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<br /> . ��1 - _ '�'�=?�:i_�_ _ ._ , _' - - _. " . . -
<br /> . �
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<br /> _ ., � . . . � . .._
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<br /> _ . .. , . . � _ _ ' - ' . ._ . _ S•. ..- ._ - _ _ -_
<br /> - . .. .:��i.. ,�� i • .. . _._ _ � ... . . . . • • • � ,, ' l ` � ' . -. ` .
<br /> . . . > .
<br /> . � ' ' .. .. , , " . . . - . � ��� . . ` .
<br /> l�1�i���t�t Qliy SQOC1��t fUf t�9I�)�0[G S�0 Ot fZIG QtOQNi�I QYtSY�l1i{���DRn�.�k�1!!d�D fbl�• .
<br /> $O�l�y[l�ff�t�Of�)!a[Ij1 Of�JY�IIGIIt l0�0[C�$tZUS�ECI��iR11Q1t.,�G�lOdS atC t�lit BOR09PQ. (a)
<br /> QI�S l.l�l,I.i�,St➢1�tAt�,iC�1 t�IRf WW���Q�tlli5 SCCIIItty�l1�11IDCOl Aild tZl�NO[C a4 i������
<br /> oocmm�:tb)aurs any def�tt of aay aher cAVen�ots atagt+�emaus:ic�Wys�li exptas�s incurtM menfo�ng tltis Security ... �
<br /> Insuumau,iactudi,ag.b�a aa[luni�ed 3o rr,ua�le auorn�ys'fee�and[d1 t�toes such accion as t.ei�d�may�anabiy
<br /> m
<br /> _--- --- ---— _�—teqseecr ta�s�ae t6ai ilrl�tc+f.lhis�ce��ety.►nsmm�ent..i.eaderk rights iu t6e Rapq_1y v�d Hartowet's abtigatia►iu pay tht . _ �'�� _
<br /> sums socurcd by this Security IratramenE shail caatinoe unctwmged. Gpon neinstatemeat by�ower.ti�is 5ec�uit} ,: ,.�� .-—
<br /> t�� - - Ins�tnmatt and the obtigations secuted t�t►y sUa11�emaip fWly tffeciivt ss if oo acceleration l�ad occame0. Nowever,this -�-
<br /> __ � _ rig6t to reinstate s1�0 not apply io tbo case of aocel�ation under paragr.�ph 1�
<br /> ` lZ S�le ot No6t:t.'�a�e of I.w�SRrvioer. 1�e Notc or a_l�aztial intec+est in the Nate.ltoð�with this Security .� �`.��:`..
<br /> ;.- � ''�: : '- = Im-�nun�ti�tay be sotd an�ar mo�e timec without prux r�nti�tu Barower. A sak may r�esvit iu�cliang,e in the entity - - ` ?
<br />��_ .� -- (QnowQ as tbc"t.o�n Se�vicer"l t6at cdJests montNY[�Y�►ts due uoder tAe Note aod tEtis Sesun'iy7ns�cat�at. 7lieie atso . — -=�: ,:.• ;:1::,-_
<br /> :f�:t �-. may be a�e or mae changes af t�e Lo�S���uefated to a sate of the Nae. [f there is a ct�ange of the Laan Servicer .. _ � -
<br /> ^�� Bo�mwer will 6e given writ�n notic�e af tbe dlaoge in aceardance v�ith paragr�ph!4 abave aod appficable 1aw. The ztotice . -- . . ..
<br /> y-�'�. $�� - w7t st�tc t6e tlameaad addc+ess�tlre ae�i.a�Setvicer a�td the address W which pa3mtettts sLatid be a� Tbe noticac w�7i . _'
<br /> ; 'k5 _ . ats�corrtain anp gt�es infa�mation r�equned 6Y aPPt�ble ta�v._ _ . _ - = __ -
<br /> t^'''• 'i ��°� -' 21r. Na�+do�ts S�SWces. Bomovrer shall not canse ar perndt the p�esence,use.�di.di.sposal.staage or rerea.se oi"atiy .�
<br />� ' 1: c ''� �r'r:'
<br /> : ;. .
<br />,, ; ' ,'�-, � -� ` _!#a�a�oas Sobst�an ar irr the P�opetty. Baroarer st�alI not da nar allow anya�e etse ta da anything affecting t6e •�. •
<br /> . ��'`�' ' .�ecty that is in vial�ioa of�ty�Ca►v3to�tnental Law. Tbe pieceding two s--���atFait not apply w the presenc�us�or
<br /> '�;': ._• _ _ `L' . . . . .._ :.:._.
<br /> i ,,;;,:•'. ,e�:��„ stv�-.�ge an tM pinperty af sii��anp6es of Harrrdous Substanoes d►at are gene�allg cecogmed ta be appropciate to n«mal '`.; ' .
<br /> � .[ ':rti{�+,.tJ�:".•r,:,y?� � . �ES1�1�Y�3Q��Q C O���S. .
