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i <br />', � '7� <br />� <br /> ���E� ��CO]�� �T�. � � <br /> 23489—The Auguetine Co., 6rand Island, Nebn <br /> Tne S�utl� Ha.lf of' the :vTortheast Qu�,rtPr ( S-'�NE� ) of Section Thirteen (13) , Toti�rnshi�� Ten (lON) <br /> PJort��i, ��n,;e Tlin� ( �,�d) ti�est of ti�e o P.Ti. in Hal1 Ca�znt`�r Nebraska, <br /> �'or :.�<�le at ��a�:�lic �..uct:'�an �,.nd :�olc. tne U�:.�ne to Otto L. Sch�.ent �3nc.� Evelyn A. �chacht, husb��nra anr± <br /> ��Tif e, far t'r�e �ur� ot Five ilLous�-.nd ( �j, 000. 00) Doll�.rs, �fter saici s�le nac'� been held o��en f'or <br />� rnr�re than one ( 1) nol�1^, theyr bein�; the rlit;h�st bs.c��iers �l,here:�or. An�. af�er��r�.rc�s, on the 17th d�y � <br /> of Novez�lbe�'�, l��-L�-, orle of' t�le jucrici�.l a�ys of tYle re�ular t�rm nf the District Court �.n an� for <br /> Hal7_ Caunty, ;V'ebra�'3�.��, s�.icl Cour� approved �.na confirmec s�.id s��.1e, �nd by o .rc�ex� d_irectec�. me, a.s <br /> said referee, to execute to the said Oti�o L. Sc:nacht ��.aid Evelyri A. Schacht, husbanc� s�.nd Ue*if e, a5 <br /> �joint teri?nts �.nc� not as ten��nts in common, �=nd tc the �urvivor of t�nem, a aeed carzvQyin� said <br /> r��emises t� ther:� in fea s�.,1�le. <br /> �?0"r', THFHEFORE, I Wr�. P. ���Iullen, Referee, in corisi�er� of thP premises for the sum of Five <br /> � �'i�.�us�.nd..(�5, OQO. 00) Dol1�rs, so bid a_nc� f�a,ici ?ay Ot�o L. Schacht anc�. Evelyn A. Schacht, husY��,nd <br /> anr �,Tife, �;�s j��_rr� t�n�,nt� �nc:� not a�� ten��ri�s in comr?�on, �sitlz ri�;ht �f survivorsriip, da hereb� <br /> gr��r��, bar�;a��z, sell �nn. contr��;T to �hem anc�. to tneir heir� and assi�ns the real e�tate descri'aecl <br /> ��.s follo-��rs : The 5out�a. Half af tne Nortlzeast Qu�rter ( S-�NE�) of Section Thirteen ( 13) , Tot�,rnship <br /> Tezz (10I�1) North, Ran�;e i1ine (9S��1) t�est oi' the 6t'�� P. M. in Hall Count�r, Nebraska. <br /> ?�sith a.11 a>>purteria.nces thereunto belon�i.n�. <br /> TO HAVE A��?D TO HOLD the �a�lle to '�he s�.id Ot�ta L. Schacht and Evelyn A. Sch�cnt, husb�nd anc� <br /> ?�Tit'e, ��.� :joint ten�.n�s, <�,nc� not ��,� ten�.nts �.n common, ti�sitr� rignt o�' survivorship and to �heir <br /> heirs an� �ssi;ns �'oi�ever. <br /> IN ?�dITIV'ES.3 ?^1uEpFOF 2 have ?�ereunta set m;�r h<�.nd and sea.l this 2�th c�ay ofiTOVem'�el�, 1�4�;-. <br /> � ( �p5. 50 I.R. Stamps) Udm. P.Niullen <br /> ( C�� ) Re�eree <br /> S�n.�e .