� eJ�
<br /> ���� ��E� C��� �T�. � �
<br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> �UI T CLAI r�i DEFD
<br /> THI� I�JDEN�?JRE, P��ade this ?�th c�a�r of Noveinber, iri the ye�r or.e thous�.nd nine hundred and �
<br /> for. ty-fouz�, be�?tireen Louire K. Desch, �rtrife of the first ��ai�t, �,nd Boyd H. Desen, husb�.nd of' the �
<br /> SP.0011d 1�?Y't,
<br /> ��TIT.�?FSSETH, th�.t the said narty of the first 7�art, in consic?eration of the sum of One (�1. 00)
<br /> Dol�ar anca other va,lua.ble consideration DOLL�RS, to her duly paid, ti�e receipt ��rhereof is hereby
<br /> ��..c'�no��rlen�ed re�ised, re1e�aed, �nd quit-claimed, <�nd by �hese preserts c10 f'or herself, her heirs
<br /> executor; anc� a.dministrators, remise, rPlease an�. f orever auit-cla.i:n and conve�r unto the said party
<br /> of tile second p�.rt, and to his heirs a.nc� assi�ns forever, a.11 her right, title, interest, estate
<br /> : cla.im a.nd demand, both at law anc� in e�?uity, of, in <�.nc�. to al1
<br /> Lot� Fif ty-five ( �h) , Fi�'ty-six ( 56) , Fift�j-seven ( �j7) , Fifty-ei�ht ( ��) in Selmont Addition
<br /> to �ne cits; of Grarid Island, Ha�11 Coun�y, Ne�raska
<br /> To�ethEr ti�?ith all and sin�ul��r the �iereditaments thereun�o belori�irl�;.
<br /> TO HAVE A°�D TO HOLD the above describec� �rernises unt� the said Boyd H. Desch, his neirs and
<br /> as�i;ris; �o that neither the s�zid Louise K. Descli, nor �zny �erson in ner name a.nd behalf, shall or
<br /> .�rill nereafter cl��.in� or demanc� any ri�;Ylt or title to the said prer�ises or any part thereof, but
<br /> they ancti every one of ther� shall by these prese�its be excluded �.nd forever barred.
<br /> Li�� �^TIT�vESS ��-iE�?EOF, the said party of' the f'irst ?_�art na,s nereunto set her hand ancl seal t�ie
<br /> ca�- ���d. year above T�rritten.
<br /> �i�ized, se��.led Gnd d.elive�°e� in z�resence �f
<br /> Y�tm. P.r��:ullen Louise K. Desch
<br /> S��ATE OF' Nebraska )
<br /> H�.11 County ) S"'' On this 2£�th day of Novemi�er, A. D. 1�4'�, bef'ore me, the undersigned
<br /> ��Tr�i.P.?�Zullen a Not�r� Pu;�lic, duly co�n�issioned and qualified for and
<br /> residin� in ���.id county, �ers>ori<�.11y carne Louise K. Desch, Urife to me knaT�m to be the identical
<br /> person ?�rho^e n�,me is affixed to the fore�;�oin�; instrument as grantor a.nd acknot�led;_;ed the s�me to
<br /> be her volunt�ry act ��nd deed..
<br /> f�litness my h�nd anc� aTOta.ri�l SeC�a.l tne c�y and. ye�r l�.�t above T�ritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) ��Tm. P. ��1u11en
<br /> T�Zy commi�>�,7nn ex���res the 4th d�.;�T of P2�?.y, 1�''�� Not�r�; Pu'plic
<br /> Fi1ed for recorc� this 2p c1�Ly of Novemember, 1 J�-�-, a,t �:OQ o ' clock P.M.v, �i7���� �
<br /> ���
<br /> ��ister of ee s ~
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-a-�J-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-�-�-�-J-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0 `_
<br /> �x��R�.AT��"'Y DEED -Cor.�o���tion
<br /> THIS IT1DE;•11Ur�E,_ i�Iade tlii5 lst da�T o�' Nove�:ibe�°, A.D. 194�'-, betv�e�n iH�, PLAIT�TS CO��TSTR??CTION CO,,?PA"Y ,
<br /> SI�JC . , �, cox>>�ar. btion oz��anized and existix�:l, unc�er and b�r virtuc� oi' t�ie lac�rs o�' t�ae State o�' Nebraslca,
<br /> �,ar�;r oi' t.li�� -�ir�;t part, and Donald R.�;:Iois� ar�d Hel.en L.Nioist, Hu,�band and VTi.i_'a, �,s ,joint tenants
<br /> va�.tli ri:;i1�7 of' s�_�rvivorsli�p �,nd no� r�.s ten��,nts i�n corr;:_ion, o�' tlie County ot Hall, and State of
<br /> Nebr�.s�:.�., part�i�s o" t.,'le second part,
<br /> VTI�C'DIESSE�i�. �i'li�.t �Iie 5ald part- oi:' tx�e {'irst p�rt for �i:id in consider�,tion of t}ie sum oY
<br /> One Dollar arid Ot.tier valual�le Consideration DULLt�RS, in h�,rlc{ p�,�d, r ,,ceipt �^ra7ereof ia hereby
<br /> ac�wnorr)_ed�;ed, h�,c sold and ���- tlz�:�e present� does �;r��=zt, convey �,nd con:,'irm unto t�ze said part-
<br /> o�' ��ze �econc� p�.rt, ��:ie �o11oti=�in�; described premi�es, s�tu�;.ted in Ha�_1 Coun�,�T, a,nd State oP
<br /> Neb-r�,s���., �o-T��ri� ;
<br /> A11 0� Lo'� T�iree (3) , in �Iock Fi�'teen (15) , in CY1ar1F�s ���asrlf;r' s Addytion to t.he City of
<br /> Grand Isla�xd, N�brasl>a.
