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<br /> :��M.
<br /> ' ' ��� ������ � ,.
<br /> DC�o���, �) , 1996, by Deborah A. Spaulding and Stephen
<br /> , l Spaulding, wiie and husband, Trustora. ,
<br /> • � —
<br /> . No
<br /> • FF21C 7.LOVIi�lU
<br /> . � 0 51��i . NO'I'A1LY PUF31.1C
<br /> My commission expi.res; StotoofKsnsa
<br /> -. •� My��,pt. Expiron p
<br /> -r...r�S. '�,M,a�,.r�.�,o, .
<br /> � . ' r �
<br /> � STATE OF n�er�ras�-. �_
<br /> � �7'a�l.L S8: --
<br /> CQUNTY OF ,� `'�`�
<br /> - S, ThE foregoing inetrixment wae acknowledged before me on �'.
<br /> � , 1996, by J. senkotter, Txuat r. �='_
<br /> ,,
<br /> _� / h�r /�} —
<br /> ` � C:k:ML!!OTl:�1,4t9!ldwe2�M ota Publ ic `
<br /> R.4 CLYNEI�
<br /> . . �_ �y cw�.�wMN►w► YYl urc_ls� 15. /9�7 �
<br /> My c
<br /> �
<br /> . � DEED OF TRU3T
<br /> A.D.,
<br /> • THIS DEED OF TRUST, made thia L � � day of �° µ hueband
<br /> � 1996, by and between Harold F. RosenkotL-er and Judy A. R aenkotter,
<br /> and wife, Deborah A. Spaulding and Stephen Spaulding, wife and hueband, and
<br />- Pamela J. Rosenkotter, a single person^ hereanafaWr f1�aa1��Countyr1tNebraekar
<br />�-�`' � one or more) , ana KonaZu �• BcN7.i2� 1:..�---.----.
<br />_• hereinafter called "Tru�f� �� or the survivor f�them�wh 8e�addreeeEie 3204
<br /> � Roaenkotter, husband and ,
<br /> South 5hady Bend Road, Grand Island, Nebraeka, hereinafter called "Beneficia-
<br />�;;} .: ,':;.... � ryn 1
<br />_�:r ,.
<br />� .:.r:��
<br /> s;;�:�,.,.•K' WITNESSETH, That the Trustor, £or good and valuable consideration,
<br />-�`:��;`=� � �� including ::he debt and trust hereinafter mentioned and created, and the sum
<br /> y"�."''" o£ one dollar to Truator paid by the said Truetee, the recei.pt i�r�vocably
<br />;r1�«•r •�.ik
<br /> _4;..; •.Y�• ciency of which is hereby acknowledged, does by theee preeente, -
<br /> '� "� rant, bargain and se11, convey, assign and confirm unto the said Truatee, IN
<br /> =.:::,n��-* g
<br /> -.�=---s=h�,�� TRUST, WITH POWER OF 3ALE, for the benefit and eecurity of Beneficiary, un er
<br /> �-""'�"`;- and subject to the terme and conditions of this Deed of Truat, the following
<br />��~�`"�"�",� deecribed �eal property aituated in Hall County, Nebraeka, to-wit:
<br /> `"'-�j"•��
<br /> �,.._.,
<br /> T�-�-''� The Eaet one-half of the Southeaet Quarter ot Section Twenty-eix
<br />---°�=��`�'��� (26) , in Townehip Eleven (il) North, Range Nine (9) Weat of the 6th
<br />=ry�i:;..:i::�";.� -
<br /> - -.,v�;� �.i�t. , Hall Coiznty, Nebraska, excepting a certain tract deeded to
<br />�� the State of Nebraska as shown in Deed }3ook 72, Page 466. p,leo
<br />---�=�.� excepting all Meadow Lane Subdivisions more particularly as
<br /> �"�;�;�� follows: Meadow I,ane Subdivision, Meadow Lane Second Subdivision,
<br />�;` - Meadow Lan� Tlzird Subdivision, Meadow Lane Fourth, and Meadow Lane _
<br />�..;�z��;�,,-. ; Fifth Subdivision. Excepting a certain tract r�eeded to the 3tate
<br />�; -,�?�,°_ of Nebraska ag 8hown in Deed recorded as Document No. 80-006677;
<br />_'�:r��+r.
<br /> :s. :�_-. and a tract of land located in the East Half of the Sout eas
<br />.��� •'. :1S% Quarter of Section 26, Township il North, Range 9 West of the 6th
<br />``� � '" P.M. , Hall County, Hebraeka, described as followa: Referring to
<br /> s; ' the Southeaet corner of said Quarter Section; thence we9terly a
<br /> - distance of 1,326.49 feet along the South line of said Quarter
<br /> ` � Section; thence northerly de�lecting 90 degrees, 18 minuees right, _
<br />- a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence �__
<br /> _ northerly def lecting 00 degrees, 00 minutes, 42 mi ut�s�right, �a �'-''��
<br />� feet; thence ea:3Cerly deflec�ing 89 degrees, �".:i_-
<br /> � " .�+�� � distance of 89.98 feet; Lhence easterly deflecting 19 degrees, 17
<br /> �_ _�_..,.e „f o,� an fP�t: thence easterly deflect- �,�;,�A�:
<br /> - .�.�- °-�� minutes riguL , a Uto�nas�.... .._ - ---
<br />- ,. �� •.•• •• ing 19 c3eg�e�s, 17 minutes left, a distance of 335.77 feet; thence ...
<br /> . { southerly def lecting 90 degrees, 06 minutes right, a distance of
<br />` F 626.27 feet to the point of beginning, Hall County, Nebraeka.
<br /> � '�OGETHER witYi and including all and aingular the tenemefnr e�in eandiiee
<br /> ments, appurtenances and privilegey Ll�ereunto belonging YW -,
<br /> appertaining, whether now or hereafter acquired, which shall include, without
<br /> - �� limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following:
<br /> -� � _
<br />