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<br /> `Pror.00ds")In connuctlon wftli condmm�atlon or olhor lakinp of tho Praporty or part thoroof,or for convoyance in iieu of condomnallon.
<br /> Londor sholi bo onlftlod at Itc optlon to commonco,oppcnr In nnd proaocuto In Its own namo any actlon or procaodings,and sholl also .
<br /> bo ontitlod to mako nny comproml�e�or sottlomanl In connoctlon wilh such taking or damaflo.In tho ovent any portlon of the Praperly is
<br /> �o tc►kon cr domnped, l�nndnr ehAll havo lho opllon In Ito sola nnd absoluto dlscrotton, to Apply ell auch procc�ods, efte�deducting
<br /> lh�rairom pIi cosle nnd oxponeos Incurrmd by it In connoctlon wilh euch Procoeds,upon any Indebtednoas sacured horeby and In such
<br /> ordur os Londor may dotormine,or to apply nll such Procooda,aftar ouch doductlons,to tho ro3tarptfon oi tho Proporty upon such con• �
<br /> dition3 as Londor may dstormino.Any opplicc�tlon uf Proceede to Indobtodness shall not oxtond or po�tpone the cfuo datv of eny pay-
<br /> � monts undc�r tho Noto,or curo eny detoult thoroundor or horoundor.Any unapplled funds shall bo peld to Trustor.
<br /> B. Ps�form�nc�by L�nd�v. Upon tho occurrance of an Event ot Default horeundor,or if eny act is taken or legel proceadinp
<br /> commencod whlch metorlelly a(focte Londnr's Inlorc�st In tho Property,Lendar may In Its own discretion,but without ubNgatlon to do so,
<br /> end without notico to or domand upon Truator end wlthou►roleASing Trustor irom eny obllgatlon,do nny ect which 7rustor has agreed
<br /> -�"" but talled to do and mey elso do any olher act It deems necessery to protect the security horeof. Trustor shall, Immodlately upon �
<br /> -'" domend therefor by Londer,pay to Londer ell cosls and expenses Incurred end sums expend�td by Lertdor In wnnection with the exer-
<br /> cise by Londer oi the forogoing riphts,togothor with Interest thereon at the default rato provided In the Note,which shall be added to
<br /> the Indebtednoss socurod horoby.LendQr shall not incur er�y Ilebllity because oi anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 9. Hexardou�Materlals. Trustor ahell keep the Property In compliance with all applicabte laws,ordinancos and reputations �,.
<br /> relating to industrial hyglane or envlronmentel protection(colioctivoly reterrod to horeln as`Envlronmental I.aws").Trustor sheil keep .fr":����:��
<br /> the Property iree from all aubstances deemed to be hozerdoua or toxic under an Environmentel Lews(colleclivel referred to hereln '==
<br /> y Y �;`r�;:::
<br /> a3 "Hezerdous Materials').Trustor hereby warronts and reptesonts to l.ender that there are no Hazardnus Meterials on or under the �� '�°�=
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby egrees ta Indemnify and hold hermiess Lender,its directors,officers,emplayees and agents,and any succes• •.��_-
<br /> • sors to Lender's Interest,trom and ageinst any end all clalms,dameges,losoes pnd Ilabilities arising ln connection with the presence, )���.__
<br /> uae,disposal ar transport of any Hazsrdous Malerials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FORECiOING WARRANTIES ANO �~�.
<br /> � • � 10. Asslqnm�nt qi Ront4.Trustnr heroby assigns to Lender, and grents Londer a securiy Interest in,aIl present,future and -�=-:,.�.
<br /> �_. efter erising rents,issues end proflte oi the Property;provided thet Trustor shall,until the occurcence of an Event oi Default,hereunder, , ::;•
<br /> have the right to collect and retaln such rents, issues and proflta es they become due and payable.Upon the occurtence of an Event o} :�:��"Y"
<br /> Y P Y 9 9 9 Y 9 Y PP Y •`'�^"`s`
<br /> •.� Qe1ault,Lender ma ,either in orson or b a ent, with or wlthout brin in an aciion or proceodin ,or b e recelver a ointed b e r_,�,,�,.,z..
<br /> ""�` court end without regerd to the adequacy oi Its security,enter upon and take possesslon ot the Property,or any pa�t thereot,In its own "-
<br /> name or In the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which it deems necessary or deslrable to preserve the velue, me�lcetablliry or �:�:___
<br /> •�_ rerttabllity of the Property,or any part thereoi or Interest therein,or to increase the income therefrom or protect the secudty hereof end, �—_�__
<br /> with or wlthout taking possesslon oi the Property,sue for ar otherwise collect the rents,issues and profits thereot,Inc!uding those past
<br /> � due and unpaid,by notifying tenents to make peyments to Lender.Lender mey epply rents,issues and proflts,less costs and expens- �_
<br /> es of operation end collectlon Including ettome}�s fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,ell in such order as Lende�may deter-
<br /> mine.The a�iiniii�y upu��a���taning�so8��la1 Of t~:, !'trp^.s:`�.!h��!!a't!0.^.nf c�rh �a�ta,Ig���wc and nrofits,and the epplication
<br /> thereof es eforesald shall not cure or waive any default or noUce of default hereunder or invalldate any Act done In response to such
<br /> defautt or pursuant to such notice oi default and, notwithstanding the continuance In possession of the properiy or lhe oollecUon,
<br /> ' receipt and applicetion of rents,Issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shalt be entitled to exercise every�ight provided for in any of the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by lew upon occurrence of eny Event of Default,Including without limitetion the right to exerciso the powA�oi eale.
