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�V� <br /> ���� ��C: ��.� ��. � � I <br /> � <br /> 25489—Trie Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> L.TYA�+ OR CHARLES L.TYRE G.rtANTFES HFREIN TiiE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO isiE RFAL ESTATE DESCRIBED <br /> HEREIN SHAT�L VE�T I:� T�iE STJRVIVING G]�ArdTEE. <br /> I <br /> TO HAVr A1�'D TO HOLD the saic� premises �bove described, to�ether wi�h a.11 tne Tenemen�s, �ere- <br /> di��ments and Appurtenances ther�unto belangin�� unto the said S�,rah L. Tyre and Ch�.rles L. Tyre <br /> �.s ,joint tenants �,nd not as tenants in common �nd to �urvivor thereof <br /> And the sr�id GRAND ISLATID LAND COMPANY for itself' or its successors, does hereby agree to and <br /> witi� tile s<�id pa.rties of �he second p��rt and �heir heirs arid as>igns, th�t nei�tner it nor any <br /> person in its name and behalf, s:�all or tiaill hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the <br /> said premises or any part thereof, but they and every onP of them sh��ll by these preaents be <br /> exc�.uded �r�c f'orevFr barreci. <br /> IN TESTIP�i0��1Y 1�'HEREOF, the saicl GRAND ISLAI�D LAT�� COMPANY has caused these presents to be <br /> executed by its presia.ent anci i.ts Corporate Sea,l to be affixed hereto tnis 7th d�.y of December, <br /> ������ ( COI�P) GRAND ISLAND LAND COMPANY <br /> �itness: <br /> Delpha M. Taylor (�EAL) by Bayard H.Pa.ine, Pres�dent <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) On this 7th aay of December, 19�+�', before me, the undersigned, a Nota,ry <br /> LAT�?CASTE�" COUTLiTX ) ��' Public in �nd for said County, personally came Bayard H.Paine, President <br /> of tr�.e GRA�?D TSLAI��D LAi�'D COP�IPANY to me perGonally knorTn ta be the Pres.i�,ent and the identic�.l <br /> �erson whose name is af�ixed to '�he above eonveyance, and acknowled�;ed the execution thereof <br /> to be his voluntary a.ct and deed as such officer �.,nd the voluntary �ct C;.nc� deed of tne s�i� <br /> G�A:'D ISLAr�1D L�T�'D COMPANY, arl�. tnat tkie Corporate se�1 of the s<ai�. GRI�ND ISLA:�L� L�.I�D COr�IPANY <br /> Js�,s thereto aff. ixe� �7y its �ut?�ority. <br /> ��litness :nv hanc�� anc Nota�rial Seal at Lincoln, in saic?. coun�y the day �;nc� year 1�st above <br /> writ�en. <br /> Delpha M. Taylor <br /> ( NEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires tne 23 �.ay of Ju1,y, 194� <br /> F�leci for record. this 13��1 c�a;r of' January, 1;���-5, at 1.1:�{�5 0 � clock A.P�I. .�� ����� � <br /> e�iste.r of eec <br /> 0-0-0-C:-�-v-n_0_^_(;_�;_r;-.J-"-,,;-0-�^�-C-.''1-0-0-J-v-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-Q-C-G'-'J-0-0-:�-!;-:�-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0- _ <br /> SPECIAL �+IAR�.Ai��'.Y DEED <br /> THSS INDENTL'RF, m�.de ttsis 30th d�y of Oc�ober, I�4��-, BETWEEN The Mutual Benef3.t Life Insur�,nce <br /> Company, �. corpor�tion under the laws of New Jersey, located at Ne�,Tark, Essex County, New Jersey, <br /> party o_� �he fi��st part, Ati'D Albert T�IcDowell of tne County of H�.lI anc7. State of' Nebraska, party <br /> of t��e seconc� part; <br /> �TITNESSETH, That the said �a.rty of the first part, in eonsi�.eration of tne sum of Ei�;ht Thous�;�nd <br /> Six Huncire�. & No/100 --- Dollars, to i� duly p�.ics� does hereby gra.nt, bargain, sell, conv�y arld <br /> conr"irm �o �he s��ic� ���rty of �he seconc� part, hi� neirs anc� as�i�ns, a,11 the fol�owing c�escribed <br /> real estate, situate in 'the County of Hall a��ca. State of Nebraska to ?