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�`I� <br /> ���D R�CO�]� �T�. 8 � <br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. � <br /> i�ot�,ry Public in and for s aid county, psrson�,lly came Julia Nolan, unmarried woman, who is person- <br /> ally known to me to be tne identical person t�rhose name is affi;�ed to the above instrument as <br /> bra,ntor arid is severally acknowled�ed the said instrur�ent to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> �'�itness my�iand �nd Notarial seal, thP d_ate a.�oresaia. <br /> Cnarles F.Temple <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commission Expires Feb. 16, 1927 <br /> Filed for record this 2�th day of Februa.ry, 19�5, at 10: 30 0 � clock A.M. ,� � � <br /> �u��.d �.�-''a- <br /> egister of e�s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-`J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-:;-0-0-�-0-G-�-0-0-�-0-�-�-^-�- <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEFD <br /> T�-IIS INDENTURE, Made this 17th day of Sept. in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and 23, 3ETI�JEEN <br /> Ben,jamin Nolan and Della Nolan, his taife, of the first part, and May Rainey and Regina Nicks, oi <br /> the second part. <br /> � WITNESSETH, that the s�id parties of the first pa.rt, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> to them duly pa.i�, the receipt �anereof is hereby acknowled�ed, have remised, released and quit- <br /> claimed and by these presents do for themselves, tneir heirs, executors a.nd administra.tors, <br /> remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said parties of the second p�.rt and to <br /> their heirs and assi�ns forever, all their ri�lit, title, interest, estate claim an4 demand, both <br /> at l���r �,nd in eo,uity, of, in anc� to all of <br /> North West quaxter of South West Quarter, (NVJ4 Sti�14) of Section Fourteen (14) to�•mship ten (10) <br /> l�orth,F.ange twelve (12) West 6'� P.M. in Hall �ounty, Nebraska. <br /> To�ether with all �nci sin�ula.r the hereditaments thereunto belongin�. <br /> TO HAV'i' Ar�?D TO HOL� the above described premises �anto tne s�.i8 gra,ntees, their heirs and <br /> as�i�;r1s; so tha,t neitner the said �;rantors or any person in trieir name ai�d behalf, shall or �rill <br /> herea.fter claim or demand any right or title to the sa_ic� premises or any part thereof, but they � <br /> and every one of them snall by th-se presents be excluciec� and Porever barreci. <br /> � <br /> IY� WIT'`?ESS '�7PAEREOF, The sai� parties of the firs't part have hereunto set their hands and seals <br /> the d�,y a,nd ye�x last above s�rritten. <br /> �i�neci, sealed �znc� d�livered in presence of Della Nola.n <br /> Ethel C.L-yr�en BenJamin Nolan <br /> STATE 0� ',r+lYCMING )ss. On this 17th day of Sept. A.D. 1923, before me the undersigned, Ethel C. <br /> NATRONA COU!�TY ) Lynch, a Notary Public, duly ccmmissioned and qualified for and residin� <br /> in said county, personally came Ben,ja.min Nolan and Della Nolan, his V�ife, to me kno�•m to be the <br /> identica�. persons ?�rhose names are affixed to the fore�oin� conveyance as gr�ntors a.nd acknotnrledged <br /> the s^.me to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> �,Titness my ha ,�? and Notaria,l Sea.l tl�is 17th d.a,y of Sept. 1923• <br /> Ethel C.Lynch <br /> ( °�'AL� Nota.ry Pub11C <br /> tRy commission expires the llth da.y of June, 1927. <br /> F'�led. for record this 2� da.y of Febru�rST, 19��, 2t 10: 30 0 � clock A.r'I.�-� ������ � <br /> eg ster of el�as�� <br /> �-n-�-Q r': -n n, r, n-!�_�_`�_..-!1_�'_.^�_;'`_n r,_r�_r',_,-.. __:� ,'l n_.n � n .-��-.� ^ n ^ � `�-^ _ ,-�-� - -�- <br /> i ��J �.�,✓'��,�V ..���._. . �.-J� �.�..� ��� ..J � ��U�V�V..�(��'.✓�'��—,� , �.� <br /> �,UIm CLAIM DEFD <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 12th c?��.y of May, A. D. 1922, between Cnarles Nolar�, a sinF le man, Frank <br /> Nola.n and Haz el Nolan, hi s wi f e, Jo s eph Nolan and Dora Nolan, hi s s�ri f e, Paul Nolan and Lucil e <br /> Nola.n, his tiaife, Julia Nolan, an unmarried wom�,n, and John M.Nolan, and his wjf'e, 'rherese Nolan, <br /> heirs at law of Joseph F.Nolan, deceased, parties of ti,e first p�:rt, a�.d l�2ary A.Nolan Spregg a.nd <br /> Re�inz Nolan Burke. <br /> ��VITT`TESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consi�!eration of tl�e sum of OT'E DOLLAR, <br /> �o us duly pai�, tt�_e receipt ���:�ereof , is hereby acknoU�ledged have remised, rele�,sed and quit-claimed, <br /> and l�y tn.ese presents do for ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, remise, release <br /> and forever quit-claim and convey unto said second party, and to t'rieir heirs and assigns, forever, <br /> all our rt�ht, title, inte��est, estate, our �,nc� demand both at law and in equity, of, in, and <br /> to all of the North West Quarte-r� of tn.e South West Quarter �N�T� SW4) of Section Fourteen (14) , <br /> Township Ten (10);. Range Twelve (12) ,�'�est o�' the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> �oget'rier with a11 and singular the hereditaments thereurito belon�ing. <br /> TO HAVE A�'D TO HOLD the above described premises unto tne said DZ�,ry A.I�?olan Spregg and Regina <br /> Nol�.n Sp�;��, t'rieir heirs and assi<`;ns ; so th�,t neitner we, tne said Gr�.ntors, or any person in our <br /> na, and beiz�lf, shall or will hereafter claim or denand any rignt or title to the said premises <br /> or any part thereof, but they and. every one of them sh<�.I1 by these presents be excluded ana Por- <br /> ever 'parred, <br /> IN ��1IT,dESS '�d�iFREOF, The said parties of t�le fiz�st part have hereunto set their hands ar.d seals <br /> the day and year above written. <br /> Si�;ned, sealed �nd delivered <br /> in the �resence of: John M.A?olan <br /> D. D. 0 �Kane Therese Nolan <br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On tnis 3 da.;� of May, 1922, before me, D. D.0�Kane, a Notary Public, <br /> HALL COUNTY ) S5• witnin anc for said County, �ersonally came John M. Nolan and Therese <br /> Nolan, Husband &: Wife, �o me personally knos�m to be '�he identical person ��rhose name -- affixed <br /> �o tne abo�cTe instr��ment �,s grantor_s, and severally acknoV�ledged the execution of tre same to be <br /> their volunta,ry act and deecc for the purr�oses therein expressecl. <br /> I�T WITNFSS Tz�1HF�REOF, I have hereunto subscribed my n�me and afiixed my ofiicial seal at Wood <br /> River, on ti:�e date last above trritten. <br /> D.D.0�Kane <br /> �, (STAL) • Notary Public <br /> Niy comrnission exl�ires Jany ly ' iQZ� - <br /> Filed for record this 2oth d�y of February, 19�+-5, at 10: '0 o ' clock A.N:. :; ��=�;�-u( � <br /> Reg�s er o eeds <br />