s6atl sell the '
<br /> Praperty pt publk euctbn to the htghest bidder at the tjme and pls�a and under the ter�s designatecl I�tlee notice of sak
<br /> ' Form 302a 9I90
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