<br /> ���� ��C: ��� ��. � �
<br /> 23469—The AugusUne Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> i
<br /> 1���
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA.SKA ) On this �-" day of December, A.D.� bePore me a Notary Public, in and Por
<br /> CO`TNTY OF HALL )ss• said County, personally came the above named Hugo Windolph and Anna C.
<br /> �indolph, husband and �rif�; �tto �indolph, a single man; Clara �indolph Schultz and Albert J.
<br /> 8chultZ, wife and husband; Walter Wlndolx�h and Ida Windolph, husband and wife; Albert Windolph
<br /> and Henrietta �Tindolph, husband and wife; Elsie �indolph Lassen and John R.Lassen, wife ard hus-
<br /> ���d; Harold 1�iaad.olph husband o�' Lillian Windolph,by LSlZian ��inc`lolph,hi e a'ttorney :in faet, $nd `-
<br /> L;�]:l.lan Windt�lph, w�.�e a� �f�a.r��ld �tindolph; in �.er� .Q� r�.gb�; P�iy3lis. ��.�dc�lp�. 3c.ca��e2� �d '����il
<br /> S�ofie3.c�, �vlfe �and �u�band� whfl a.r� � � � "� � .,
<br /> , person�].3 k�own to� me to be �tk�� 'tiid:��r��:.�a�.� persons whcas�s- names
<br /> ar� af fixed to th`e abo�re fne��umen�� a� �r�:r�tor�, and t�.�y ae�nowl��+d, s�;i8 instru�nen� to `be th�ir
<br /> v�`T�z �r ae� nd,deecj.. '
<br /> WT�N�S my �iand anct ATotiax►ia,l Seal tne date last aforesaid.
<br /> Herman F.Buckow
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie
<br />' M ommiss on x i s t �' A
<br /> y c i e re on he 1 r�a of A ril .D. 1 0.
<br /> P
<br /> 7 y p , , 95
<br /> �'iled Por record thia 29 day of January, 1g45, at 11:00 0� clock A.A�. ,� ��iG.�� �./J
<br /> eg s er o e e s
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-��-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a
<br /> ����LAiM DEED
<br /> KN0�7 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Tha� CA85IE D.HESSEL and MARTIN HE3SEL, her husband, in
<br /> consid�ration of One Dollars ta them paid by ��'LYN V.HE3SEL, do hereby remise, releaee and for-
<br /> ever QUITGLAIM unto �he said E�dELYN V.HESSEL, arad unto her heirs and assigns all their right,
<br /> title and interest in and to the following deseribed parcel of real estate, situate in Hall County
<br /> State of Nebraska, to-w3t: ,
<br /> Lots �, 9, 10, 11 and 12, B1ock 13, Clarkson' s Firs:� Addition to Alda, Hall �ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with al1 �nd singt.zlar the hereditaments and appurtenanePs
<br /> thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the sa.id �TELYN V.HESSEL and to her heirs and
<br /> assigns forever.
<br /> In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals thie 19th day of January, A. D.
<br /> 19�5� Mrs. Cassie Heasel (SEAL�
<br /> EXECUTED IN THE PRE�E�dCE OF Martin Hessel (SEAL)
<br /> STATE OF OREGON ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this 19th day of January, A. D. 19�+5, before me,
<br /> COUNTY �F BENTON }S$' the undersigned, a Notary Publi.c in and for said County and State, per-
<br /> eonally appeared the within named CASSIE D.HESSEL and MARTIN HESSEL, her husband, who are
<br /> known to me to be the ic�entical persons described in a.nd who executed the within instrument, and
<br /> aeknowledged ta me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily.
<br /> IN TESTIt��NY ��IHEREOF, I have hereunto s et rny hand and notarial seal the d�,y and ge�;r last
<br /> above written.
<br /> (�EAL) C.W.Davi s
<br /> My commission expires Oct. 31, 1q4� No�axy Public �or Oregon.
<br /> Filed for record this 29th day of January, 1945, at 3: ;0 o � clock P.M.� �����
<br /> —�eg�'�er o f �e ee{—s
<br /> �J-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-C3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> DEED-Corporation
<br /> THA.T NEBRASKA LOAN & Z'RUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE, (Qrand Island,Nebraska) of the County of Hal]., and
<br /> State of' Nebraska, in consid.eration of the sum of OPSE DOLLAR. AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION -
<br /> DOLLARS, in hand paid by DAN B.HANNON AND ELIZABETH HANNON, HIS D�IFE, of Hall County, Sta�e oP
<br /> Nebraaka, do hereby sell and convey unto the said Da,n B.Hannon and Elizabeth Hannon, his wife,
<br /> as JOIATT TEATANTS, and not as tenants in common, the follo��aing described �emises, situated in
<br /> Hall County, 9tate of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> The Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SW� 8F�), of Section Nine (9), 3.n Township Nine (9) ,
<br /> Range Twelve (12� , West of the �ixth P.M. , in Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> It being the intention of all parties hereto, tha'� in the event of the death of either of said
<br /> �rantees, the entire f ee simple t�.tle to the real estate deseribed herein shall vest in the sur-
<br /> viving gr�,ntee.
<br /> together with a11 appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and it covenant to warrant and defend the
<br /> said premises against any acts of said parties of the first part. And the said Nebraska Loan
<br /> & Trust Company,Trustee hereby relinquishes all ri�ht8, tltle and interest in and to the above
<br /> deaeribed prernises.
<br /> Signed this 30th day of January, �g45.
<br /> In the presence of �Ct]RP) By: A.E. Cady, President
<br /> Ruth Swanson ( • • • amps ��EAL)
<br /> (Cancelled )
<br /> STATE �F NEBRASKA ) On this 30 day of January, 1945, before me, the undersigned, a Notary.
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) s�' Public, in and for said County, ersonally came A.E. Cady, President of
<br /> the Nebraska Loan & Tru$t Company, (Grand Island,Nebraaka,� to me personally known to be the
<br /> President and the identical person wnose na.me is affixed to the above csonveyance, and acknow-
<br /> � ledged the execution thereo� to be hi� voluntary act and deed as euch o�flcer and the voluntary
<br /> act and .deed of the said Nebr. Loan & Trust Co. , (GY.and Tsla,nd,Nebr. } and that the Corporate seal
<br /> of the said Nebr. Loan & Trust Co. , (Grand Ialand,Nebr. ) was thereto affixed by ita authority.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Ieland, in said county the day and year last above
<br /> written. Ruth Swanson
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Commission expires the 1�th day of August, 1950 �
<br /> Filed for reeord this 31st day oP January, 19�5, at 9:45 o 'clock A.M. ��°°�-�°�
<br /> j
<br /> egister oP Deeds
<br />