�f Nebr<�s'i��, �,,. <br /> CourZt,y o�' H�11.. ) '""'' On this 2�t�� d��y oi' November, 1�;��-'�, beiore me tn� undersi�;ned Notary <br /> P���blic, c1��.ly co:nmissionec�?. and qual.i�'ied for, ��n�. re�icin� �n said <br /> Ca��arl��r ��.nci St��te, per. son��lly came S�Tm. P.I��ullen Reieree, to :ne kno��rn to be tne id.entic��l person <br /> ti�rhase n��me i� af�i�ed to thP��oin� ir�rtrurnent as r��r�ntor �nc. �ckno��-rled�ed. the same �o be nis <br /> volun��.r�r �ct �n�. c�eec? �or t:cie ��urt�o��es thFrein set f'orth. <br /> i;? i���ITi�TES� �^�r�r�'�„Or I i��.v� ,-t-��-,�e>>nto ��t r�y iianc? ��nc. seal the c��y first a.bove ��rrit�en. <br /> �'F :c9 z <br /> ( :�_�AL) Mnr 'o ie ��I. Fit raatrick <br /> J � <br /> RIy CO�ii?:;3.S:�iO?1 GXz�j.Y'P.S : July :L7� l�Zl-7. N01;�T'�r PUbI?1.C. <br /> Fi�e�3 for record. this 2� d<^.;,� of Novenlr�er, �.�'a-�-l- �� 2 : ��� o ' clock �. A2. <br /> �.�-�� C� <br /> �e�iwtei of �ee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-v1_�_�_�1-0-Q-;-�-0-0-0-:�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> QLTIT uL�I�t DEED , <br /> Tr�IS I^�DENrT'URE, T���e tni:� 21st d�y of Nove.�iber, in tne year orre �housand n�ne hunc�rec� �.nd <br /> for. ty four, �etz�Teer� Au�;ust Eickhof'1' and Ed C.F�ie�y, Trustees �'or tize depositors of tlle F�rrner� <br /> �t�?.te B�.nl� of C�.i�.�o o_�° tne first ���rt, and GI_ir�ton V�n '#�inkle and Pearl Van �rdir:kle, or in the <br /> event of �he c�eC ti� oi eitner of the��., to thP survivor, of thP secorici .,��;rt, <br /> r�IT:i�SSFTH, th�.t tl�e ��^ p��.rties of trle �'irst ;�art, in co�lsic?e.r�.tion a�' t��e surn of one an� <br /> no/1.00 DOI�I.�1.RS, to tk�lem �uly p;�.ic�, the recei�;,�t t�rher. eof i� hereb�.r a.c'_•�not•rle��.t�eu ha�re r�misea, <br /> rel_e�sec:_, ��� q�ii�-cl��.ir�ec_, �rld A�y �hese ?.�resents c�o for ol�rselves our heirs, execu�Lors anc� �d- <br /> lillrl:i_�'�Y'�l.�;OZ'S� �'Fi�:1S�, 1'�ZPc^�Se �.Y1Ci. fOZ'2VE'Y' q,'?1�—C�.�a.lIIl �?.riC. GOT'1V@�' U21�;0 trle Sc:LCL p?.,Y't1PS Of' tr?@ <br /> seconc p�=.r�, ��nc1 to t�e�eir. �eirs anc as:�i��ns f'orever, <11 our ri�nt, title, iriterest, e5t��,te cl�.im <br /> ��nc� ctem�ncti, �:,o�'�i ��.t la,.�.r anc� :L�� ec�uit;r, oi, in �nc �n �l.l <br /> oi t:�i� �outh tT�Ter�tv tnree (23) f�et of' t:rie z�r°s� ane hundrec� (100) f eet �af 1ot numY�erec�. fiva <br /> ( 5) in ��lock .ZUnir�erec. iix ( G) ir the ori�:inal taT�m of C�n.iro, �:�s sho?rm by the recorded ��l��.t of <br /> the s�;ic_ �o�,�ri. <br /> Ti�e a:�ave n�.mecz t_°ustees bein� t?1�- sole survivin; r�embers o�° the Bo�..r�� of Trtizatees for the <br /> �ie"o�itors af.