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� <br /> 1� <br /> . D � ED R � CORD <br /> HuFfman Form No. io31/z Containing qii Printed Words. <br /> Na. 136-24970—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> FROM STATE OF NEBRASKA� <br /> ss. <br /> Ervin F.T erry Bt cl? County of Hall Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record in <br /> the Register o� Deeda{fice of saic� �,`ounty <br /> TO the 1.2 day of Apr31 i9 � at � o'clo k and�-�j mi es P. M. <br /> Charles Ko��rda and recorded in BooTz �`� pn�e lU of Deeds �J(,�%���-,-� <br /> �'es�a F.KOkx'C�a Register of Deed . <br /> � By Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MF_N BY THESE PRESENTS, Thaf Ervin F.Terry and Alice Terry,husband and v�rife;Art�lur P.Terry <br /> ���, P'�,�i� ��rry,?�usband and ��viPe;Irvin Meve�, and Ru1�y P��eves,lzusband and wiPe;and each in his and <br /> in consi�eration o�� ' T}:iree�'housand P1ine Hundred F��'ty & N�/100 - - - - - - - - -- — — DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell,conUey and confirm unto Clzarle.s Ko1;Y'(�.�'�„ and Vesta F.KO��rda,husband and wife <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; tlie following described real estate, situate in tTie County of Ha�� and <br /> stafe of Tye��raska , to-wtia: <br /> The Wes�erly Twenty_�wo ( �2) Feet oP Lot Three (3) and the Easterly Twenty-tv�n ( 22} FPet of Lot <br /> Four � �) 3.n Bloc�i Eig�zteen (la) of hernohan & Dec��er's Addition to the Ci�y o�' Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska,accQrding to ti�e recorded thereoP. <br /> ('��+.40+I.R.Stamps ) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> , <br /> to ether with. all the tenements liereditaments and a urtenances to the same belon in , anc� all the estate title c�ower ri �t o �omesteac� c�aim or c�eman hatso <br /> 9 . . P p 9 9 . . . 9 f , c l w e v e r o f <br /> the saicl grantor$ , of, in or fo the same,or any part thereof; su�iject fo <br /> IT BBING THB INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES H$RETO, THAT IN THE EVBNT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES, THE <br /> BNTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above clescribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto t�e saic� grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, ' <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and �e the grantor g named herein for Ll8 <br /> and OUZ' heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, that We ax'E3 lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance except as stated herein,ancl that �`f� <br /> the saicd grantor S ha V@ good right and lawful auth,ority to sell the same, and t�iat �d E will and �Ux' heirs, executors <br /> nnd administrators shall warrant and defencl the same unto the grantees named herein and unto tlieir assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor of tliem, forever, <br /> against the Iawful claims of aIl persons wl�omsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEI2EOF �`f e have hereunto set OUl° hand 8 this 3rd dQy <br /> of April ,A. D.19LI-�!� <br />' In presence of Ervin F.Terry <br /> Ruth S���anson as to - - - _ - _ _- - _ - - _ _. _ Ar�hurTPrTerry <br /> �a�c�ne T�rry <br /> Ruby l�eves <br /> ,Trvin 142eves <br /> STATE OF Nebraska, l ss. On this �-1-t+h clay of April, A.D. �-9�� , before me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of H81.1 j County,personally came the above named Ervin F+'.�'erry and Al3.c e Terry,�1US�JSriC� a.ri(�. Wj.f'@� <br /> Iz°vin l��eves and t�uby I��ieves,husband and wife, each in t}.Zeir ovan right, <br /> wl�o AI'Q personally known to me to be the identical person s whose name 8 aY'E affixed to the above <br /> instru,ment as grantor8 , and t',}.18y' aclznowledged said instrument to be their <br /> � c�• .�L� voluntnry act and deed. � <br /> WITNESS my liand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. RUt'i�l �cJ�,71SOY1 <br /> '''t Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires ort"t�' AUg•�-�>1-g'-i�t. � <br /> State of Oregon ) <br /> ) ss. On this jrd day of Apr3.l,l��-�,be.iore me, a PJo�ary Public, in and for <br /> County of Mu]_tnomah ) said County,personally came t��e named Arthur P.Terry and 1laxine Terry, <br /> husband and wif e, each in his and her ot�n ri�ht, '�o me knov�n to be �he <br /> identical pPrson whose name is a�'fix�d to the fore�oin� ins�rument as �rantor and acl�nowled�ed <br /> the same to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and. Sea1 �he c�ay and year last a��ove writ�,en. <br /> F.:�.Bra,�avich <br /> ( SEAL) No�ary Publl.c <br /> Pti2y Cor�mission expires l��iarclz 10, 1��7. <br />