<br /> ���]D ��CO�.� �T�. � �
<br /> 25488—The Augustlne Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this day oF , in the yeax one thousand nine hundred and
<br /> bet�resn Charles D. Evans and Cora Ma.y Evans, husband and wife, of �he first part, and Roy E.E�tans
<br /> ef the second part,
<br /> WITNES�ETH, that the said parties of the Pirst part, in consideration of �he sum of one and no�100
<br /> DOLLARS, to them duly paid, the receipt whe�eoP is hereby ackr�owledged, have remised, released
<br /> and quit-claimed, and by these �resents do f'or themselves, --- heirs, ex�cutors �and administrators,
<br /> remise, relea�e and forever quit-clalm and convey unta the said party of the second part and to
<br /> his heirs and assi�na forever, all their right, title, interest, eatate and claim and demand, both
<br /> at law and in e quity, of, in and to all of' Lots 1-2-3-�--5-6-7- Bretta Addition to the village
<br /> of Wood River, H�,11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> Together with all and singular the heredita�lents �hereunto belon�ing.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Roy E.Evans, his heirs and assigns,
<br /> so that neither one of the aaid grantors, nor any person in their n�,me and behalf, shall or will
<br /> hereafter elaim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but they
<br /> and every one of them sh�l1 by these presenta be excluded and t'orever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the firat part have hereunto set their hands and seal
<br /> the day and year above t�rritten.
<br /> Charles D.Evans
<br /> signed, sealed anc�. delivered in presence of Cora May Evans
<br /> J. E.Hoye
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � On this 31 d�.y of Jan. A. D. 19�-5, beYore me, the undersigned, J.E.Hoye,
<br /> HALL COUNTY )8$• a Not�,ry Publlc, duly commissioned and alualified for and residing in s�,id
<br /> count�,, personally came Charles D. E�rans and Cora M�,y Evans, husband and wife, to me known to be
<br /> the identical persons whose names are affixed tQ the foregoing instrument as grantors and ack-
<br /> nowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> W3tness my hand and Notarial °ea.l the da9 and year last above written.
<br /> J.E.Hoye,
<br /> (3EAL) Notar� Public
<br /> My Commission expires the 22d day of Oct. 19�7.
<br /> �iled for record this 1" day ot' �'ebruary, 1945, at 9:00 0 � cloek A.M. � • �/
<br /> v�
<br /> ��s e�'r o���s
<br /> o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-c-o-:�-�-::-v-a-o-o-o-c-c-a-o-o-c-o-o-o-�_o-o-�-�-o-J-�-o-c-o-a-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-c-o-o
<br /> QUIT CLAIPv1 D�.�D
<br /> THIS Ii�TDEN�rURE,r�ade th�.s l�th dt�y �� January,l�45 ,between Ella Herman and E1mer Herman,w3.Pe and
<br /> husba,nd;Hilda Frauen and Gustav Frauen,vuiPe and husband; Emi1 Lillenthal,a aingle man; Harry
<br /> Lilienthal and �/3.lma Lilienthal.,husband and w��'e;Ray Lilienthal and Pauline Lil.ienthal,husband
<br /> and wife;Roy Lilien�.11al and Elsie Lilient��al,husband and wife;of the Pirst par't,and Dora Lilienthal,
<br /> of the �econd par�, �II"�NESSETH:�'tla� the said parties oP the �'irst part, �.n corisideration oY' One
<br /> Do.11ar (�1.00) and Iove and a�fection, to ttiem duly paid, t.he receip� whPr. eo�' is hereby ael�nowl�d�;ed,
<br /> and uit-claimed and b thes� resents do,for ther:�selve�, their heirs execut-
<br /> mi r leased , Y �
<br /> hav re sec� e P
<br /> e � q
<br /> �
<br /> a or rernise r�lease and Porever uit-claim and convey unto '�he said arty of
<br /> ors,and admizzistr t s, , q P
<br /> � nd i ns forever all their ri ht ti�le in�erest estate claim
<br /> the second part,and to lzer heir s a ass � , g , , , ,
<br /> and demand,both a� law and in equity,o�', in,and to all
<br /> i io
<br /> o� Lot One (1) of t�ze County Sub-division o�' Lots Five (5� and Six ( 6) , n Sect n Nine (�) ,Town-
