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�v� <br /> DE�D R�CORD <br /> Hu£fman Form No. iogl/2 Containing 4t5 Printecl Worcls. <br /> NO. 135�3998Z-THEAU6USTINECO.GRRNDISLANO,NEBR. ' <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA�ss. <br /> FROM County of Hall Entered in Numerical Indez and f iled f or record in <br /> � 'Edc�ard L. Chapman the Register of Deeds of{��e of said County <br /> Nannie E. Chapman `'` the 30 day of Aitgust i9 51 at 4 o'cTock and 35 minutes� <br /> TO and recorded in book 102 page 423 of Deeds. <br /> Michael J, BuCk7.ey egister of Deeds. <br /> Josephine Buckley By D�uty. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Fdward L. Chapman and Nsnnie F. Chapma.n, each in his or her own right, <br /> and as Husband and W9f e, <br /> in consic�eration of Other consideration and One and No�100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS <br />' in hand paid,cIo hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and conf irm unto Michael j. Buckley and J os ephine BuCk18y� Husband and Wif e,. <br /> as JOINT TEI�ANTS, and not as tenants in common; the f ollowing described real estate, situate d in the County ot H111 and <br /> State of Nebraska to-wtt: <br /> Lot Two (2) in Blaek Sixteen (16) in Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br /> surveped, platted and recorded. <br /> ($13.75 I. R. STAMPS) <br /> (CANCELLED ) <br /> togetTier with all t�ie tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all tl�e estate, title, dower, rigTit of homestead, claim or demand'whatsoever of <br /> the said grantor S ,o f,in or to the same,or any part thereo f; subject to <br /> � IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HBRETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES, THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPL$ TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED H$REIN SHALL VBST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of tlie survivor of them, forever„ and We the grantor S named F�erein for ourselves <br /> and Ou2' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and wiEh the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that We are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance ezcept as sfated herein,and that We <br /> � tlie said grantor g l�a ve good right and lawf ul autliority to sell the same, and t1�at We wiTl and OUI� heirs, executors <br /> and administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them,forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITN$SS WHEREOF we have hereunto set oux' hand S this 28th day <br /> °f �ugust, .A.D. 1951 <br /> In presence of <br /> ______-__ Edward L. Chapman <br /> Na�nie E. Chapman <br /> STATE OF Nebraska 1 On this 2gth dav of August A•D• 1951 .before me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> L'ounty of Hall f SS County,personally came the above named Edward L. Chapman and Nannie E. Chapman, eac� in <br /> his or her own: right, and as Husband and Wife <br /> who are personally known to me to be the identical persong whose name& are affixed to the above <br /> instrument as grantor S ,and t�ley severally acknowleclged said instrument to be their <br /> (SEAL) voluntary act and deecT. <br /> WITNESS my liand and Notarial SeaT the date last aforesaicl. C. T. Flower <br /> � Nat�y Publz�. <br /> My commission expires on the 9th day o{ September A.D. 1955 <br />