<br /> i0 HA�IE ANU i0 FiOLD t}ze premi�es �bove c�escribed, to�;et}ier �^a'itxz a7_? t!ie Tenements, Hereditamer�s
<br /> and Ap�ur�E�nancea tklereur�to belon�;in�; unto tiz� �aid Donal.:�. R.I�Zoist and Helen L.rlioist,
<br /> And t}:�e s�.�d T;:e Plains Construction Co;�pariy, Inc. , �'or itse].f, or its aticcessors, doeG her�b,y
<br /> cov�;n�.nt and a�;ree to an�. t�ritli t}ie s�id p�rties of tlle second pa.rt �,nd �.�ieir heirs and assi�;ns,
<br /> tl.iat �.t t?ie tir�zE, o�' the ex�cu,ion arid delivery o° t.lie�e pre:ent� it is 1�,v4�f.ul�v seized of said
<br /> prem3.s�s; t):�at it has �;ood ^i;.tit and lav��'ul a z�k�ox°it�r to contr�� tlze �ar�ie; tliat thev are free from
<br /> encumrr.�,nce e�ccPpt I�Ior��,���;e oi' record to The City P�Tor',�-;���;c= C9t�t�any o�' Or��za, Nebr. or The City
<br /> N�tional Banr� o.f. Co�zncll F31u�fs, Iol��a. -
<br /> does her�by cov�nant to ���arran� and dP�'end t,ie s�.id pr�n.i;�e,� a:;�,yn;�t t�le la��af�,al c1�,ims o�' all
<br /> pers:�ns ti�rIior:�soever.
<br /> IN WI`�'T1ESS tiV�IPR�;O��, t�ie saic�. THE PLAIP�IS COT?S�RUCTIOP�d COi�:P1i1JY, IT�1C. , l�ia� hereunto caused itR
<br /> corpoi°�.�e se�.1. '�0 1�;e a1'i_'ixed and t:iese prE�sents to �k�e si�;n�d ��JT it;; President and Secretary-
<br /> Treasurer tlie da4j and ve��r f:.rst above 4smit�en.
<br /> Si�ned, seal�d and deliver�d in presence o�' ���FiE PLAIiJS COP�?STRITCTIOr1 CUIt�7PA1'Y, IiJC.
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ ( CORP) Hy J.F.Abrat�amson, Pre9ident
<br /> ( 5.r��L) It:.F.ti�lestcot�, Secret�,ry-Treasurer
<br /> 2.7�I.R.Star.nps )
<br /> C atz c eI1 e c�__,__�)
<br /> ST.�'��i'E OF NEB�SKA ) On t}ii.s l�� day o�' rdov. 1�4L, bef.ore rae, the under5i�;nPC�, a Notar,y puY�lic
<br /> D�UGLAS CC�U�1��'Y ) �5 in ��nd �'or said Co�,nt�,r, personally c�me J .F.Abrahamson, President o�' the
<br /> i.'HE PLt'�INS COiJS`1.'r?t?Cri'.IOPJ COir'IPAr?5', INC. �o r�e per;;ona1_ly knoti�n to be tIie President and t.he identic�.l
<br /> pPr�on �;kzo�e n�.r�e is a_f.-i'ix�d to t.tle above convey�,nce, ar�d ac�_no�c�led�;ed �lie execution t�Zereof to be
<br /> liis volun*<�.r`• act anci ��.�ed as suclZ oi ficer �nd t.izf� vc�luntar�r act �.rid deE>d of the said Cor�oration,
<br /> and t.lzat the Coryx>o��ate sP�.1 0�' t.l.� said. PI,AIZdS COTIST��.t1CmI0T1 CUi�.iPAP1`_', 1P��C . v�ras t}�ereto �,f�'3.xed b,y
<br /> its au�.1ZOri'�y.
<br /> Witness my �l,��n<�. �nd No�ax��i�l Se��.l at OM��.E���,, i.n sayd co�.�n�y tl}f� d�.`- �,n�?� ye��.r last above �vritten.
<br /> ;��Z�,e Coates,
<br /> SE2 � Noi�zr�� public
<br /> :Viy Com.�i�sion expires thF� �rd day or' i!� y, �' S0.
<br /> F�?ed f�r recora t�iis 5t�1 dzy o� DecPmY��r, 1�1;1r, .at 4:�0 o 'cloc;�� P.:�2.`'�, �-�=�t-°� �����- _
<br /> R�73ster of DePds
<br />