<br /> ship Ten (10) North,Ran�e Nine ( 9) V'�est, and of Lot One (I) and tYie nar�heast quarter o�' the north-
<br /> �aest quarter and �he northwest quarter o� the northeast quarter,o� Section Sixteen (16) , in Town-
<br /> ship Ten (10) North,Ran�*e N3.ne �9� ��est, containing �2.�5 acr�s, tl�.e surveyor':s certificate oP
<br /> which s�id County Subdivision is recordea in Boo�� 37 at p�.�e Z�� in the office oP �he Re�ister ot
<br /> Deeds of Fiall County,Nebras�ta;also the southeast quarter o�' �he southeast quarter o� Section Five
<br /> ( �j) ,and the east half' o� the so�ztheast quar�er of 5ection Eight (�� ,a11 in Township Ten (10)
<br /> North,Ran�e Nine ( �) V`dest oP the 6th Princ ipal P,neridian,al1 in Hall County, �tate o�' Nel�raska;
<br />'� A Iso the north half of the nor�h�ast quarter of Sectian Number Thirty (30) , in Toe��nship Number
<br /> Eleven (11) North,Ran�e Eight ( �) �'Vest oP 6th P.?��. , sub�ect to the right-oP-way of the Republican
<br /> Valley Railroa.d Company,as shown in tlle deed recorcied in Book E,at pa�e 6U6,of �kie records o�'
<br /> �za and 'to the r3, ht-of'-wa or lease of the Nebraska Telephone Com any,as
<br /> M errick Count Nebras , g Y P
<br /> Y�
<br /> shot�n in the receipt recorded in Book E, : : at p�.�;e 51�, of said r�cords;also to the ri�ht-og-way
<br />�� of the Cliica�o,Burlington & C�u3.ncy Railroad Cor,ipany,as shown by d�ed recorded in Book FF at pa�;e
<br /> 56i of said records;also sub,�ect to the lease oP the Central. Poc�ver Company,recorded in Book F
<br /> at pa�e 171;�1$o sub,�ect to the ri�ht-of-way of the Repul�lican Val_ley Railroad Company,as shown
<br /> in the deed recorded in nook H, at pa�;e �5, of the records of' said county;also all oP that part o�
<br /> Lot One (1) in the northwest q�aarter oY Seetion Twenty-nine (2� ) , in Tovnnship Eleven (I1. ) North,
<br /> Range Eight (�) West of the 6th P.PJ1. ,whieh lies south o� the r�.ght-of-way oP �he xe��ublican
<br /> Valley Railroad Company,now the Ch3.ea�;o,Bur�in�;ton & �uincy Railroad Company,witl� all. accretions
<br /> t.hereto;all in It4er. ric'_� County, s1��te o�' Ne��raska;
<br /> Also the southeast quarter o�' �r�� southeast quarter o� Section Nineteen (l�) , 'Ghe w�st half of the
<br /> southwest quarter, the northeast quarter, of the southwest quarter,and Lot One ( 1 ) in Section -
<br /> Twenty (20) ,a]_1 in Tot�nsl�.ip Elev�n (11.) North of Ran�;e E���Zt (�) '�1PSt o� the .6th Principal R�erid-
<br /> i an, les� a �ract o�' l�.nd located in the west half o� r11e southPaest quarter o�' Section Twenty (�0) ,
<br /> Tovvns.hip El.even (11) North,Ran�e Eigl:i� (�) ���est of thP 6th P.M. , �.n �7errick County,Nebraska,more
<br /> fully described as follows: Be�innin� at a poin� on the west 13.ne oP and 13g�.0 feet north �'rom
<br /> the soutlz���est corner o�' said Section 20;tkience north along the west line of' said Section 20,a
<br /> distance o�' 450 feet;t}ience east,at an an�le of 90° wit}z th� wes'� line of said Seetion 20,a
<br /> d.istance o� 500 �eet, tlience south,parallel to tk��; west line of said 5ectian 20,a digtance o� 450
<br /> �eet; tl7ence west to poir�'� o�' be�;inning,a dis�ance of 500 f eet;t.his tract contai.ns 5,1� acres;
<br /> which waG condemned and acquired by the Platte Valley Pualic Pov�aer and Irri�;ation Di�trict.
<br /> Together with al1 �.nd sin�u�_ar the hered3.tam�nts tliereun'Go belongin�;.
<br /> TO HAV:E A1�aD TO HOLD t.f1e above descin�bed premises unto the said Dora Lilien��la1, kier heirs and
<br /> assi�ns; so that neither the said grantors,nor any person in their names and behal�', sha7.1 or will
<br /> hereaf�ei claim or d.er:land �,ny ri�.ht or title to the said premis�s,or any part �lZereoP,but tkzey
<br /> and every one of t.t�.em sha�_1. by tlzese pres�n�s be excluded and �'orever barred.
<br /> IN t�ITl��ESS WHE��.EOF,thP said p�,r�ies o� the f�rst par� h�ve hereunto se� tk�Pir hands and �ea1s
<br /> t ne day and year above written.
<br />