a �
<br />�� � ����
<br /> ����D ��CO�� �T�. � �
<br /> 25489—The Auguatine Co., Qrand Island, Nebr.
<br /> State of Nebr�>.ska ) On tni;= lst d�y of Jul��, A. D. 19�-�, before me, the undersi�ned, ;�Tm.F.A?ullen,
<br /> H�11 County ) "• � Not�;ry Pub1lc, d.t?ly commissioned �,nc� ajualifi�d for and residin� in said
<br /> county, perr onally ca.rie A.A2.Kellogg, ��nd J.J.Kello�,�;, husb�.nd anc� T-�rif e, to me known to be the iden-
<br /> tical x�erson ?�vhose nt>me --- ��f�'ix�a to the foregoin; instrument as gran'�or� and �,eknoT�ledged the
<br /> �ame to be t'r�eir valuntary act and c�eecl.
<br /> Witness my har.d �nd �V'ot�r�al Se��l the d�,y and year last above t�mitten.
<br /> Wm.F.I�4ullen
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Pu'plic �
<br /> T�Ty commiasicn e�pires tne �th c�.a�T of M��,y, i9�-9
<br /> Filed f'or recorc� this 5th �.�.y of J��nua.ry, 19�-�j, at 2: f0 c ' clock P.M. � �r
<br /> ��U���
<br /> - �egi�e.r of �eds �,/
<br /> 0-G-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-C-0-`?-0--0-0-0-Q-0-�-0-0-C-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-J-0-0-0
<br /> REFEftEE' S DEED
<br /> WH�REAS, in an action of partition penc�.ing in the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> ��rhere Rena E. Clark and Mabel Cady �rere pl�intiffs and Es�her S�nderson, an incompetent person
<br /> anc? others, were defendants, far t��e p�rtition of the premises herein�?fter described, the under-
<br /> si�ned referee, ap�ointed by said court to m�.�.e pa�rtition of' said real estate, ma,de report in
<br /> writin�, d�?Iy si�ned, s�et�in�• forth rh�,t partition of' s�ic� lands eould not be mac�e without �reat
<br /> pre�judice to the otianers thereof, �:*hich r eport t�aas d��ly exam�ned by said court, and said court
<br /> 'r�eing satisfied therewith confirmed the s�.me, and thereupon m�.de an order �nd caused the same ta
<br /> be entered directing me a.s s�,id referee ,to sell sai�. premi�PS on t��e follo�*�.n� terme, to-�=it:
<br /> Fifteen per cent (1�0) cash on d�te of sa1e, balance upon confirmation.
<br /> And in Y>ursu�nce of said order I caused a r�otice to be publi�hed in tne C�rand Isl�nd Daily
<br /> Independent, a neUrspaper �r1nted and in �ener�,� circulation in Ha11 County tnat I �lould offer s�,ic�
<br /> lanc�s fo.r s�le at �he frent c�oor of the eourthouse in said ec�urity on the 2�-th day of November,
<br /> 1��-'-�, at 2 0 � clock ?�.m. of s�ia. d�a.,=, a.�c`� at t��e tirne arld vl��,ce st�.ted in said notice, and after
<br /> s�i� notice n�.c? be�n publ�:shed for more than thirt;� d�ys I offered said� lands, to-�;1it:
<br /> Lots Two, (2) , Three, ( �) , Fnur, ( lr) , Five, (5) , anc:�. 83.x, (6) , in Block Six, (6) , of
<br /> Fourth Addition to tne Tc���m of Cairo, in Hall county, Nebraska,
<br /> for s�.le at public auction, �ric sold the same to LEOiV BRAUN for t:cle sum of Eight Hundred & No�100
<br /> ( ��OO.CO) Doll.ars, s�.e being the highest bidder th�refor. An� �.iterw�rds, on t:��e 15th day of
<br /> Decem'per, lgl�-�-�-, sa�_�� court ^��proved ax�d confirmed said Sale, a�� s�y ai1 order directed me �s sa�d
<br /> rei eree: �o execu�e to said LEOiJ BRATJN, �. �eed con�=eyir�� sai�. 1^na.s to lier in fee simple.
<br /> N0�1, THEREFORE I, John F.T.�IcCarthy, refere�, in consideration of' tne premises and the sum of
<br /> Ei�ht Hundred & No�100 (��OO.�JO) Dollar's, so b�d �,:ncryi pa�.��. by s�,ic� LEON BRA?JN, aricl by vi.rtue of
<br /> the poi�rera vested irl me b�r la��r, c�o by tnese presents �r�n�, sell, and convey unto the said LEON
<br /> Br�AUN and to her heirs �rid as:�i�ns the real es�ate described as follo��rs:
<br /> Lots Ttao, (2) , Tizre�, ( 3) , Four, (�-) , Five, (�) , and Six, (6), in Bl�ck Six, (6) , of Fourth
<br /> Ad�iti�n to the Tati�rn of Cairo, i� Ha1.l Co��nty, Ne�2��sk�,
<br /> t�tTith a.l.l t��e ��;purtenances t'�iereurito �aelon�;in�, �o have and to hold t��e sa�ne to her, trie said
<br /> LEON BRA?JN, �.n�. h��r heirs �.nd as�a.�ns forever.
