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<br /> i
<br /> .,..... ., -
<br /> . . .. '- •• �/
<br /> I _,
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST • Pepe 3
<br /> OZ�-t41a97
<br /> I � l.oen No 413'!63 (Cor.tinued) � �.Q���__ , -
<br /> I � unyy the Ilen. in ony conte5t,�Yrust E�n addi�onal obiiyoe umlerdany sursty bondilurnl�^�h dan Ihe coNe�sl procobde�gs.faCemenl asaln�l lha _-�-
<br /> pipp�rty,Trutta shtll nart►�l� tNr °-�-
<br /> EvlOina of P�y1rMn1• Trusta ehell upon demand turnlsh to Lender satlstactory evldence of paymenl o11he taxe�w aasfssrrNnts and ehall I�
<br /> au�MrtZ�It►�WProP�kN qowrnm�ntal oMlclal to delivar lo Lender el eny tlme a wdnon atatement of Ihe texes and assessments Qyalnsl ihe ,.
<br /> Proporty. �
<br /> F�oGc� of Cun:tntsUanfa IM,Pr ao�fy�Il e^y n�hanb a�lbn�,mali Itirt i ael�n.fla olher I en�could�bo n�ert^,.�d ngeceauunt Ia'f�lhe work,
<br /> � meMriab u�t p1l�d .
<br /> I s�ntcw,a rnd�r+ale. Trintor wIN upon nqtNS10l Londer furni�h!o UndM advmcY lssunnces a�tisfiCtory to Lendsr that Tntsta Can�nd wlll
<br /> payllw co�1 al cuch ImprbwrtNnb.
<br /> 1 ppOpEATY OAMAOE INM7FaAMCE. TM foNOwirq provfslons relatinp to insurinp ih�Property ere a parl of It�a Oeed ol Trust �
<br /> 1 �����p}����nt�.Trustor nhtN Procurs and mainteln polcbs of flre Insunnce wlth'n18n amount sufflclent to tvdd appllcaUOn of any ' _
<br /> I repYO�rMnt basfs(a th�tuN Insurabk vaiue cowrinp nll Improwments on the Real Property
<br /> cdr�uranra cla�o,and wHh e stend�rd matgaps�ckuse In tava of Lender,topelher with such other huard and Nab�tiy insuranco as Lender
<br /> m�r r�uonahy nqu�re. PoNclse ehaN ba wrlhen In form,amounts,coverafles and basFS reasonabty acceptabb to Lender and Issued by a �
<br /> aompany a companles roasonabtY�xeDtab{e to Lendsr. Trustcr,upon req��esi o!I.ender,wiil deliver to Lender hom Ume to tims ths polfc{es _
<br /> or qrtiAUtes of Ins�w�He n ollce�to�lsnder�� Eachein urence pd�y elso sha I�Inc ude an e dorsement p owdl�rg tlut�cov fle n�favor of .'
<br /> {eul ten(10)d4ys p
<br /> LondK wiN nol bo Impalred In any way by eny act,oml5sion or defauit of Trustor a any other person. Should tFw�1 Pr�opedrly a�Tf t�i t� ;1�=`.���
<br /> blCprni locatod In an uea desiynpled by ihe DkeCtor of the Federel Emerpency Management AqenCy as�speck r Y
<br /> oqrMS lo obttin and maint�in Federal Flood Insurnnce fw the(ull unpaid princlpai belance ot the loan,up to ths rt►exium policy Itmiis set under +..- _
<br /> theNadonai Flood Insurance Propram,or as otherwise requlred by Lender,a�d to malntain such Insurance for 1he term ol the loan. ,-�..,�.•.
<br /> � AppllGlbn o1 Proteedi. Trustor shall prompliy notlty Lendar ot any loss or demefle to fhe Properly. Lender may make proof ol loss if Trustor � '�
<br /> fab to do so within fifleen(i6)days of the aasualty. Whether or not Lender's secu►ity Is impaired,Lender may,a11�s ptecilon,raceive and relaiii uza��rs+�,
<br /> � ttNproCeads of any inswance end apply the procoeds to ihe reducUOn of the Indebtedness,peymont of any Ilen sttecUng the Property,or 1he .+ , a��t.,,.._'.��
<br /> If I.ender elects to eppty the proceeds to restorntion and repair,Trusior shall repair or replace the �}:��
<br /> I resloratlon and repalr of the Property. roof of such expenditure,pny or �}`• '�� +_--=
<br /> dam��d or destroyad Improwments in a manner sausfactory to Lendar. Lender shail,upon satistectory p
<br /> nlmburse Tnrsta kom the proceeds fw Ihe r6esonabte cost of repalr or restaation Ii Trustor is not In delautt under thls Deed of Trust. Any ��_� ;--
<br /> p�wh�h havs not been dlsbursed within 180 days atter their recelpt and whkh Lender has not committed to tlw repafr a restoraqon of tm,�,' } _
<br /> � , :ft�pr�p�rty shal�bs usad Mst to pty any amount owlnp to Lender under this Oeed of Trust,then to pny actxued interest,nnd the ramnlnder,it
<br /> �.� 8m,sfwl ba tppl�ed to th�prindpel batence of the Indebtedness. It Lender hdds any proceeds�fter D�Y�nt In full of the Indebtedness,such ��-
<br /> i procMds SMN b�p�id to Trustor as Truslo�s Inlansts may appear. _
<br /> �.; �kW�eNU�nc��t SW. Any urwxpksd Insurarx�sha��Inure to the benefit of,ond paas to,the purchas�r of lhe Prop�rty covK�d by fhb 5
<br /> rx
<br /> OMd dTrust�t any hustM'e eak a other eale held under lhs proNslons of thb Deed of Trusl,cr�t any foreclosun saN ol such Prop�rfy.