�}�:e F��x�r::er::� St�i,e �=���.izk af` C�i�o. ':�1. J. �'or�er h<,;viri� cie�' iz� office ari�. not havir��; <br /> -��eerr r�pl:,..cec� b.,� �nv or�e el^e. <br /> It is fv.rther state� the �bove n<med Lrustees, were in adc�ition to �heir ��osition of Trustees <br /> �'or the Dex�ositors of the n�.mec� br�.nk, the �.epositors co�r��i�;tee. inys deec�. is mac�.e in their du�l <br /> c�?p�.ci.ty as mPrixbers oT eacr� coin:nittee. <br /> i0;P��12:�' t°T�'LYl �?1 c'nC; S1.11�;UZ.nY' �'t1E'. �lez'PCi.1�c?T,1@T1tS t'riereunto �}JEZ011'�;1.i1�. <br /> I <br /> TO H�VE A"�YL� TO HOLL` ttie �.i�otire c?escribed >�.remises unta �he saia Clinton V�n �:vinkle and Pe�rl <br /> V��.n ti�dirl'�l.e, or, in tile event o� t�:�e de�=,th. of eiti2er of them, to the survivor, to their heirs and <br /> a�si�ns; So tr�at rieither the saic� �r�antor, or �any person in his/its name anc� beh�1f, s'ri�ll or <br /> ?Til.l 'r�ere�ft�r c�i_��im cr dem�a.nci �rx5r ri�ht or title to the saicl premises or ��.ny p�.rt t?�iereof�, but <br /> t�r?e�;� �.izc every o:le of' tr:.err: sh��11 b�r these pre�eilts be exciudecl ��,nc1 forever ba,rred. <br /> I,7 1�rT'�"��1ES� T,��-IE:REOF, tr�.e s�ic_ s��rt:ies of t�:?e �i_��st p;irt have hereunto set �a�eir han� anc� seal <br /> tre c�ry.�r an��- ye�,.r a.bove i.TrittPn. <br /> ------------------ Au�;u s�; Ei ckho ff' <br /> Si�rne�, senlec�. a,nc� ciel.itiTerec�. �iri r�resenee of ( �j. �0 I. R. S`:�a;m�:,s) Eci C. �?iedy <br /> C,�. C. R��.ven ( C�;;ncellec�. ; Trustees for the Depositors <br /> o� t:rle F�.rrners St�te B�nk of <br /> Ca.iro. <br /> u'I'AM� 0�' T?E�R�SKA ) ��, <br /> H�11 CoL,nty ; '�' ' On this �1" c1�y of I�?ovember, A. D. 19�-��-�, beI ore :�e, tne unc ersi�ne� <br /> G. C.Pu�ven �, Nota,ry Pu�lic, dul�r com;.:issionec anc� qualifiec'� for ai�d <br /> resic�in; iri s�}.i.c. county, ���rsori��.11 y c�tr.e Ect C. P�ieG_�r ��,nc� Au�;u>t Eic�Lhof`', Trustees �'or the Deposi- <br /> tors �i t��e FU.rl:�.err Si��,ze F3ank oi Cairo to rne kno?�m to 'r�e t'rie ictentic�l �er.�o�:� t�.rhose n��mes are <br />', ���'�'ize� to tlle f'ore�o� ri`; in;���runent ��.s �r<-ntors <�.ric� �.cr:rloT�Tl�c��ec� the �a��le to be tt�ie�r volunt�x�T <br /> act anc! c�eed. <br /> ,��'itness mst h�znc. ar.c? �?ota.rial Se�.l �'r��e day �nc� year la�t a'�ove s�mi�`L'en. <br /> ��� ( Sr,AL) G• C. R�ver� <br /> P�a�r cor::r:i�sior� �x �z.res tre 27" d��.y oi Ju1�1, 19,-0. Notary �lic. <br /> Fil�c. �'or recorc? �,��is ��' c��y of SJovem��er, 1;?ZI-LF, �,t �: ;� o ' cl�ck A. r:r, � �'��� �G�_ <br /> - it:��?'i ;;i:�?.�= n �' �)a.�r ., <br />