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� _ <br /> ���� <br /> ���� ��� �I�� �To. 86 <br />, , F" <br /> 25489---The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. � <br /> DEED <br /> KN01� ALL ��IEN BY THESE PRESEPITB: <br /> That THE FEDERAL LAt1D BANK OF OftiAHA.,a Corporation,o� Omaha,Nebraska, in conaideration oP Two Thous- <br /> and Five Hundred and no/100 Dollare (�$2, 500.00) does lzereby �rant,bar�ain, sell,aonvey and con�irm <br /> unto @V. C.Pressler and �Goldie D,Presaler,husband and wife,as �oint tenants with right of $urvivor- <br /> ship and not as tenants in common oP Central City,State of Nebraska, the folbwing described real <br /> estate aituated in the County of Ha11, 5tate of Nebraska, sub3ect to any exlating highways,easements <br /> and any reservations in the United States and State patenta,to-wit: <br />� <br /> East HalY of Section 6, in Township 12 North Range lI,�est of the 6'th Principal Mer3dian, except a <br /> piece of land beine 2�5 Peet in width and 1�00 feet in len�th, containing 7.2� acres in the north- <br /> east corner o� the Southeast auarter;and excepting one-half oP all oil,Fas and mineral righta in <br /> and under the above-deacribed property Por a period oP 20 years Yrom b�arch �,1�39,r�nd as long <br /> thereaPter as oil,gas or ottler minerals continue to be produced ttiere�rom or said property ie <br /> being so developed or operated, <br /> to�ether with aIl the tenementa,hereditamenta and appurtenances to the same belongin�,and all the <br /> estate, title, claim or demand what$oever of the said THE FEDEt'�AL LAND BANK OF O�.IAHA,of, in or to <br /> the same or any part thereo�, It is the intention of the parties hereto that in the event of the <br /> death o�' either o� said �rantees, the entire Yee aimple title to the premisea herein described, <br /> shall vest 1.n the survivin� grantee. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premisea unto the said W.C.Pressler and Goldie D.Preesler, <br /> k�usband and wife,as ,�oint tenants with ri�ht oP survivorship and not as tenants in co�mon,and to <br /> the heirs and assi ns of the survivor af them Yorever. <br />� <br /> � <br /> And the said THE FEDERAL LAND BAP1K OF O���AHA lzereby covenants with the said W. C.Pressler and <br /> Goldie D.Pressler, their heirs and assigns, ttiat it is lawYully seized oY said premises and that <br /> it has ood ri ht and lawful authorit to sell and conve the sar►e. <br /> � g Y Y <br /> In Witne$s WhereoP,THE FEDERAL LAND BAP1K OF O1�'�AHA has caused these presents to be executed by its <br /> Vice President and its corporate seal to be aPf'ixed hereto thls 15 day oP J anuary,l��+. � <br /> Witness : (CORP) THE FEDERAL LAND BAP1K OF ORIAHA <br /> Ursula U. Shanahan ( SEAL) By Leo E.&lanion V�ce President <br />' � �2;75`I;A,-gtamps-�- Attest John Carnody Seeretary <br /> Cancelled ) <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> ) ga. On tt�is 15 day of January,lg�4,before me,Ureula U.Shanahan,a Notary <br /> County of Dou�las ) Public in and Por pou� County,Nebraska,personally appeared Leo E. <br /> �anion, to me personally known to be the identical person who executed <br /> the fore�oing instrurient,vaho being by me duly sworn,did say that he is Vice President of The Federal <br /> Land Bank o� Omaha;that the seal atfixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of The Federal <br /> Land Bank of Omalia,; that said instru�nent was signed and sealed in behalP ot' The federal Land Bank <br /> oP Omaha by authority oP it$ Board of Direetors;and ttie said Leo E.�anion ac�:now7.edged the said <br /> inatrument to be the tree and voluntary act and deed oY said Corporation by it voluntarily executed. <br /> IN �fITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a�fixed my notarial seal the d.a.y and year <br /> last abo�re written. <br /> (SEAL) Ursula U.Shanahan <br /> My Commission Expi�s Aug 23,19��+. Notary Public in and Por <br /> Douglas County,Nebraska <br /> Filed f or reco�d 'Ghis 27 day oP February,19�+5,at 1 0 'clock P.M. �-�, <br /> �'`"`_�,� <br /> Register oY Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-v-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o <br />' REFEREE '8 DEED <br /> _.______. <br /> VVHEREA5,on the lst day oP December,l��+�+, the same bein� one oP the �udicial days oP the regular <br /> term in an action then pending in the District Court oY tlie Eleventh Judicial Diatrict hel d in <br /> and for Hall County,Nebraska,and entitled Bertha 8chue�t,et aZ,plaintiPPB,va.Riinnie Rauert, et als, <br /> defendanta,bein� Case No.lO11�,Harry Grimminger wa8 by the Judge oP said C�urt appointed Referee '._ <br /> to make partition;and qPHEREAS, the said Harry Grimminger Piled a report that partition could not <br /> be had without great pre,�udice to the owners oP said real eatate,which report was on motion aon- <br /> firmed,and on Dece�ber 7,194�+, $aid Referee wae ordered to sell said premiaes by the Judqe o� said <br /> Court;and �HEt�EAB, in accordnace with said order 'the eaid Harry Gr�inger,as Re�eree,Piled a bond <br /> conditioned as required by law and as re�ulred by eaid order,and �iled l�is oath in tlZe manner and <br /> f'orm provided by law;and VVFiEREAB,tk�e said Harry Grimminger,Referee, did advertise said premises <br /> Por sale in the manner and �orr! nrovided by law,and dia. on January20,19�5,at the hour of 2:00 <br /> o'clock P.M. ,at tlze front and m�fn door oP the Court House in the City oY Grand Island,Ha11 County, <br /> 1Vebraska,bein� the time and place fixed in said notice a� public sale, sell the fmllowing described <br /> premiees to Bertha Schuett and Hans Sehuett,as �oint tananta and not as tenants in common,with <br />� the entire Pee title vested in the eurvivor in the event oY the death of either o� said urchasers <br /> P � <br /> for the aum of $�14, 60.00,they being the hlghe�t and beat bidders therefor -at said public sale• <br /> � � <br /> and WHEREAS,aPterwa,rds, to-wit,on the 26th day of January,19�5, sa i�l. sale was eonf irmed by the <br /> Jud�e o�' said Court,and the said Harry Grirnminger,Re#'eree,was ordered to convey said premi8es to <br /> the above-named purchasera. <br /> NOY�,THEREFORE,I,Harry Grimminger, said RePeree, in consideration oY the sum oY �1�,560.00 ir hand <br /> paid, the rece�pt whereoP ie hereby acknowledged,do hereby grant,bargain, sell and convey unto <br /> Bertha Schuett and Hana Schuett,as �oint tenants and not as tenants in common,ttzeir heira, execut= <br /> ors,and assigns Yorever, the followi ng described premises,to-wit: <br /> The South One-HalY (5�) of Section Twenty-Three (23) Township Twelve (12) North,Ran�e Nine ( 9� , <br /> West o� the 6th P.M. ,Hal3. County,Nc�braska. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said above described premises Porever. <br /> IN 1�ITNESS �'HEREOF, the �rantor has hereunto set his hand thls 27th day oP February,194�j. <br /> - Harr,� Grirnmin�er <br /> (�16.�0 I.R.Stampe ) RePeree <br /> ( Cancel.led <br /> � � <br /> - <br />� i <br />