<br /> '' •. r�^oed•�ew:�.-
<br /> ::� ' �?z= �t-.;Lr _'`�• Bamwet s1�r11k�e Lender wrirten natice af aay enrestig�on.claim.denrand.lawsaii or at6et action by any _ _ �-
<br /> t „�.. �,.� F sl k �. ._
<br /> ���`:� :isffx ; • gwemnteutaEgt�t���'�� �P�«PanY�volviag tt��y aud ar�y.H �ts Substance�Fntniranmental _
<br /> "' ��'r�r`` `�r of which�oifa��s� lmaw/edge. If i3txt(��ei teams. 6c is t�otife�b��uv��tm+etst�vt__ ,�ory �.:,r,{�5f¢ ��
<br /> . ;'�:� -•`�; :a�i1jaity,that any teiab'.ri�'carofi�r remediatio�of a�g�dous.Substance�ffect�ng the Ptoperty is�y wer `f� a� ,�rt'��•�
<br /> !'' � ' - :�f s fi a l l p�o m P t 1 Y t a i�e a t i o�t"I f l e d i a l,a c t i a a s i u�W i l h F l l v i t o n l i l e ni3l G�e, e� ������` ��`
<br /> , `�.:':_.<� - ,;��% As use�in.3[iss paragz�;'�A.°H�ifs:�-°��those'substances defined as toxic or l�aza�s��._�by ���f. ';�� __
<br /> � '�s�, " caviconmerttat�aw and the:{s,�towi�,�.�,: ��'r.rte.kerasene.other flammabte or tox�c,'jpot'co[e,�n�is.tnaic ,�• � ;- � .,.s
<br /> _V _ �,.�-�� �f ��t _�` pesticides and�ic�icides,i��ae�:i.�� �Js�ii�ntaining asbestas ur formatdehyde.and��i�'ia�.ssiv�matc4ials. As"�'r . . ' �}', ` 'r� ,� ?
<br /> - ';h�j� .,•. used in this pareg�&aP1i20�ir�"`"s•ises�&s.'`.�ar�'=ir�t�c�ra1 Taws and taws of tt�e juiisdiction w(t�=�itte i'rapertyi is taated r:, y;,� � -°.... �
<br /> ';� •fi�'3:i� ��-'—_.
<br /> ^.r'`�=��7�`�� .. ,' Ihal mtate tO(�ealth.safet�.�.!'�i�anmea�.�ceCdbcr... :: ��P+;��'�` ' :�
<br /> ' �,f, .r•'?"�:,<<,- "`'�� -
<br /> .'� • AION-Ul�lIFORM Ctk��.���.i"f'S. 8acc�narer ati��er funher covenant and�nee as foliows: � I�::;�-�;�.;> -
<br />- .f°^: �.,�E��iG����tr• -� 21. Accekratiao;� I.eaiidr sbaU give notke to Rorrovrer priur to acaferat(oa tdlo�rieS Barro�er s �-`< < .
<br /> � `°'fR <<�p��.�� �' `� v ment i.cMis Securi Instrntaent Ibat not prbr to accekr�tiu�aeder para�rapU 1� ��' �t � '� '�_`
<br /> . , f�d. , breac6 0�aey ma'iaani a�za�e tY ' �;
<br /> `r `'' ;�;;.;V , o�tess spplicsbte law ps'+�id(�.�tberwtsel. 77ie notke shall specify: Ia116e detault;lb1 the'a,'icfo`i�i reqaire�d to care the •'°�� -
<br /> � � ��'� ` •<�:�`
<br /> f.� :.�;.,��st� 5c'w,�i�the d�it must be �,•:'��,.,�,.,..;� _
<br /> ,!;;! d e f a d t:(c l a d a t e.a o t��p s 3 0 da ys lrom t6e date t6e ootke is�ivea to BcEr�ti�r,
<br /> �":��," <� 1t Ls. xtation o�
<br /> �. �i k:•;rf; � d�t�d;aed Id)t6at failurc ida'ra�re tUe detaatt an ar 6etore tde date specified in bic�'ic��a+�? �1 �� �f:�':���t`' -�';�=
<br /> S�7i�'fi4-��' ',U ;•,;t:�.�., ;-. s. -
<br />:����,.:<< :,,f� .,�: `;.�•�n� r . `t�e sYms secYred Dy t6is Secarity l�t��meni aad saTe of the Prop�y The�tke s�a�l r����.�tr�wer of ri .r�;;�s:��;. ••, -
<br />�.?; r."s. � . .,3f:? lhe ri�6t fo ninstate aRtr accderatiai�arrd fl�e r�gAt to brieg a rnu�a'etion to assert the�of a defaatt or . -.�- �;`�k'�it���,;` �`s �_
<br /> -'���' �''``'.:l,' ,v`<�� �n q o t b e r defense d Barrower to aoAilaspflion and s9k. It the dN'aodt is not cured on ar 6s#�t�e date specitkd in _ ��,�, ''r''k;� '�", �� r.•,