<br /> IiJ ti�TITNESS "v�T�iLREOF I ha.ve here.�rit;o set my h�:�nd this �-th �ayr o� Janut�ry, Zg�-5.
<br /> In Presence Of 1.. 10 I. . tasnps ) Jahn F.McCarthy
<br /> Herman F'. BuckoT�r (Ca.ncelled ) ef eree
<br /> STATE OF NrBRASz'A : C On t:�is 4f� cta.y o� J��,nu<�'ry, 19�j, befo?^e t'�e undersi;ned, �. Notary Public,
<br /> COLTN'I'Y 0�' HALL : �`" in ��.nci for s�.id count;y, pPrs��nally appe�red John F.McCarthy,referee in .
<br /> the c�.se referred to in t?�re fore�oinJ deed, to me per�on^lly kno���n to be the identical person .
<br /> T�,*hose n��m� �s s��bscr. ibed t� t���e foregoin` deed a,s �,rantor and aclLnot=rledged the execu�ion t.�ereof
<br /> to be his volun��tiry �c� a.nd deed as said referee for the pur.poses tnerein expressed.
<br /> Witrless my h��n�� �.iid nata_ri�l seal the day �nd year �,bove written.
<br /> Herm�.n F.Buckow
<br /> { SEAL) � o ar,r P u��l i c �
<br /> :•Zy comrnis�ion expire� or� t'rie l7'� d^�r o1' April, i950.
<br /> �'i),ed for recerd tiiis �t:r: d<,y of Jrzntx�ry, 19��-„ at �: ?0 0 ' clock A.�I.�.�.� ���-6� �
<br /> �✓
<br /> ��ister of�eed
<br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-�-'�'-0-��;-`�-0-����-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-«-0-J-0-�-0-0-a;)-0-0-0--0-0-�-�-�-�?-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> WARnAr�TTY DE�:D
<br /> KNO�^I ALL hZET� ::-�Y '�'��ESE pRES�T?`�S, Tht�U Carl C.Wilson and Ev� J.��il�on, ;�u.�b��t�a and �rife of Dcu�;l�,s
<br /> County, iv'ebr��.saia,, in consicleraticn of Si� �housand an�i. No/1O�J DOLLAR.S, in hand p<�id, do hereb;�
<br /> grarlt, bar���.i:l, SP.�_L� convey �� nd confirm unto Ro�ert Duane .�Ji�s�n of Doug�as County, �ebras�:�.,
<br /> tne �aid Carl C.�"Tilson�s undivi�,ed one-half (-�-) interest in and to �he folloT�;�ing described rea.l
<br /> <�sta.te, situ�te �n the County of H��11 and State of 1`.ebr�.5':��, ta-��1it:
<br /> Lots One (1) , T��*o (2) , Three ( 3) , �'�'our (4) �nd Five (j) in Block Six (6) , Schimmer' s Adc�ition
<br /> to �;he City oi Grand Islan�.; anc� Lots 0:1e (1) , Tti•ro (2) , Ei�ht (�) and Nine (9) in Block Seven
<br /> ( 7� , Schimr.ner � s Ad��.ition to `�he Ci'ty of Grana Island; ( sub�j ect to incumbr�-znc�s of reeord, which
<br /> �
<br /> inc�.�m"��r�-�,nces �r�:-.n�ee does not as��ume� ,
<br /> to;et'rler ti•ri�n al1 �'c�e tenei�a.Zts, hereclit�ments, �a.nd appurtenances �o t�:e s�:�me belon�;in�, and
<br /> all the est�te, tit�e, do?�rer, right ofi homestead, el�,im or. de.nand whatsoever of t:ne said grantors
<br /> anci. ea.c�l of the� of, in, or t� tlie same, or any par� t: Freof;
<br /> m� HAVE Afi�D TO HOLD �he above described ��rem����;, w�th the ap�urtenances, unto t1�e said
<br /> Robert Duane �'�i1��on arid to his heir� and 2,,ssi�n5 io-:°ever, and the said Ca,rl. C.Vdilson for himself
<br /> �nd his heirs, executors, �,nc? administra.tors, do coven�.nt r�ri.th s�.i.d Ro'pe�^t Du�ne Wilson and with
<br /> his heirs an�. ^�s�i;�r1�, th��t he is 1a,wfully seized of s��,id prernises, that they are f'ree from encum-
<br />