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� <br /> �� � <br /> DE � D RECORD <br /> Huffman Form No. to31/z Containing qtt Printed�Words. ' <br /> No. 13b-24970—The Auguatlne Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> FROM STATE OF NBBRASKA� <br /> Ss. <br /> �.M.Hun�pr �'�- T1C� ►�P�Ja, Hunter, hu 5band County of Ha.l1 Entered in Numerical Index and filed for recorcl in <br /> & wife thBRegister of Deeds off��e af said County <br /> TO the �9 ddy of AUgU 5 t 19 1�.�}at 3 o'cloclz and tes P. M. <br /> and recorded in Book �pj' page �3� of Deeds " ����;y <br /> Lester MorsP and Esther Mae Morse, <br /> Register of D�'eeds. <br /> H��band and wif e, '�� By Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TH�SE PRESENTS, That 0. M.Hunter and �eba HuntPr, hizsb�nc� and wif e, <br /> itt consicleration of One & Nc�/100 ��1.00) �,nd other valu�:�.ble consider�.tion — — — — — — — — — — DOLEARS <br />, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, seld, convey and confirm unto Lester Morse and Esther Mae Morse, husb�.nd t�riC3. wife, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; tlie following cIescribed real estate,: situate in the Coimty of j��ll ar�d <br /> State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> Beginning at a point �43. � feet e�st of the Southwest cornPr of �ection 3, mownship 11, North, <br /> Ra.nge 9, West oP the 6th P.M. , - running thence n�rth on a line par�.11el with the section line <br /> 516 feet, thence e��st on a line p� .ra.11el iaith the section line 421.4 feet, thence south <br /> parallel with thP section line 516 feet to the south Iine of s�.id section, thPnce west �.long <br /> said section line 421.� feet to the place of beginning, containing 5 acres, more or less, <br /> aIl in Counr,y of H�.11 and State of Nebraska <br /> 2.20 I.R. Stamps ) <br /> Cancelled _ ) <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenunces to th''e same belonging, and alI t�ie estate, title, dower, right of l�omestead, claim or demand wTiatsoever of <br /> the saicj grantor S, of,in or to the same,or any part thereo f; subject to ' <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT TN:THE BUENT OF THE �EATH OF EITH�R OF SAID GRANTEES, THE <br /> EN�'IRE FEE SIMPI,E TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALT VEST IN 'THE SURVIVING GRANT�E. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, witli the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as JOINT T$NANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor o f them, f orever, and W G the grantor 9 named herein for o ur:s e l v e s <br /> and OUT' heirs, executors, anc� administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with t�eir assigns and with the heirs anc� assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that W8 tawfully seized of said premises;`that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein,and that �"1� <br /> t�e said grantor S ha Vegood riglit and lawful authority to sell tTie same, and that wE' will artd OUY' Tieirs, executors <br /> and ac�ministrators shall warrant and clefencl the same unto the grantees-named herein and unto tTieir assigns and unto t�e lieirs and assic�ns of the survivor of tliem, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding tlie exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEI2EOF We have hereunto set ��z' ' hand S this �-5th day <br /> oE Au�ust ,A. D.19�� 0.M,Hunter <br /> In presence of <br /> >�eba xunter <br /> J.M.w�.lkup <br /> Hay s Ba,rbe r <br /> — <br /> STATE OF Or e go n SS. On thzs I 5 th day of AU gU S� A,D. 19�4 , bef ore me,a Notary Public in and f or said <br /> x <br /> CounEy of Lane } County,personally came the aboue named �•�•Hunter c3I1C� S�ba unter, Y2USb�I1C1 a,riC� wif e, <br /> who 8,T'2 personally known to me to be the identical person 8 w�iose name $ af f ixec�to tl�e above <br /> � SEAL� instrument as grantor S, and thPy hF3.V e acknowledged said instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITN$SS my hand and Notarial Seul the date last'aforesaid: H,N. Traxler <br /> Notary Public. <br />, My commission expires on the 2�j day of May A. D. 19�+7 <br />