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<br /> 1��E�� R�C O�� �T�. � �
<br /> 25469—The Augustine Co., Grand Istand, Nebn �
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 'Ghe above described premises, with the appurtenances unto the said
<br /> ,
<br /> r nt s s J I TT T �'
<br /> a e e a 0 I� E N A N T S a n d n t s t n n t
<br /> o �. e a s in common and to their as�i ns or to th h i
<br /> � , e e rs
<br /> � g ,
<br /> and assign5 of the survivor of them, forever, and a11 the grantors named herein for them and
<br /> their h�irs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with the gran�ees named herein and with
<br /> their assi�ns and �rith the heir5 and assigns of �he survivor of them, that they are lawfully
<br /> seized of' said premises; that they are free f'rom incurnbrance except as stated herein, and that
<br /> a11 the said grantors have good right and lawful a.uthority to sell the same, and that they wi11
<br /> and their heirs, executors and administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees
<br /> named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assi�ns of the survivor of them, f'orever,
<br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein.
<br /> TN �hTITNESS ��EREOF I have hereunto set my hand on this 29th day of November, A.L. l��-4
<br /> In presence of __________________ Lewis H.Grosshans
<br /> J. H. �.Titz.el (�1. 10 T.r�. Stamps) by Neva M.G-rosshans
<br /> ( Cancelled ) Attorney in fact
<br /> Neva Grosshans
<br /> COUNT�' OF' HALL ) On this 29th day of November A.D. �944, before me, a Notary Public, in
<br /> and for said Gounty, personally came the above named Neva Grosshans,
<br /> wife of Lewis H. Grosshans also Neva M. Grosshans Attorney in Fact for Lewis H.C•rosshans, who are
<br /> personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantors, and I have acknoc�rledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid.
<br /> J.N. rlitz el
<br /> M� Commission expires Dec. 26, 19�5 ( SEAL) Not�ry Public
<br /> GEiJERAL
<br /> KNO�^T ALL TJqEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, I, Lewis H.G•rosshans, a legal resident of the (Town,
<br /> city, or county) of Grand Island, state of Nebraska, United States of America, no�v in '�he military
<br /> service as a Private (Army serial A'�. 37490122) in the Army of the United States, and anticipating
<br /> that I may be required Lo go overseas in said military service, have made, constituted and ap-
<br /> �ointed, and by these presents do make, cor�stitute and appoint Neva M.Grosshans, whose address is
<br /> Grand Island, Nebr�,ska, my true and lawful attorney to act in, manage, and conduct all my estate
<br /> and all my affairs, and far that y�urpose for me and in my name, place, and stead, and for my use
<br /> and benefit, �.nd as my act and deed, to do and execute, or to concur with persons ,jointly inter-
<br /> ested with myself �herein in tne doing or executing of, all or any of the following acts, deeds,
<br /> and thin�s, that is to say:
<br /> (1) To buy, receive, lease, accept, or otherwise to acquire; to sell, cor�vey, mortgage, hypo-
<br /> thecate, pled�e, quit clairi, or otherwise encumber or dispose of, or to contrac� or agree Por the
<br /> acquisition, dispos�l or encumbranee of; any property whatsoever anci wheresoever situated, be it
<br /> real, personal, or mixed, or any custody, nossession, interest, or right therein or pert�ining
<br /> thereto, upon such terms as my said attorney shall think proper; (2) to take, hold, possess, in-
<br /> ve�t, lease, or let, or otherti�rise manage any oi a21 oP my real, personal, or mixed property, or
<br /> any interest therein; to e,ject, remove, or relieve tenants or other persons from, and recover
<br /> pos�ession of' such property by a11 lawful means, and to maintain, protect, preserve, insure,
<br /> removed, store, transport, repair, rebuild, modify, or improve the same or any part �hereof; (3)
<br /> To make, do, ancl transa.ct all and every kind of busiriess of what nature of kind soever, including
<br /> the receipt, recovery, collection, payment, eom�romise, settlement, and ad�justment of all accounts,
<br /> legacies, beauests, interests, dividends, annuities, der�ands, debts, taxes, and obligations, wh3.ch
<br /> may now or hereafter be due, owing, or p�yable by me or to me; (4) To make, indorse, accept,
<br /> receive, sign, seal, execute, acknowledge, and deliver deeds, assignments, agreements, certificates,
<br /> hypothecations, cheeks, notes, bonds, voucners, receipts, and such other instruments in writing of
<br /> wha�ever kind and nature as masr '�e necessary, convenient, or proper in the premises; ( 5) To deposit
<br /> and ti�ithdraw f'or the purpose� hereof, in either my said attorney' s name or my name or �jointly in
<br /> both our names, in or from any banking institu�ion, any funds, negotiable paper, or moneys, which
<br /> may come into my said attorney' s hands as such attorney or whicl� I nota or hereafter may have on
<br /> . deposit or be entitled to ; (6) to ir,,:�titute, prosecute, defend, com�romise, arbitrate, and dis-
<br /> pose of' legal, eq_uitable, or �.dministrative hearin�s, actions, suits, attachrnents, arrests, dis-
<br /> tres5es or other proceedings, or otherwise engage in l�.ti�;ation in conriection with the premises;
<br /> ( 7) To act as my attorney or proxy in respect to any stocks, shares, bonds, or other ir�vestments,
<br /> ri;hts, or interests, I may now or hereafter hold; (�) To engage and dismiss agents, counsel,
<br /> and employees, �.nd to appoint and remove at pleasure any substitute for, or agent of my said
<br /> attorney, in respect to al1 or any of the matters cr �hin�s herein mentioned and upon such terms
<br /> as my a�torney shall think fit; (9) To execute vouchers in my behalP for any and a11 allowances " ^
<br /> and reimburse�ents properl.y payable to me by the United States, inculding but not restricted to
<br /> allowances and reimbursements for transportation of de�endents or for shipment of household effects
<br /> as autriorized by law or Army regulat�ons, and to receive, indorse, and collect the proceeds of
<br /> checks bayable to the order of the undersigned drawn on the Treasurer of the United States; (10)
<br /> To prepare, execu�e, and file income and other tax returns, and other governmental reports,
<br /> applications, requests and documents; (11) To take possession, and order the removal and ship-
<br /> ment, of a.ny oP my property from �.ny post, warehouse, de�ot, dock, or other pl�ce of storage or
<br /> safe keeping, governmental or �riv�.te; and �o execute and deliver any release, voucher, receipt,
<br /> shipping ticket, certifiea�e, or other instrument necessary or conveneient for such purpose.
<br /> GIVII�?G AND RANTING unta my s�,id attorney full po?aer �.nd authority to do and perform al1 and
<br /> every �,ct, deed, m�tter, and triin� whatsoever in and about my estate, property, and affairs as
<br /> fully an� effectually to all intents and purposes as I might or could do in my o�.an proper pe2�°son
<br /> if�erson��lly present, the above se�ci�lly enumerated poV�ers being in aid �,nd exemplification of
<br /> the fu11, complete, and general povrer herein �ranted an�. not in limitation or defini�ion thereof;
<br /> and here�b;� ratifying all that rny said attorney sh�ll lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of
<br /> these �re:�ents.
<br />� (Tne declaration contained in the follot��ing var�.�raph m�.y be beneficial, although: it may
<br /> prove Iegally ineffective in some states. Its use is option�.l as are the other �rovisions of this
<br /> i f'orm, depencling on your needs and �ertinent legal requirements) .
<br /> And Z hereb� declar� that any act or thing lawfully done hereur�der by rny said attorney shal.l
<br />