<br /> ';�, i.; :.;i'% tf� s.�;���`��1.`�`i:t
<br /> � .'l � ��Pf�" F��
<br /> � .,}.': ``��'.;:,:; . �:f.. the aotke.l.eader at its tion ma ri ai+r immediate ment(n faU af�11 suats secared b=��ecuri lnstrument � .i-: c .;�. r
<br /> • t:f.r.;;�i:� � y ��' �'S � � '::'. ;'r`�.��{l�'i=±���k'3 �c
<br /> -- --....-_-__-. withoat taethee demand aeal�ay ��jdl.-r the pnv�•ec of sale-aad-anr otber cemedks permifted by applicable taw ` `;_:'' ,�i:`:•i�,:,;;y i�'�`i,
<br /> , I.ender shal{be mtitJed ta ani��.:?J�.ex �incurred tn ursuin tbe� ra�•ided in thLs puap,�apb 21. •� 4�:���;P�,:-. —�'-'
<br /> _ P� P P. V � • •<;`r "'
<br /> '� • inctwling.but not timite0 tbax�?�1f0�aitorneys'iees�nd cmx�of tide evld�ve-. , Yy��r�°��, : ,�:
<br /> • �.�:,.::#:��{,
<br /> .�� ' ' • � It the er Ot sate is:bca�a�u��'€'�tee shall record a aatic�e aF��e;p'�h coanty in whkh aey p�rt ot tfie .: . , ',�����r`"', _ .
<br /> �`. e ,'(
<br /> � i; �r,�°; ��,.
<br /> . � . , Property is 4d��aJ aad slia�f�il copf�:w of such natice in the mant��by applica6k taw to BorroNer�nd to .. {;c u,�.; .,i��...
<br /> J`�,. - ,', - ;-�-- - the ot�.y pers�s presc�ri.h�D�v applk�bte taw Aftee!be tia�e rc�uia�bv�pUca6te law.7 l r u.�tte s h a l l g,he pu b l k rf:+�,fs'�;,, � _ _
<br /> x<� ;'S•;:—- _� •"
<br /> aaqia of sale tp tpe pe�sa�s��b tAe manner rescrl6ed 6�app��di�e law..�'�stea without demaad on BarroWer. ,,<,;,,: .� , �..�
<br /> , ._ _ P y ,�"�.;.fl;
<br /> shali sell the L'r o p erty at��uct bn to t h e h i g h e 5 l�i�der a t t he,4 ime a n d�1 9 i�a n d u n d e r t h e t e r m s d e s i g n a t e d i n f'r;�}�i�;::�:`',. �'; .:�_
<br /> F�i��k� ,:.
<br /> the nntice alsak in one or��sim�d i�+any r�q+�,��'rustre Qetermines:�1�t�d•re maY Da�P�wle oi all or any 4-'�����;t ,F
<br /> ,:iN ;;;},, ,i
<br />� i�. •, .; Parcel of t6r Paoperty by p�s;�uo�c�i t a;$�i�sie an d�o!any p r�s�ri a s t y s c h e d m!e d s�i e. L e n d e r o r i t s 't `,#,,�,,,: :r..'�;;�'��,:;.`
<br /> : . :,i',,n ,. desip�e�e�sy�archase the Prr+�g!e�i!,r�au�s�as s�e. , �'��'::. ', `:, . . =_:� ,`�;�,;'•� �<:�,;fit����;u�-
<br /> • lJ p � T ��u'fhasee'�P�?;Qeed cnnreying the,; ,,t .�:..,;r,�.•�"�ti;cr•;t�}�`';�a,
<br /> . � pon r�6pt ot ayqc�i.i�.t�tae�P biA. rus.'�s�daU{�ti�6e=¢�s da�the .. . ,-.. x' r.� � i
<br /> _ ���. . ' PropertY• The rccital�l���'a�r�'ee'c deed shall be�a t�cie egi�mce u�t tir i'�iazCd►ot Ibe s9'atemen�s madt therein. ;.�,� : . '�<'};�-�,��.' ' - .
<br /> :h' _ . . : �t;-�iY�( e . .
<br />,� ' �r�?�-"���;c%,,� • 7bu_ctee shall aPW9,ibe.��s of the sate in the tolloxin�nrders i�►to all c�a�dlexpenx� t't:,'...t`. .
<br /> of exercLsiag tl�e po�rer + a�,T,, } '
<br /> rt.��F . ,,. ����,y 7j,.' .
<br /> � . �;, .`,. � ���� .
<br />.. , '�!`�/4 ' ' �i} C i �. .
<br />' •%'f�i',.. , ... • �;,� ___' _' _' '
<br /> ;,' , • , .
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<br /> tfiJ,irE;:i l,rk 7J••Y U•'�' . _'.��'. %��':;;:� �' . . � `� �� .
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