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<br /> , ��� �^��On APPL# DO1-70128038 �_
<br /> u � MLf� 0000000000
<br /> . 1-4 FAMILY �IDER ., �
<br /> Assignment of Rents .
<br /> TfiIS 1-4 FAMILY 1ZIDEiR is made this 21GT day of FEBRU7IRY , i99� and is ,.
<br /> incorporatrA into end shall bcs deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage,De�d of Trust or Seciuity Deed(the • ;j.,
<br /> "Securiry[nsdrument")of the same date given by the undersigned(the"Bormwer")to secure Borrower's Note W ".^',' ^
<br /> ,:f •�,
<br /> :S�,e�ei^��.
<br /> . .`�::.—--
<br /> (the"Lender") „ . ';t-°-
<br /> of the same date and covering the Property described in tha Securiry Instrument and located at� � —`
<br /> 2315 WEST OKLAHOMA �,n:�r��"
<br /> QRAND IBLAND, NEBRASKA 68803 •;��:t' .
<br /> [Property Addroas� • '�' ��
<br /> ���-.—
<br /> � ,�.,x�:.:�=�
<br /> 1�4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS. In addi6on to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Insmiment, � �'�,•.<
<br /> �� Borrower end Lender fucther covenant und agree as follows: ��'`��' ':
<br /> � Property described in the Securiry Insteuument,the following items are added to the Pmperty desr,ription,and shall '�
<br /> also consriwte the Propertv wvered by the Securlty Instrument building materials.appliannces and goods of every ,
<br /> ��'�
<br /> - �, � nauue whatsoever now or hereaRer locaud in,on,or used,or intend��be usecl in connecrion with the Froperry, - __
<br /> „ � lncluding,but not limited to,those for the purposes of supplying or dlstributing heating,coollng.eleculcity.ga�, =
<br /> „ water,sir end light,fIm greven8on and extinguishing apparntus,security and eccess control apparatus.plumbing,
<br /> .��..
<br /> �; bath wbs,watet heatus,water closets.sinfcs,rar►ges,stoves,refrigeratora,dLshwashers,disposals,washers,dryess, ' _
<br /> awnings.swrm windows,siorm$oors,screens,blinds.stiades. cuRains and currain rods,auached minors�cabinets, ;i :`-
<br /> panelling end attached tloor coverings now or hereafter atteched to the Prdperty, all of which, including =
<br />- •� replacementv and addidons thereto.shall be deemed to be and remein a part of the Property covered by the Security
<br /> Insm�menG All of the foregoing together wlth the Property desaibed in tfie Securlty Insuument(or the leasehald 'c
<br /> ' - �`' estata if Ihe Securlty Instrument is on a leasehold) are rcfernd to in this 1-4 Family Rider c�nd the Securiry __
<br /> Insttument as the"ProPerty.�� ` �
<br /> � B. USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE W�TH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree co or make e ���
<br /> �� change in the use of the Property or its zoning classificadon. unless Lender has ngreecl in wridng w the change.
<br /> - ' ' Borrower shall wmply with all laws, ordinances. regulaHsns and requiremeats of any govcmmental body `'
<br />�� appllcabk w the Prope�ty. ��
<br /> � ' C.SUBORDIIVATE LIENS. fixcept es pe�miued by federal law.Borrower shall not allow any lien iccferfor `'�
<br />��� '� w the Security Instnunent w be pc�fected against the Property without Lender's prior written permission. ��
<br /> ' D.RENT LOS5 IIVSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance ng�inst rent loss in addition to the otha E�
<br /> �-. k..- ._�.._._
<br />�t�� 4.-.__ .,:'za��.:.
<br />-- hazards for wluch insurance is required by Unifoan Covenaut S. �:-•
<br /> E."BQRROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETEn. Uniforun Covenant 18 is deleted. `�
<br />=-� F.BaRROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Leendet and Svrrowet otherwise ttgrt� in writing� the firet `°
<br />,,,�� ;���• senten�x3 in Unlform Covenant 6 conce�ning Borrower's occupancy of the Property is dcleted. All remaining =
<br /> �,�� --
<br /> 3;. � covenants and agreements set fonh in Uniform Covenant 6 shall r�main in effect _ �
<br /> . , F:�E4S'r}�6s::
<br /> ' �' - " _.
<br /> YULTISTATE 1•4 FAMIILY RIDER-F�nnl�M�dFnddl�M�o Uniform Inarument Fo►m 9170 31iS �I�;;a'�zs`
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