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�C�'� <br /> ��E)E� ��C ��� �T�. � � , <br /> � <br /> 23468—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> said premises against any acts of said parties of the first par'G. And the eaid Qrand Island Trust <br /> Company,Trustee, hereby re].inquishes a11 their �ights, interest and cl�.im in and to the above des- <br /> cribed premises. _ <br /> ►�igned thSs 23rd day of January, 1945• � <br /> In the presence of �CORPX arand I$land Trust Company,Trustee <br /> SEAL B O.A.Beltzer Preaident <br /> . . a.m s � � Y � <br /> Lulu lahl <br /> ._ � <br /> �Cancelled ) By L.R.aeddes, � Becretary <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA s�� On, thls 23rd say of January, 1945, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> HALL COUPTTY � Pu�lic in and for said Coun�y, personally came O.A.Bel'�Zer, President of <br /> the Grand Island Trust Company, to me personally known to be the President and the identiQal person <br /> whose n�me is aPfixed to the above oonveyance, and acknowled�ed the execu'�ion thereof to be his <br /> voluntary act and deed as such of�icer �.nd the voluntary act and desd o� the said arand Island <br /> Tru�t Company,Trustee, and that the Corpor�.te seal of the said (�rand Ieland �rus� Company was <br /> thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea,l at C�rand Island,Nebr. in said eounty the day and year <br /> last above written. <br /> Lulu Dahl <br /> ( ��,) Notary Publie <br /> My Commission expires the 2�th day of Augu$t, 19�5 <br /> Filed for reeord thla 25 day of January, 19�5, at 10: 30 0� clock A.M.��� <br /> . �.��� <br /> "�e s�er o�e s <br /> ao-o_o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-�-o-o-o-o.. <br /> gL�I T CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS IIdDENTURE, Made this 2�jth day of January, in the gear one thousa,nd nine hundred and forty fiee <br /> between Ceeil Mi11er, husband of the ��►�,ntee herein, pa,r�ty of the first part, and Besale Miller, <br /> wife of the grantor here�.n, party of the second part, <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, 1n cansideration of the sum of �ne Dollar and <br /> other consideration, to him duly paid, the reeeipt whereof is hereby a,eknawledged, remised, re- <br /> leased, and quit-claimed, and by these presents doea �'or himselP, ��s heira, executors and admin- <br /> lstratora, remise, release and forever quit-el�.im and convey unto the said par�y of the aecond part, <br /> and to her heirs and assigns forever, �11 hia right, tltle, interest, estate claim and demand, <br /> both at law and in equity, of, 3n and to all <br /> Lot Number Two and the North Half o� Lot Number Three, Block Four, Or3ginal Town o� Cair�o, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, as shown by '�he recorded plat. <br /> Together �ith all and singular the here�.ltaments thereunto belonging, <br /> TO HAVE AN� TO HOLD the above described premises un�o the s�.ir� Bessie �i11er, t�ife �of the <br /> gr�ntor, her heire and assigna; so that neither the said gra.ntor, or any person ln his r�,me and <br /> behalf, sh�.11 or will hereafter claim or demand any r�.ght or title to the said premises or any <br /> part thereof, but they and every one of them sha11 by these presents be excl�ded. and forever <br /> �axred. <br /> � <br /> IN WITNE�S WHERE4F, the said par�Gy of the first part has hereunto set his hand and s�al the <br /> day anc� year above written. � <br /> signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Cecil E.Miller <br /> B.J. Cunningham <br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA ) Cn this 25th da.y of January, A. D. 19�+5, before me, the undersigned, <br /> HALL COUNTv )s8' B.J. Cunningham, a Notaxy Public, duly commissioned and �ua�.i�'ied for and <br /> res3din� in said county, personaZly came Ceci-1 Mll.ler, husb�,nd Qf' the grantee here3n, to me kno�+rn <br /> to be the identical person whose name is aPfixed to tbe foregoing instrument as grantor and aek- <br /> nowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> �itness my hand and 1Votarlal Sea.l the day and year last above wr3.t�en. <br /> B.J. Cunningham <br /> �`SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commi�sion ex�lres the 5�h day of August, 19�7. <br /> Flled for record this 25 day of January, 1945, at 2:00 0� clock P.M.o�.� ���� � <br /> eg s er of ee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-G-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-C3-0-0-0-G-0-�-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-4- <br /> WARRANTY DEED ' <br /> ` KNOW ALL ��iE,'IV E3Y T�IESE PR.ESENTS <br /> THAT Home Owners ' Loan Corporation oP '�Tashin��on D.d. , a corpora�P instru�an'tali�y oi' the United <br /> States oP America, sometimes otkierwise desi�nated as a _Un3.ted St�tes Corporation, tor and in con- <br /> sidPration of the surn o� Fourteen Hundred Forty-five and No/100ths (�1,41��j.00) DQLL�RS in �Z�.nd <br /> paid does hereby �rant,bar�ain, sell, c�nvey and conPirm unto �'illiam H.Bosivor�h and Fa}�nie E. <br /> Bosworth,husband and wife,as jaint tenants with rigYit of survivorship,and not as tenants �.n common: <br /> o�' the County of Ha11 and StatE og Nebras�:a,thP follo�rin� described real estatP situated in Hal1 <br /> County and St�,�e o�' �Tebraska, �o-��vit: <br /> �, (6 8) <br /> Lots Si�ty-�'our (54) , Sixty-�'ive (65) , Six�y-s�.x ( 66) , Sixty-seven (b7) and Sixty-ei�h�, in West <br /> Lawn, an. Addition to the City o�' Grand Island,Hall County,Ne�raaka. . <br /> IT �3ETi��G TFIE Il�T`1'E!`��yTIOPd �F ALL PAR'�i'I�S HEHE�'U TH.�T 21� THE EVENT OF mHE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> Gi�ANTE�S, '1`HE El`?TIR�: FE�; SII`�-iPLE TI'TLE TO TH� Rt�AL E5`lATE DESCRI�3ED fi�REIN SHALL VEST TN THE <br /> SURVIVIi`�G GRANT�;E. <br /> TO HAiTE AND T� HOLD t��e premises above de��cr3.�ed, �o�;etller witYi alI the Tenements,�ereditaments <br /> and Appurtenances t.heraunto �ae�_on�;ing, the �a3.d Wllliam H.Bosworth and Fannie E.�3osworth, , <br /> husband. and wife,as ,joint tenant� with ri�ht o�' survivorship and not as tenants in common', , <br /> a,nd to their .heirs and assigns �orever,and Horne Owners ' Loan Corporat�.on do�s her�by covenant - <br /> with the said V'Tilliam H. .Bo�wor�lz and Fannie E.Bosworth,.husband and wife,as ,joint tenants with <br /> r�.ght o� survivorship,and not as teriants 3n common,and their heirs and €i.sai�n� th�.t it is 1t�wPully � <br /> • {' <br />_ . _. .._..._ . ._ ._. .. .__ . . .. 4T.:��i <br />