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<br /> i The r,ommon elements are all portlons of the condominium other than the units.
<br /> The Ilmited common elerr►en4s, oYher than those shown on Exhibit "A" are:
<br /> -�.
<br /> -�' '- la) If any chute� flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing �
<br /> "'�"',�� column or any other fixture Iles partially within and partially
<br /> � � i outside the boundaries of a unit, any portfon servinc� only that unit =:�,
<br /> � : d is a Ilmited common eloment allocat�d 4� that unit, and any �-:�:
<br /> : � portion serving more than one unit or any portion of the common ���•
<br /> element is a part of the common elements. `-
<br /> �:`;_
<br /> (b1 Any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, =:._
<br />' � porches, balconies, patios end all exterior doors and windows or _
<br /> � other f(xtures designed to serve a �ingle unit, but located outside �`
<br /> that unit's boundaries, are limfted cornmon elements allacated to _
<br /> that unit. �`"
<br /> C --
<br /> Ll._
<br />. itll
<br /> , ' .r� ="
<br />_ `:.0
<br /> '�-�".� ° Declarant s�aii reserve anii i�nve ii�e follawt�9 d�v�lapmsni riol�ts'
<br />`L,'�:�:,�,_�: 1a) Declarant shall control the Association and m�y appoint and
<br /> �''�r������ remove the officers and members �f the Executive Board of
<br />::�,�c��
<br /> Directors untfl the earlfer of:
<br /> ,,�.�.
<br /> �A���W�
<br /> - �"'�p� (1) Sixty (60) days afzer conveyance of ninety percent
<br /> :a•T'74lci�iY
<br /> W��._���;� (90%) of the uNts which may be created to unit
<br />`"�'�"k�� owne�s other than the Declarant; or
<br /> �y�:s��
<br /> ���= (2) Two (2) years after Declarant has ceased to offor
<br /> _,-•,,;;z..���
<br /> - units for sale in the ordinary course of (ous ness.
<br /> _._,_,�=-��
<br /> ,_—���,�� Not later than sixty 160) days after conveyance of twenty five
<br /> _ '°=-'=� percent (?.6%) of the units which m�y be creatod to unit owners __ _
<br /> - -- other than the Declarant, at ieast one (1) member and not less
<br /> ' ==�== than twenty five percent (26%) of 4he memters of the Executive
<br />__�z�,,� Board of Directors shall be eler.ted exclusively by unit owners
<br /> �_� '�'"' other than the Declarant. N�t later than sixty (60) days after
<br /> --.�.-��� conveyance of fifty p�rcent l60%) of the units which ma�r be
<br /> :�'::�ti,,,...�_�. created to unit owners othor than the Declarant, not less than
<br />- '"�� thirty three and one thfrd percent (33 1/3%) of the members of =
<br /> :_-.?.�:���: ." _
<br />`=��"->:`�;'� �: the Executive Board of Directors shall be elected exclusively by _
<br />'.��;:':;=:,;,t �: unit owners other than the Declarant. -
<br /> �,.
<br /> � �` Not later then the terminatfon of the pe�iod of the Declarant's -
<br /> � •� � control, the unit owners shall elect an Executive Board of at least E
<br /> ,.�,..
<br /> �� .�.�' three (3) members, at least the majority of whom must be unit ��
<br /> =.�•� --.__ ,.,...,o.� Tt,o Fvar.utiva Rnard shall elect the offiCers. The :
<br /> .Y�.._..T-.T". . V�v��v�v• •rrv �.�����..� ___ _
<br /> .:.,,;r� ; Executive Board rnembers and officers shaii take office upon �
<br /> . ' elc�ction. l
<br /> f.
<br />- � � ib) Decla�ant reserves, without assent of owners of units, the right [.
<br /> � � to establish easements, reservations, exceptions and exciusions _
<br />_ . consistent with the condominfum ownership and for the best :
<br /> '• 3 .
<br /> _... . r
<br />: ,
<br />