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<br /> 25488—The Augustine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr.
<br /> DEED. ETC. r`�"�31, 0�8
<br /> MFE:JL
<br /> or�;�niZed under the laT�rs of Ohio, with its principal office in the City of Cincinnati, in consid-
<br /> eration of Four Thousand and no�100 (��+,000.00). DOLLARS, to it paid by Lyle W.�'airbanks and Merna
<br /> L.Fairbanks, the receipt whereof is hereby acknot�rled�ed, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey
<br /> and confirm unto the said Lyle W.Fairbanks and Merna L.Fairbanks, husband and wife, as ,joint tenants
<br /> with right of survivorship, their heirs and assigns forever, the following described real estate
<br /> si�uated in the County of Hall ancz State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> The East Seventy-five (75) acres, mor e or less, of the North H�lf of the Northeast Quarter (N2 NE�)
<br />' of Section Six (o), To��rnship Nine (9} North,Range �'welve (12) West of the 6th P.M. , and being tY�e
<br /> same real estate conveyed to The Union Central Life Insurance Com�any by deed dated February 20, 1941,
<br /> ancl recorded in Book 70,Page 692, of the Records of Hall County, l ebraska.
<br /> Saving, exce,.�ting and reserving,however, unto the grantor, its successors anci assigns, Prom all
<br /> ,the above described lands, an undivided �ne-half of the oil, ga�s and other hydrocarbons and
<br /> minerals now or at any time hereafter situate the-rein and thereunder, together with all ease-
<br /> ments and rights necessary or con�Jenien� for the production, storage and transportation there-
<br /> of and the exploration and testing of the said real property and also the right to drill for,
<br /> produce and us e z�rater from the said rQal property in connection with dril�ing or mining oper-
<br /> ations thereon;
<br /> and all the estate, title and inter?st of the said THE UNION CENTR.AL LIFE IT3SURAI�CE COMPANY, either
<br /> in law or in equity, of, in and to the said premises; together with all the privileges and appur-
<br /> t.enances to the sa.me belon�ing, and all the rents issues and profits thereof; to have and to hold
<br /> tne same to t'r�!e only proper use of t���e s�.ld Lyle �.Fairbanks and Merna L.Fairbanks, h�asband and
<br /> wife, �s ,joint tenants ���Tith right of survivorship, their heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> AND the said TI-�E UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY does hereby covenant with Ly1e �.Fairbanks
<br /> �nd Merna L.Fairbanks, their heirs and assi�ns, tnat the said premises are free and clear from a,ll
<br /> incum�r�nces b,y, from, through; or under t7ze said grantor, a,nd th�t it will forever warrant and
<br /> dePend the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said Lyle ��.Fairb�.nks and Merna L.Fair. banks,
<br />� their heirs anr� assi;ns, a��inst the lawful claims of a11 persons, claiming by from, through, or un-
<br /> der the grantor herein, except a.s against all ri�hts under existing tenancies or ri�hts of parties
<br /> in possession, a.11 leases, rent con�Gracts, outst�nding mineral rights, rights of �ray and easeinents
<br /> of every character not�r existin� on, over, under or across said land; the grantee assumes and agrees
<br /> to p�y a11 taxes and assessments due and payable in January, 19�+6 and thereaPter.
<br /> The Union Central Life Insurance Campany reserves the ren�al for tne year 19�4-.
<br /> IN t�dITNESS `�e'HEREOF, the said THE UNIQN CEr�TTRAL LIFE IN;�URANCE COMPANY has hereunto caused its
<br /> name to be subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its duly authoriz�d officers, this
<br /> 22nd d��.,y of Janua,ry, 19�5•
<br /> In the prese�ce of ( COt'�-P) THE UTIION CENTRA.L LIFE IiVSURANCE COMPANY,
<br /> M.F. Eberly (SEAL) By H.L. Hodell, Vice President
<br /> By R.H.Flynt, Assistant Secret�,r�y
<br /> . . tam s )
<br /> P
<br /> (Cancelled� )_ _
<br /> STATE OF OHIO ) On this 22nd day of January, 19�+5, be�ore me, a notary public in and
<br /> COUNI'Y OF HAN�ZLTON )$S' f'or said county, personally ca.me the above named H.L.Hodell, Vice-President
<br /> and R.H.Flynt, Assistant Secretary, of THE UNION CFNTRAL LIFE I�iSURATJCE COMPANY, a Corporation, *�rho
<br /> are A�erson�lly known �Go be the identical persona whose na.mes are affixed to the above deed, as Vice-
<br /> President an� As^>istant Secretary of said Corporation, and acknowledged the instr�ament to be their
<br /> voluntary act and deed and voluntary act and deed of said Cor�,�oration. �
<br /> Witness my hand �,nd notarial seal the date last aforesaid.
<br /> Robert Alfred Kisker
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public in and Por Hamil-
<br /> My comnission expires: February 5, 19�7. ton County, Ohio.
<br /> AR E .
<br /> Any one of the fo11oT��rine officers, namely; the President, a Vice-President, the Secretary, an
<br />! Assistan't Secretary, the Treasurer or an Assista.nt Treasurer s���,ll have authority to execute in
<br /> the nar�e of ��nd on behalf of the Company all deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney, waivers of
<br /> service, leases, contra.ets, bonds, full or partial as�ignments and releases of mortga�es, deeds
<br /> of tr�, ,t, vendors � liens, iudgments, tax certificates, certificates of �urch�se or other securities,
<br />' , and a�� and all ot��er instruments that axe necessary or proper to be executed in the transaction of
<br /> i the �or�pany� s business, and �o attach the Company� s se�.l ��hen necessary. The Board may authorize
<br /> other ofiicers to execute instruments and to attach the Company� s seal.
<br /> STATE OF OHIO, ) I hereby certify th�,t on the 22nd d�.y of January, 19�5, the above Article of
<br /> :=amilton County, ),.s'• the Code of Regulations of THE UNION CENTRAL LSFE INSURAI�?CE COMPANY, o�'
<br /> Cincinnati3Ohio, rjr�.s in force, a,nd H.L.Hodell and R.H. F'lynt trrere Vice-Presia.ent and Assistant
<br /> °eeretar;*, respectively of the Compa.ny.
<br /> Dated at Cincinnati, Ohio, t7�is 22nd day of Januaxy, 19�-5.
<br /> Richard S.Rust
<br /> ( CORP) �ecretary.
<br /> #031,04�
<br /> MFE:J3�
<br /> Filed for record this 24th day of Februzry, 1945, at 2:20 o' clock P.M. �. �
<br /> e�ister o� eeds
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