<br /> r ,, f;dnpNr�c�with ExlNlop Ind�bt�dnat. DuAnp lhe porlod In wtYch any Exlsllnp Indebbdnass d�ssribod bNow Is In Nl�ct,compNanc�vdth '• �
<br /> ..,.__. _ `� � *_I�±aurinn oroNSlon�contalMd In lh�lnslrur►wnl�vid�nCing nuch Exlstinp InGbt�dn�sa shall Constitut�compllana wlth IM Infurana �`�
<br /> _. _ ___ !r ., �a� wnum con�tltute�dupllcallon of Insunno�
<br /> .. ptpVi��p�y u(ldjt�hh pNd Of T�tJ�t,tO lh�YxNM COmpilanC�wiin tin ii���w Lf i.�k�C�0!Tt�-• .
<br /> �pulnlrtNn4 If any prooMda kom th�Insunna b�COrn�p�yabk on loss.th�proNslom In lhls Dbd of T�ust fa dvbion of prooNd��na� .
<br /> �pply pdy to Ihat portlon d ll�proc�df no4 p�y�bM to th�hdd�r ol!M Exlstlnp Ind�bt�dn�se• "
<br /> ���s er�R. II Tru�ta NNt lo compry wlth�ny provls�an of thls OMd of Trutt,Irzciudinp any obNptNon to rrw►ntain FxltUnp
<br /> Ind�bad►s���400d�tand�p W�W���ow,a M any�ctlon a prawdlnp Is comm�nad lhal woutd rtuNriallY aMac1�and�r'e Intonab In tM
<br /> p�pp�y, {„�nd�r on Trualor's WhaN m�Y.but ehall not 1»nquind to,U�ke�ny�ctian Ihat L�ndM dMm1�PPf���• Any amount that Undtr ,j
<br /> " �ck�in�o ddnp wIN b�ar�ntK�s��t tM rate proNd�d for In the Not�(rom the dik IncuRed a pald by Lsnd�r to lhe d�ta of r�p�ym�nt by �
<br /> ;• Trusta.AA tuah�xp�rna.a14Md���P�on,wHl (a)be paY�ble on demand, (b)b�added to tM bdanCe ot itw Not�and M apPallon�d m►onp ;
<br /> �i l�i.�.No+�o�r �oj w auUd u�pbiNOOn payment whiCh w�b�e d1H an�d�payable�t the Nofi'e,malwlly.6ThypONd of Trus'1 deo wWl�un ,
<br /> w
<br /> � � _
<br /> Q,y�„«,,a,,,,s.,,rw„�►,, T1N rlphb prov�dYd fa In this parapraph shall be In add�tlon lo any other rlphts or any renNdNs to whtch L�ndu may
<br /> 4'• onylf�0 os��CCOUnt of ths d�(ouit. Any auch ection by Lender shall not be construed es curinp the defautt so as to bv LondK from any ramady that �
<br /> '� It otMiwfa�wouid ha�.w had. r
<br /> �: yy�qp�liTy�pEFEN$E pF T�1LE. Tho tdlowlnp provislons relatinp to ownershlp ot the Property tre a ped of thfs Daed o(Trust.
<br /> �. Trusta warta t��h�)�t torlh In the Real Ptoperty d tescrlPt ion a In 1 edFxlstinpPnd�eb edness seot oo bolow or in any HtN ins rence ��-•V j.�
<br /> � �ncumbrnnces other --�-
<br /> ,g�t`. ��ripht pa�ver.�d authorfty to ezxuta e d'ndeNver hfs De6d of TruStto�Lender.�n conneation with this Deed of Trust,and (b)Trustor hns tM —
<br /> " �i pN�N.of TftN. Sub}ac1 to ttw�xcaDUon In tFw puaqragh abova,Trusta wurenb and will forevet do�ond tha tille to the Propaiy apalnst tM -
<br /> "` qwfut dnims of eN petsom. In ths ovent any acflon or proceedlnq Ns commenceA that quesUons Trustor's tltk or the ian�sres`o��but _ _
<br /> �� Under unda thb Deed of 7ruat,Trusta shaN detend the acHon at Trustors expense. Trustor may be Ihs naminal pa►ty ___
<br /> ' �t ��nWr shaN b�entitNd to parlkipate In ihe proc�edinp and to he represenled In.the proCeedinp b/Counsel o}L�ndar's own chota,and
<br /> 'r"� Tmstor�lU d�Nver,or catN1 to b�dqlvered,to Le�da such Instrument�as Lendar may request lrom tlma to tims to pormlt such particlp�tlon. --
<br />, ,� � ��yyflh L�wa. Trusta wur�nts that ttw Property and Trustw's usa of the Prope�ty compNes wHh�N�dstinp appikx4te I�wr�, �i�
<br /> � ordinenca�,and ropulatlons of go+rammentel authoritk�s. +� ,�---rr�
<br /> • . .�. �;t��_:.
