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� <br /> - �47 <br /> ]���E� ���CO]E�� �T�. � � <br /> 2346A—The Augustine Co., Grand Ialand, Nebr. _ <br /> QUI�' CLAIM DEED : <br /> KNO?^T ALL I�EN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT ti�re, John M.Nolan an� Therese Nolan, husband and ti�ife, of tne County of Hall and State oP <br /> Nebraska, for the consideration of One dollar, hereby Quit Claim and convey unto Julia Nolan <br /> of the County of Lincoln, ancl State of Nebrask�., all of our rigilt, title and interest of what- <br /> soever nature, in and to the folloUr3.n` described Real Estate, situated in the County of Hall and <br /> State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> south 4�Jest auarter of South t+lest Quarter (SW�SW4) of section Fourteen (14), tos�mship ten (10) <br /> Nort�, Range t�relve (12) West 6" P.I�. <br /> I1�T ?�JITNFSS '�1HEREOF, we h�.ve hereunto set our hancls this 14�� day of September, 1923. <br /> ?�1IT?�1ESS: John M.Nolan <br /> Arthur C.Mayer Therese Nolan <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 14" day of Sept. A.D. 1923, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> HALL COUNTY ) SS• Public in and. for s�id count�, personally came John M. I�olan and Therese <br /> Nolan, husbanci. �.nd tnrife, who are �er�on�.11y known to me to be the irentical persons whose names <br /> are afPixed to the a'�ove instr�r�ent as gra.ntcrs and they severally acknowled�ed the s�,id instru- <br /> ment to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ti'�itness my hand and Notarial se�.l, the date aforesaid. <br /> Arthur C. Ma,yer <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Comnission Expires June g, 1929• <br /> Filed for record this 2� day of February, 1945, at 10: 30 0 ' clock A. M. •�, ���-� <br /> eg s er of ee s <br /> O-O'�0'�O"Q-v_''.��v-lJ'�Q���O_v.�t/�'�'l.�-J'�l�_v-v�v�'v�'i'_�,.J^�..;'- . �-��-(��.�.�lj-���j�iJ._Q_.��O.�O�V,O_���O�n�O...O�I�J-l.J��-'.J�ll� I <br /> QLTIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS Ii1UENTURE, Made this 21st d�y of September, in the year one tnousand nine hundred and twenty- <br /> three, Between May Rainey (and Walter S.Rainey heY° husb�nd) and Regina Nicks (and Ernest Nicks <br /> her husband) heirs at law of Joseph Nolan, deceased, of the first part, and Julia Nolan, of the <br /> second �a.rt, <br /> 6�7ITNESSETH, that the sa.icl parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> and otlier considerations, to us duly p�ia, the receipt wherer�f is hereby acknowledged, hair.e <br /> rer�ised, released and quit-claimed and by these presents do, for ourselves, our heirs, executors <br /> �,na. �,dministrators, remise, release and. forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of �he <br /> sec�nd part and to her heirs and assigns forever, a11 our ri,�ht, title, interest, estate, claim <br /> anc� demand both at law and in eruity, of, in �,nd to all of <br /> �outh West quarter of South West qu�.rter (SW� SW4) of Section Fourteen (1�) township ten <br /> �10) North R�nge �welve (12) West 6" P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Tovether Taith all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belon�ing. <br /> TO HAVF A�'D i0 HOL'? the above described premises un�o the sai� Julia Nolan, her heirs and <br /> as�i�ns; so that neither the said grantors, or any person in our name �.nd behalf, shall or will <br /> hereaftPr claim or de�and any right or title to t'ne said premises or any part tnereof but they <br /> and every one of them sh^.11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN WITNESS Z�iEREOF, The �ai�. narties of the first p�.rt have hereunto set our hands and seals <br /> the clay �.nd yea.r above ?•�rit�en. <br /> Si�ned, se�led �,nd c�elivered in presence of �rlalter S.Ra,iney <br /> v John Jackson May Rainey <br /> Chas. Hurd Regina Nicks <br /> Ernest Ni�ks <br /> STATE 0�' TEXAS ) BEFORE ME, T.H.Dennis, a Notary Public in and Por Bexar County, Texas, on <br /> COUN�'Y OF BEXAr� ) this day personally appeared May Rainey, wife of ?'�alter S.�ainey, kno?an to <br /> me to be the person whos e name is su�ascribed to the for.egoin�; instrur�ent, and havine been examined <br /> '�y me privily and apart from husband, an�c having the same fully e�lained to her, she, the <br /> said P�ay �a,ine;�, �,cknoti,�ledged such instruMent to be her act and deed, and declared that sn.e had <br /> willingly signed tne same for the purposes arid consideration therein expressed, and that she did <br /> not tirish to retract it. <br /> GIVEN under my Hand and Seal of Office, this 26th day of �eptember, A.D. �923. <br /> ( SEAL) T.H. Denni s <br /> ___-___ ____ ____ Not�.ry Public, Bexar County, <br /> Texas. <br /> The State� of Texas ) Before me, J�,mes E.Ray, � Notary Public in and for Jefferson County, Texas, <br /> County of Jefferson ) on this day personally appearea �f'�alt�r S.Rainey, knotan to me to be the <br /> person Tr*hose is subseribed to the fore�oing instrur:ler�t, and acknowledged '�o me tnat he <br /> exeeutec� the same for the pu}°poses and eonsic�eration t��eLL�ein expressed. <br /> Given under my hand �nd seal o�' office this 21st day of Sentember, A.D. �923. <br /> ( SE.AL) Jam e s E.R�_ <br /> __ _____________ A Not��r`y�u.�l�c in and for <br /> _ Jef ferson County, State of Texa.s. <br /> STATE 0�' T�AS ) On this 29th day of September, A. D. 1923, before me the undersigned, <br />� COLTN'T'Y 0�' TAR?�A��?T ) F.J.Wren, a Notary Public duly commissioned and quali�ied for and residing <br /> in saic� gounty, person�.11y came Regina Nicks and Ernest Nicks, �rif e and husband, to me knot,m to <br /> -, <br /> be the identical persons whose n�mes are a.f_ixed to the fore�oing conveyance as gra.ntors, and <br /> acknowled�ed tne execution of tne s?me to be their voluntary act and c�eec. <br /> �T�i.tness my hana ancl Nota.rial Seal the da ��nd year last �bove ?aritten. F.J.Wren Notar� Public <br /> y commission expir�s May 31st, 1925 �SEAL) in �.r� -: ^�rar��w'�o��t�, <br /> s <br /> �'iled :�'�r �rAcord tllis 2�th a�;r of Febru�.ry,� 1945, at 10: 30 0� clo ck A�. ��.;. e�, g��J��e s <br /> . , <br />