<br /> „ Further,Lender's right�end remedies under this paregraph shall be cumulat(ve with,and in no way a Ifmitetion on,Lender's rtghts and
<br /> remedles under any essignment oi leases and rents recorded agafnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the rece(ver shall be liable to
<br /> ,:,� .-. . account only for d�ose rents actually received.
<br /> 11.Eve�ts of Defauit.The following shau wnstitute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust:
<br />.�.�,.,..,�: (a)Fai:ure to pay any Ir�stt�llment of princlpal or Interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> --- (b)A braach ot or default under any provislon contatned In the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> � other Ilen or encumbrance upon the P�operty;
<br />°.��_%:�.:w..:'., (c)A writ of execuGon or ettachment or eny sim8ar process shall be entered ageMst Trustor which shail become a Ilen on
<br />-= ---��- the Property or any podion thereoi or interest therein;
<br /> ' �-���'h�� ' (d)There shell bQ filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borcower en ectlon under any present or future federal,stete or other stetute,
<br />- a.,�;��:'"` law or regulation reletfng to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other retief for debtors;or there shell be appointed ony truatao,recelver or
<br />=_-=;_�i�•,��;�� .� Iiquldator ot Trustor or BoROwer or of a11 or any pert ot the Proparty,or the rents,Issues or proflts thereof,or Tnutor or Borrowar
<br /> '-___'��. '�:' _
<br /> •,.-� sha�l makd eny general assignment for the benefit of creditors;
<br /> x?:'�.�. �,-�� ,' (e)The sele,trenster, lease, assignment,conveyance or further encumbrence of all or eny part of or any tnterest In the
<br />-__ '- "-��""�' PropeRy,efther voluntadiy or Invoiuntarily,wilhout the express wrltten wnsent of Landcr,Rrovtdsd that Trustor shsil be perrniF __ -
<br />__..�;�;;�.:� ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not wntein�n opUan to purchase and the term of whlch does not exceed one
<br />_-=:�s.��.:;. year,
<br /> `"�3� (�Abandonment oi the Property;or
<br />`�z,;�i—�� (A)If Trustor Is not en individual, the Issuance,sale,transfor,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance oi more than(If a -
<br />•�';°'''" corporaUon)a total of percent oi its issued and outstending stock,or(if a partnorshlp)a rotal of per-
<br /> '���?��-. ' cant of partnership interests,or(ii a llmlled liability oompany)a total oi porcent of the Ifmited Ilability compa• _ _ _
<br />;•�..;�;;'.`';'y�.: ny interests or vating rights during the podod thls Deed of'frust romafns e lion on the property. - ___
<br /> - •`:� 12.Remedlea;Accolerution Upon Defeuit.In the event of any Event of Defeutt Lendor may,without notice except as requfred -
<br /> ' by law,declare elt Indabtedness secured her+eby to be due and peyable snd the same shall thereupon become due and payeble with- =_- �,
<br /> out any presentment,demend,protest or notice of any kind.Theroafter Lender may: F-__
<br /> , ,� (a)Demend that Trustee exerGse the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee shall thereafter cau�e Trustors Inter- �
<br /> + est In the Property to be sald end tho proceeds to be disMbuted,ali in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; �.4`'-,�_=
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and all dphte provlded for in any of tho Loan Instniments or by law upon occurrence of any Even4 of �.';�:`�="'_°
<br /> . � Default;end •�`�f-°
<br /> (c)Commence an action to forectose thls Deed of Trust as a rriortgage,eppolnt a reoeiver,or speciflcally entorce eny of the =-__
<br /> �% covenants hereof. �1_�,��'__
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or roserved ta Trustee or Lender is intended to bc�exclusive of any other remedy herein,In the Loan '.`Y:�:.,�..
<br /> � r Instrument�or by law provided or permitted, but each shalt be cumulative,shall be In addltlon to every other remady given hereunder, _
<br /> __-�-�� _ - In the Loan InsUuments or now or hereafter exlsting at law or In equ(ty or by statute,end may be exercised concurrentiy,independenUy . _ ,
<br /> = or succesively. - "-- _
<br /> . 13.Trustae.The Trustoe may rosign at any Ume without cause,end Lendsr may st eny time and without ceuse appo�nt a suc-
<br /> cessor or substltute TPUatea.Trustee shell not be Ilabl�to eny party, including without Iimitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br /> � chaser of the Property,for any loss or damage unloss due to rockless or wlllful mtsconduct,and ehall not be requlred to take eny ection '
<br /> In connectlon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnifled,In writing,for all costs,compensatfon or expenses which „
<br /> may be associatod therewith.In edditlon,Tn.�stee may become a purchaser at any sale oi the Property Qudicial or u��der the power ot .
<br /> - - . �- �ala grentwi i�erel�iy; poatpone tiie sale oi a{i ar any partlan o!the Propstt;.Qs proelded by law;or sell the Pr�perty as a whole.vr In _-
<br /> ' separate parcels or!ots et T�ustee's discretion. .
<br /> 1A.Feos and �xpenses.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise of power ai sale,Trustee shall be entitled to appiy
<br /> '" any sele proceods flrst to payment of all costs and expensns of exercising power of sale,Including ail Trustee's fees, end Lendar'�and ,
<br /> Trustse's attomoy's fees, actuaily Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law. In tne event Bcrrower nr Trustor exerclses any right .
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event ot Dafault,Lender shall be entitled to recovor from Trustor ell costs end expenses actually lncurred es
<br /> a result of Trusto�'s default, Including without Ilmitatlon ell Trustee's and attomey's Yeea,to the extent pemiitted by applicable law.
<br /> 15.Future Advances.Upon request of Borrower, Lender mey,et Its nptfon,make additional and future advances and read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such advances and roadvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thfs Deed of Trust.At no time ahall the
<br /> f , ..
<br />