<br /> p(�gTI�tG INDEBTEONESB. Tho tdlowinp provlslons concem�nfl exlsting Indebledness (ihe"Existing�ndebtednes.g'�aro�parl of lhNS Deed of
<br /> ' �'t'"� TNSL ' `++ '
<br /> Y pd�tln�LNn, The Iisn ot this Dasd of Trust securinp lhe Indebtedness may be secondary and inlerior to an o�d�tinp Ilen. Trustor expressly ' : ;��
<br /> • 1 wv�n�nb tnd ayr�ea to ptY,or aes to the paymenl ot,the Existinq Indebtedness and to prevanl any de}autt on such indebtedness�any defaWl � .._Y:KI'�'"�
<br /> • und�r tho InsVumeNs avldmdnp suah indebtedness,or nny detault under any securiry documsnts ta such indobtedrwss. ,>,�%t':;. ` *.
<br /> � p�tault, It ths pay�nant of any Installment of princlptl or any Interest on the ExisHrp Indebtedr�ess!�not made within tM Bme requMed by the ;:; •�''� :
<br /> iqls�Md�ndnp suCh IndWtodnoss,a ehou�d a dofaull ucaur un d e r t h e in s U u m e n t s e C U r i n p s u Ch Indeb�edness and nol be cured durinp any ���V: ; ,
<br /> _ �pptiqble qnp ppriod tMrAln,then;�t the option of Lender,the Indebtedness seetsured by this Oeed of Trust�ehaN become Immediatdy dua . ,
<br /> uKf plyabN,and this f?ad nf Trust shall be in deffiult.
<br /> x Np �ipdfllC�ttOn. Trustor shall rtat ontu Into any apreement with the hWder of any morlya0s�deod of trust,or other 68CUrlty epreement whlCh . .
<br />' Und1�yruitor ehhall�her reqst+�st nof ahccept anoy tu ueetadvances under anye6uch secudty agreement wlthout t15e prlor wrtften consent of
<br /> � Li►tdlr. • .
<br />_ ��NpEMHAT�pN, The fdloWlrp provkslons relatinp to,coqdemnation procoedlnps are�part o�thls Deed of Trust. ��
<br />' _ .._._:.� �,..�u,�w�et Wet Proeeeda. If nlf or any part ot the Property Is candemned by emfnent domeln proCeedln s a by any proceedirtq or �
<br />° -- .. . ... __..__y_....�,,s .,si.,..�r��rfn et�tho award bo eD0118d to the L , _ - - -_ -
<br /> - ,: - •rr-•----. _.
<br />_ � pu�chtss in Iieu of condemnaflon,Lender may at Iis oiecu�e net Boceeds of the�nwerd shall mean ihe award atter peyment of all reaaonable
<br /> . md�bl�dr�iss a t►�e,repdr or restualion of lhe Property. p
<br /> cosb,expensas,and aSaneys'fees�neurted by Trustee or Lendor In connecllon wilh the condomnatlon.
<br /> ProcNd{npt. It any procsediny in condemnatlon Is filed,Trustor shall prompNy notfry Lender In wdlinp,and Trustor shsll promptiy take such
<br />_ �lep�ts may be neCessary to dafend the action and oblain 1he ewerd. Trustor may be the nominfll parry In such proceeding,but Lender shili
<br /> b� �nUtled t0 p���peto In the proceedinp and to be rapresented In Iho proceeding by counsel o�Its 4wn cholce,and Trustor wlll deliver or
<br /> - aus�tn be detivered to L�nder such Instrumonts es mey be requested by It hom tlme lo lime to permll such parilcipatlon.
<br />- IMPOS�TION OF TAI(ES,F�ES AND CHAFidEB BY GOVEFiNMHHTAL AIJTHORITiES. The followinp provisions relatiny to povernmentnl laxes,
<br /> �� IeE►s�nd charpes�re a pert of thls Deed olTrust:
<br /> Current Taxes,Fees Ind CharQes. Upun request tiy Lender,Trustor shall execule such documenis In addillon to ihls Qeed of Trust and teke
<br /> whalever othev�ction fs requested by Lendor to perfect and contlnue Lender's Ilen on the Roal�rope�ryr. Trustor shail relmburse Lender for ati . .
<br /> {uces,as dsscribed below, lopelher with nll oxper►ses Incurred In recordlnq, perfec��nq or co�tlnuinp thfs Deed ot Trust, includinp without
<br /> (mitetlon"ell taxes,fees,dooumentary 8tamps,and other chargss fa recording w iegi�teriny lhls Deed of Trust. '��t or upon en or any
<br /> T�xa. The foNowinp dhnll constltute texes to whbh this secNon applles: (a)a speci0c 1ax upon thls ly�of�pd���
<br />