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�3r <br /> ���E� R�ECO�� �o. � � <br /> 23489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island. Nebr. <br /> to�be the administrator of' the estate of Marga,re�a Siek, deceased, and tne identical person whose <br /> name is affixed to the above deed, and he ackno�r3edged the execution thereof to be his voluntary <br /> ae� and deed as such officer. <br /> Witness my h�,nd and not�rial seal at Grand Island, Nebrassa, in said county the day and year <br />'� above written. <br /> Marie Sothman <br /> ( SEAL) o ary u ic <br /> i�iy commission expires the 2nd day of February, 19�+9 <br /> F11ed f or record this 17th day of February, 1g45, at 10:00 0� cloek A.M.� . � <br /> eg ster o� eec�s� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> DEED <br /> K2d0�1 ALL �EN BY TFiESE PRESENTS: <br /> T'HAT T,hat �1e,Frank J.Cleary and Celia 5.Cleary,as truatees under the last will and testament of <br /> John L.Cleary,pursuant to the po�ver con�erred upon ua oY the County oP Hall,and State of Nebraska, <br /> in conaideration oP��e,�u���Qn��o/100 DOLLARS,in hand paid by Jane C.Cronin �orme�ly <br /> Frances Jane Cleary � o`�iere ee�.. an aonvey unto the said Jane C.C�p�.1.n the following described <br /> premises, eituated in Hall County, 9tate oP Nebraska,to-�vit: <br /> An Undivided one-fourth inter�at in the Northeaat rauarter o� the Southweat quarter (NE�SW�) oP <br /> Seetion 24,Township 11,Atorth,Ran�e 9 l�eat oP the 6th P.M. Hall County,�lebraska. <br /> to�e�her with alI appurtenanees thereunto belongin�,and we do hereby in our capacities as trustees <br /> and pursuant to the pawer so conferred upon us by the will of the said John L.Cleary, decea8ed aa <br /> aYoresaid hereby covenant that the said prer�isee are Yree and alear �rom a11 liens and eneumbrances <br /> and that we in our oapacities as such trustees have lawYul authority to sell the same and in our <br /> oPfieial capacities as aPoresaid aovenant to v�arrant and defend the said premises againet any acte <br /> oY eaid parties o� t�ie Yirat part.And the said grantars hereby relinquishes all tlzeir righ� and <br /> title in and to t.he above deseribed premises. <br /> Signed tl.�is 17th day of July 19�. Frank J.Cleary <br /> Ce11a 3.Cleary <br /> In the presence o� Trusteea under the laet nill <br /> and testament of John L. <br /> ------------------�--- Cleary <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> �ss. On tlZis 17th day oP July A.D.1g�F�+,bePore ne,the underaigned �artha F. <br /> Hall County Scholz a Notary Public, duly commissloned and qua].i�ied Por and residing <br /> in sa3d county,personally came Frank J .Cleary and Celia S.Cleary,trustees <br /> under the vaill o� John L.Cleary,deceased to me known to be the identical persons whose names are <br /> aPPixed to the �'ore�oin� instrument as grantors and acknowledged the sacie to be their volun�ary <br /> act and deed and acknowlee��ed the sacie to be their �ree voluntary act and deed as such trusteea <br /> Yor the purpoaes therein atatec�. <br /> V�itness my hand and RTotarial Seal tlze day and year last above wrltten. ' <br /> M p y Cs�� ��tNotary�public <br /> y Commission ex ires the 6tYi da oY February,lg�. , <br /> . , <br /> Filed t'or record this 17 day of Fehruary,19�5�at 11:55 0'clock A.1�..� ����-� \JJ <br /> 9��_______ <br /> Re�iater oP Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> QUIT CI,AI14'I DEED <br /> THIS INDENTURE,I�ade this �th day oP February, in the year one thousand nine hundred and rorty five, <br /> betwPen Clinton E.Cronln husband oP Jane C.Cronin, Pormeriy Franees tfane Cleary of tlie t3rst part, <br /> and i�arry Hameloth of the second part, WI2�TESSETH,that the said party ot the Yiret part, in con- <br /> eideration oY the sum ot' One and no/100 DOLLARS, to h3.m duly paid, the receipt wher.eoP ia hereby <br /> acknowled�ed has remised,released,and quit-claimed,and by tilese presents does for himselt his <br /> �eirs, executora and administrators,remise,release and f'orever quit-claim and aonvey unto the said <br /> party oP the second part,and to his heirs and asai�ns Porever,all h3.8 right, title, lnterest,estate <br /> � elaim and demand,bo'�h at law and in equity,oP, in and to all <br /> The PTortheast quarter (NE�) of the Southwest 8uarter ( SW�) oP Section Twenty-Four ( 2�+) in Township <br /> Eleven ( 11) ,North,oY Range Nine ( 9) ,�Veat of the Sixth Principal b�eridian, in Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> Together wi�h all and ain�ular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed prernisea unto the sald Grantee his heirs and assign,e;$o <br /> that neither C2lnton E.Cronin the said grantor,nor any person 1n his name or behalP, sha11 or will <br /> herea�'ter claim or demand any right or title to the said premisea or any part thereoY,but they <br /> a,nd every one oP them shall by these presents be excluded and Yorever barred. <br /> IN �IITNESS �HEREOF, the said party oY the Pirst part has hereunto set his hand and seal t;he �ay - <br /> and year above wr3tten. <br /> � Clinton �.Cronin <br /> 8lgned, sealed and delivered in presenee oP <br /> Lewis h�.Sch�vab <br /> On this� �th d.ay oP February,1g45,bePore me the undersigned L.M.Schwab a �ommissioned ofYicer in <br /> the military service of the United Statee,peraonally car�e Clinton E.Gronin,who is a member of the <br /> military service of the United 5tates, to me known to be the identical person whoee zu�me is aPt'ixed <br /> to the toregoin� inatrument as �rantor and aeknowledged tile same to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand the day and year la8t abone written. L.I�.Schwab,Lt. U3NR <br /> Fil ed Por record this 17 day oP February,l j�+5,at 11;55 0'clock A.I��. ��� ��� <br /> Re�iater of Deeds <br />