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<br /> �ID7E�� &�]EC OI�� �T�. 8 �
<br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> STATE 4F OHI� ) On this Ib'� day of December, A.D. 1�4�, before me, the unders3gned, C.R.Atkinson
<br /> NOBLE C�UNTY )SS• a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qual3.Pied �'or and resid3.ng in said eounty,
<br /> per�sonally came Louis T.Roe ane� Carrie Roe, (Husband & 1�i�'e) ro me knoi•m to be the identical persons
<br /> whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and ackno�vled�ed the same to be
<br /> their vnluntarg act a,nd deed.
<br /> tlllitness my hand and Notarial 5ea1 the day and year last above writ�en.
<br /> C.R.Atkinson
<br /> ( SE�1L) Notary Publ ic
<br /> My commission expires the 7t� day o� February, 1��7.
<br /> Filed for record this 26 day of.Deeember, 19�+4, a� �:45 0'clock A.M.� ����� �
<br /> Register o� Dee s
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<br /> Nebraska, in consideration of Eight Thousand and No/100 Dollars (��, 000.00) does hereby grant,
<br /> conve�� and warrant unto Cecil D.A4cKeag anc� Fern McKeag, husband and wife, as �joint tenants with
<br /> ri�ht of survivorship and not �s tenants in common, of ��1ood River, State of Nebraska, the follow-
<br /> in� described real esta.te situated in the County of Hall, Sta�e of Nebraska, sub,ject to any exiat-
<br /> in; hi�hti�rays, easer�ents and any reservations in the United States and State patents,, to-wit :
<br /> Soutnwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 11 North, Ranee 11, West of the 6th P.M. , except a
<br /> cer�ain s�rip or parcel of land ad�oir.ing the t�resent hi�hz.,ray along the west side of said South-
<br /> west Quarter, more particul?rly described as fo1loT�rs : Be�in�?ing at a point 33 feet east of the
<br /> southwest corner of said Sauthwest Quarter of said Section la; runnin� thence north para�.lel to the
<br /> west line of s<:�id Southtiti�est Quarter to the north line of said S�uth�,rest Qua,r�Ger; running thence
<br /> eas� 7 feet; rurYning thence south pa.r�.11el to the west line of said Soutki?ti�est Qu�rter to the sou�n
<br /> line of said South�rest Quarter; running thence west 7 feet to the place of beginning, containing
<br />' ��/1Q0 acres, more or less; and excepting and reservin� an undivided one-half interest in all oil,
<br /> �as and mineral ri�hts in and under the above�-described property f'or a period of 20 years from
<br /> A4�y 12, l��-1, , and �s lon� thereafter as oil, �as or miner�ls continue to be produced therefrom
<br /> or said property 15 being so developed or o��er�ted,
<br /> togetlier with all the �enements, hereditaxnents and al�purte��ance5 to the sa:�.e belon�;ing, ancl aIl
<br /> the est�te, title; claim or dem�nd whatsoever of the said THE FEDERAL LAND BAiVK OF OMAHA, bf, in,
<br /> or to the s��rne or an;� part thereof,
<br /> And the said THE FEDERAL LAND BAPJK OF OMAHA hereby covenan�s tnrith trie said Cecil D. McKeag
<br /> and Fern P�IcKeag, t�e heirs and assigns af the survivor, that it is lawfully seiZed of said premises,
<br /> that it has �ood right and lawful authority to sell and convey th.e same, and that it does hereby
<br /> covenant to w��.rrant and deFend the title to said premises ag��.inst the lawful claims �f aIl
<br /> persone 'whomsoever.
<br /> In �litness Whereof, THE FEDE�AL LAND BANK OF OT�IAHA has caused these presents to be executed
<br /> by its Vice Presiderlt and its corpora.te seal to be affi�ed hereto this 15tn d�,y of December, 19�+4.
<br /> Witness : Warren H.Howard -------------------- ( CORP) '�'HE FEDERAL LAND BA�1K OF OP�IAHA
<br /> ( ��. �0 I.R. Stamps) ( SIi,AL) By H. A.Viergutz, Vice Pre�ident
<br /> (Cancelled ) Attest H. J. O ' Donnell, Assis�tant
<br /> Secretary
<br />. CO'JNTY OF DOTJGLAS ) S5' On this l�th d�y of December, 1;�l�ZI-, before me, Gladys Reineke, a Notary
<br /> Publ2c in and for pou;;las County, Nebras��a, personally a.ppeared H.A.
<br /> Viergutz, to me personally knotan to be the identical person who ex.ecuted tne foregaing instrument,
<br /> ��rho being k�y me duly sworn, did say th��.t he is Vice President of The Federal Land Ba,nk of Omaha;
<br /> that the 5ea.l �.flixed to said instrument is the cor��or�te seal of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha;
<br /> th�t sa,id inst.rument was 5igned and sealed in behalf of The Federal Land Bank of Om�.ha by authority
<br /> of its Bo�.rd of Directors; and the said H.A.Vier;ut� acknowled;ed the said instrument to be the
<br /> free and volunt�rj,� act and deed of said Corpor�.tion b?; it volunt�.rily executed.
<br /> IN WITNESS z�+tHEP.EOF, I n.��,ve hereunto :=�et m�r hand ana a�'z:ixed m;r notarial seal the aay and year
<br /> last <�bove Tl�rritten.
<br /> Gladys Reineke
<br /> Pdot�ry Public in and for pouglas
<br /> � �ty commission expires �c'tober �, 19�-g. (, �ELiL) Co�znty, Nebraska
<br /> Filed for rec�ard this 2E� day af Decem,�er, l_�t�-�+, at 10:00 0 ' cLock A. P�I.�„\
<br /> ���a� -G�'`'�
<br /> Register of Deedg
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<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 9th day of August, 194�-, between aRAiVD ISLAND LAND CONIPANY, a cor-
<br /> poration organized and existing under ard by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska, party of
<br /> the flrst part, and Esther Lucille Tyre of the �ounty of ---- and State of Nebraska, party of the
<br /> second ��rt .
<br /> WITNES�ETH, that the said p�,rty of' the f irst part, for and in consideration of tne s�am of
<br /> EIGHTY ( ��0) DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged, h�.s sold and by these
<br /> presents does quit-claim, grant, convey and confirm unto the s��id party of the second part, tn.e
<br /> followin€�; described premises, situa.ted in Grand Isl��.nd, Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> All of Lot Four (�) in B1ock Fifteen (15) in Larrbert' s Addition
<br /> TO HAVE A�V'D TO HOLD the s�,id premises abov e described, together with all the Tenements, Heredi-
<br /> '��,ments and Appur�enanees thereunto beloneing unto the s��id Esther Lucille Tyre
<br /> And the said Grand Isl�.nd Land Company for itself' or its successors, does hereby agree to and
<br /> with tr�.e said. p�rty of t��e second part and 'ner heirs and assigns, th�.t neither it nor any person
<br /> in its name and beh�=�lf, sh�.Il or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said
<br /> premises or any part thereof, but they and every one oi them sh�.11 by these presents be excluded
<br /> an�. forever b�a,rred
<br />