�rit: <br /> Tr�e NorthP�.st Quc�rter (A3E4) of Section Thirty-six (36� , Toti�fnsk�ip Nine ��) , North, of R�n�;e <br /> ( �) , West o�' tre 6th P.M. , containing 160 acres, more or 1ess. <br /> Bein� t'rie s�:�e pren�ises conveyed to the p��.rty of the fl.r�t part by William A.Haz1.e et ug by <br /> deecl. �a.ted December ��, 1�33, anc. recorded in Book 75, �,t Pa.�e 9�, oi' the DEed Records of' Hall <br /> Ccun�y, Nebr�:i.ska. <br /> Under the lease f'or �l�.e crop 19�-�-, expirznt; February 2�, z945, f�rst party reserves anr� snall <br />�� receiv� all �Yie ren�.�, issues, ari�y profits from 5aid prem:�ses. Un�er the lease f'or the term <br /> comrnencin� March l, 1��5, :�.rld expiring February 2�, 19�-6, sec�nc? party sha�_l �e ent3.tled to <br /> receive, Tf7�.tr-ou� recourse on first pa.rty, �11 the ren�Gs, issues, arld �rofits for t�ze crop year <br /> 1945. <br /> First p�.r�y reserves ��,s personal ,r,rop�rty of' the present �enant an nld d��elling house build- <br /> � in_ h us . <br /> t tl:l rm nen d�ell o e <br /> ir��; located on saic�. ��rernis�s in t!�E y�,rd wes of e pe a �; <br />� First ���.rty eoven�nts �.nd �brees to p<.y t�e t�xes for tr�e year 1)�-'-�- as soon a.s such taxes <br /> becone aue a.��� p<.�r��..ble. <br /> THIS CONV�YANCE i� m���e expressly subject to : <br /> 1. Ri�n� of t,vays for t�ublic raads or othex� �urposes, heretofore lai� out or established, <br /> aizd othe:r ease�erts, if ar�y, noti,r existin� over and �,cross any part of the above des- <br /> cr�.�ed �-?remis es. � <br /> 2. Taxes, �,s;�essec� or to be assessec� �or �i�.e yea� 1945, �nd there�.f'ter, �ny speeial taxes, <br /> assessments or instalrnents t:�e�eaf, now a lien �r�t p�::ya..ble herea.fter, �,.�ci an;� speci�.l <br /> taxes, �ssessments or inst�.lmen�;� thereof to be asse�sea or imposed :;�;�reaf�er. <br /> 3. Rigl�ts o�' te��antn, ii any. <br /> TQ HAVE A`'TD TO H�LD T�IE SAID PR��t�ISES, toget�ie.r Yai�h a.11 t?�e heredit�,ments and a�purten�.r�ces <br /> thereunto k�elon,�in���,�, or in �.ny i�rise avi�erta�ninp°, to t:he said p�,rty of t'rie second part, his <br /> heirr� and ar�i�;ns, forever, And �h� �aic� party of t'�ze first part does here'�y coven�nt and a�ree, <br /> t'r.�..��t i� T,Ti1_1 T+'�arrant �.nd Defei1d the s����e in the auiet ar�d pe�ce�?:�le possession of the said party <br /> of �he seconcl p�,rt, his heirs �nd as:�i�^n� f'orever, ag�.inst all persona ti�rhomsoever la.wfully cl�im- <br /> in�; the sa.rne, f'rom or un�er it �.nd no'� otherwise. <br /> IN WITNESS �^dHEREOF� '�I1P, said party of the fi .rst pa.rt has caused these presents to be sul�scribed <br /> by its Vice-President an�. its corporate se�l to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Assistant <br /> Seeret�ry, the d��:..y and yF�.r fi.rst a'��ove ?�Tritten. <br /> � c�p . +,-�ps (CORP) THE MUTTJAL �ENEFIT LIFE INS�.JRA,'vTCE COMPA,?Y, <br /> Iz�e�VtShattuck : ancelle� (SEAL) By P�ilo ��i.V�'il,,:er Jr. <br /> Ass��t��n� Secret�:�ry Vice-President. <br /> S�'ATE C%l�? N�'W JFRSFY } �, On this �th day of November, l��l�, 'r�efore me, a. Not�.ry Public in and <br /> COUAITY OF ESSEX ) �" fo� saici Ccunty and St�,te, per�on�lly Milo W.Wilcler,Jr. to me <br /> �ez� knoTfrn to be the i.c��ntic�l p�rson v�•h�se n�.me is subscribed to the f'oregoing instrument <br /> �.s Vice Pr�s�.c�ent o�' The Mutual Berlefi� Lifi e In:;ur�:.nce Company, ttie �ra.ntor thPrein named, and <br /> ackno�tile���;ec� t���.t he si�ned the s<�.me as the v�ltzntary act �^.rrd d.eec� of �:�aid car,�ora.tion, and ca,use� � <br /> I <br /> I <br />