<br /> ��E)E� ��C �]E�� �T�. � �
<br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr. � �
<br /> ?�TARRANTY DEED -Corporation
<br /> �HI� INDENTURE, Made this 15th day of February, A.D. , 19�5, between BETTER HOMES INC. a
<br /> corporation organiz�d and ex3sting under and by virtue of the laws oP the State of Nebraska,
<br /> par�y of the first pa.rt, �nd C.Lester Wigstone and Vera Marie Wigs�one as JOINT TENANTS and
<br /> not as ten�nts in common, of the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, parties of the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first part for and in consideratic�n of the swn of
<br /> One dolla,r and other valuable consideration, in h�,nd paid, receipt whereof is hereby aeknowledged,
<br /> has sold and by these presents d�es grant, convey and confirm unto the said parties of the second
<br /> part, the followin� described premises, aituated in Grand Island, Hall County, and State of Nebraska,
<br /> to-wit:
<br /> � A11 of Lot Seventsen (17) in Block Twelve t12) in Ashton Place Addition to Grand Island,
<br /> N ebra ska.
<br /> TO HAVE A�dD TO HOLD the premises ah�ve described, together ��ith all �he Tenements, Heredi-
<br /> t<�.ments and Appurtenances t�ereunto belonging unto tn.e said C.Lester Wigstone and Vera Marie Wigstone
<br /> as JOINT TEN�YNTS and not as tenants in common.
<br /> Anrl the said BETTER HOI�iES INC. for itselP or its successors, does hereby covenant and agree
<br /> �,o and with the s�.id parties of the second p�,rt and their heirs and assigns, that at the time of
<br /> the execution and delivery of these presen�s it� is lawPully seized of said premises; that it has
<br /> go�d right and lawful �utnority to conVey the same; th�,t they are Pree from encumbrance except
<br /> the unpaid portion of an FHA insured Mortgage in favor of the Overland Nation�.1 Bank of Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska, � which Second Parties assu�e anc� agree to pay, does hereby covenant to warrant
<br /> and defend the said premises aga.inst the lawful claims of all persons� whomsoever.
<br /> IN �TITIJESS 7�ir'�EOF the said BETTER HOMES INC. has hereunto caused �its corporate seal to be
<br /> affixed and these presents to be si�ned by its President the day and year �'irst above �aritten.
<br /> Signed, se�.led and delivered in presence of BETTER HOMES INC.
<br /> Paul C.Huston (CORP ) ( 1.10 .� . amps By L.W.Johnson, Pres.
<br /> Attest: Billie Kelso , Sec. (SEAL) ( Cancelled )
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � � On this 19 day of Februar;�, 1g45, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> HALL COTJNTY �S'" Public in and for said County, personally came L.�iJ.Johnson, President .
<br /> of t?�e BETTER HOMES INC. to me personally knotan to be the President and the identical pex�son whose
<br /> name i.s af fixed to the above conveyance, �,nd aeknowledged the execution thereof to be his volun-
<br /> tary act and deed as such officer and the volun�tary act and deed o� the said BETTEft HOMES INC.
<br /> �,nd that the Cor��orate seal of the said BETTER HOMES INC. was thereta afiixed by its authori'ty.
<br /> Witneas my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, in said county the day and year last
<br /> above ta�itten. Pa.ul C.Huston
<br /> ( SEAL Notary Public
<br /> P•�y Commission expires the 21st day of June, 19 7.
<br /> Filed for record this 19tn day of February, 1945, �t 4t00 o� clock A.M. ,,� , �
<br /> Register. o ee s
<br /> 0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-Q-�-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0 .
<br /> QU.�.T CLA.IM DEED .
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 19th day of February, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-
<br /> five, between Mary E.Kingston and Edgax T.Kingstan, each in her or his oti,m right and as wife and
<br /> husband, of the first part, and Pearl Denman, of the second part,
<br /> ti�TITNESSETH, that the sa.id part- of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One and no�100
<br /> DflLLARS, to ua duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released, and
<br /> quit-claimed, and by these presents do Por themselves, and their heirs, executors and administrators,
<br /> remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the sa3.d party of the second part, and to
<br /> I her heirs and assigns Porever, all our ri�ht, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at
<br /> law �,nd in eauity, of, in and to all � �
<br /> `�est H�,1f of the Northeast quarter (W2 N�) of Section Tz��elve �12) in Township Nine (9) , Nor�h,
<br />, Range �en�IO) ��Test of the 6th P.r4. in Hall County, �ebraska. ALSO, the East Half of the Southeast
<br /> Qua.rter (E�SE4) of Section Two (2) in To�ansh2p Nine (9) ,North,Range Ten (10) t�est of the sixth
<br /> P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> The ob,ject and pur�ose of this deed is to release and cancel the life estate reserved in gra.ntors,
<br /> and the use, rents and income from tre above described �aremises, contained in Warranty deed con-
<br /> veying the above described t�remises which deed is recorded in Book �2 at Page 29� of the deed
<br /> recorc�s of Hall County, Nebr�.ska.. The intention being that the grantee herein shall have the
<br /> entire, free and unencumbered title to the above premises, free from any claim or demand of
<br /> wha�soever nature of the gr�ntors herein.
<br /> Together �.�ith all and aingular t�-ie heredita.ments tnereunto belon�ing.
<br /> TO HAVE A�'D TO HQLD the above described premises unto the said Peaxl Denman and her heirs and
<br /> as�igns; so that neither the said gr�ntors, nor any z�erson in our name and behalf, sha11 or will
<br /> hereafter claim or dernand any rig'rlt or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but they
<br /> and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN WITPJESS WHEREOF, the said part- of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal
<br /> the da.y a,nd year above written.
<br /> Mary E.Kingston
<br /> signed, sealed and clelivered in presence of Edgar T.Kingston
<br /> Herman F.Buckow
<br />