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��]ED ��COR� �To. � � <br /> 5�5 <br /> 28469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF Io?^r�, s., <br /> ) s,�. <br /> Linn County ) Cz_� this �'7 d�.y o�' Dec. , A. �. 19�r-;, befcre me, tine unclersi�t:ec? Norton B. <br /> `�• ? `'� r -, r r+ r^ n � n� n ' � -F' �, c' , rr <br /> � 1 i , <br /> 1� . � . 1J .�,�i n c r.c.. _ d. _ <br /> c L e c�n �� P o ,..r� P a l i c, d u 1.� .,c .m o „ � q u�;l�� �I.e d l o r .._n r e��i�i n� <br /> iz:� ��ic� cc�,zntsr i�erson�:.l_l c�:�me rlosTd R.vol�n�.in �nc± C.�T�r�°�ri� Younlii.n to me rin�T•�r. to b �h <br /> � �� e e <br /> , . Y � � <br /> identical ;.�ersonr i�zho:�p na�:es af°��ed te t'r_e foregoin�� ir.str��ment as ;rnntors and acknot-rledged <br /> �he s��,�e tc be tneir volunt;�,r�T act �na deed.. <br /> ��1�".,;'?P:�S !T?;>r :1c�.Y:Ca.. c`�.21C? S�c`�-.Z. t',�!E' C�.��r �°i,11C f�'u.Y' Z`c?St 2��.�OVC,-' ?�rY':i��G1':. <br /> ( "E�zL) Norton B.T�.cLean <br /> :�?j Co:"i'."'_�SS�011 PSt�1.'t'�s t�'iP. ��- C�.n.�T Of Ju�yr, 1�it.J �Tot�3.:C'�T PUti�11.C. <br /> Ff��P�l_ !, �.,1 rec�rcl 4�i1.��] n (,� 1 T!i� �-'1�e�� i 7 ) � �y P.R• \/" <br /> 2_ d�,�r �.: �1ove �er, l;°- , a.� ,� :°���� o cl.oc_� P. � �,� <br /> ���� �� <br /> e�,�i^t er cf Deeds <br /> G_(J"'n"'n._n_�i_,n �i-v-� r ., C,'-O-�-v-� "O-u'�.� :�-�lJ�.ni�v� �, v-J"O-'v^�-�-J�G-.��-0-",�i- -�V"G-�- <br /> -'�- c o-,�,-o-o- . o n n_p_ n �_n_. � 0 " 0-0-C-0 <br /> �t,L��' CLAT`.'' D�ED <br /> T��TS ?'��<LFT•Tm;,�?E, ?���.de thiv Jrct d���r ��° Anril, in �he Jear or�e tho�.�s^.nd ni:� Yi>>nr�rec anc: Fort�� <br /> Fa�;.r, �"J?ttrrP,P,P'i L. 7r.YOL'.I1��1"!1 �t21C1 ����;_�a, �' . `'_'OUnr_7?"l, P,�Cll 7.'�1 �}1@l�"' C?.'n Y'l�r_t c�.Y1Cl c�S �'lU��Jc1nC1 �I'1C� TfJif e, <br /> ef the i irst �;^.rt, �.:�d H. T. Bro?��n r:�nct Anna B. �ro�:�n, anc? to the s��rvivor cf either of them. As <br /> �T,�m T�''�' "' �� an�� no t �s � � <br /> JO � A..T.., ter.ants in common; of �he �ecand .t�art, <br /> ti'J?'T".�'S�E�'�, �f��: t t��e s�iG ��art�; of the fi.r�t ;�rt, in consider�-_tion of th� sum oi One Doll�r <br /> anc� other v=�,luec� cops��.er�,ti.on and no/100 DOLLt??'S, te me duly 1��:�id, tre recei��t �tii��ereof is hereby <br /> ac'=not�rle��e� re;ni��c, rele�,.sec?, �:,.nd auit-cl��imec, �r�d b�r these �resents do lor ourse7_ves �;nd o��r <br /> !1E1.Y'S� ����CL?t0'1''�� c�T1C� �`��T!11111_�tT"'.t0't'S� remise, Y'eiP,c.S@ ��,I1C� i0Y'°VP,T' t�U�t—C1�1.211 2,riC? CO?'?VeJ UritO t�1P, <br /> s�id �,�-;.rt�r of the secenc� �art, �n�� tc t'rle�r }�leirs ar?c: a�si�,r�s forever, all our ri�ht, title, <br /> intArest, estute a.nd cl�.ir,-: �,.nd dem�rld, bctn a.t la�,r and ir: ea,��it�:r, of, ir_ and to all ef <br /> Lots '�'trro (�) , Fo��r (��-) , Six (6) , Ei;;ht ( '�; , an: Ten (10) , 31oc1� Seventeen (17) , Scarif's <br /> A�c�iticr�, to t:�e C�t;;r of Gr<;n:1 2sla.nd. <br /> It �ein� the intentio:� nf hl1 �arties hereto, that ir t:�e ever.t oi the de�t:�� of either of <br /> ,.�^i� Gr^ntees, trie er�t�.re fee simnle title to the fieal Est�_te �.escribed herein shall vest in the <br /> st�rvivin� �rantee. <br /> To�;ether with a1.1 �nd sirVular the heredit�ments tnereunto belor.v�in�. <br />' TO ?-�AV^ �T,'�J TO HCLD the above descri��e� p_!^?mises unto the snid H.^. Brot��n and Anna B.�roT�rn, as <br /> �0�21t tF_?i?�21fiS� �,27C'L 210t c^S � .P,Y�?`1,11�,8 lI"1 C^Il1.r10T1� ?:1C�. ti1F'1..�' :P,1T'S ar�d c SS1.���1S� SO trl�� neither �rtTP, t'12 <br /> s�id �r^;:;c�rv?, or an;r nerson i�� o�.�.r n��m�e �.nc: behalf, shal� o�� T�,�ill herea..fter cl�ir� or dem�nd �n;,r <br /> Y,'l;''�i� C� t1.i,1_E,' t0 ��'iE? ���.1C1 T;T'E?L^;1.SeS O1' �.r'iV L�21'� ��1E`1'Ebf, ��ta'� �''11f,;�r 8_I1Ci �VP,I'y OriE.' Of' �}7E',1T1 .�h�3.11. b� <br /> "•:,h°S8 �.�T'P,Se�'tS 'r)P. E'XC�UC?..E'C� �17Ci �o.rev�r p�?7''i"PCl, <br /> I"� '�e'IT^'�'S° ;:'��FRFC�', the :,a�_�. p�.rties of' the firrt rart h�ve hereuni,o set their n^,rid;; �n� seal o <br /> c�n the c��� and ;rear ab�ve �^Trit�er.. <br /> Si�°ne� , �e�..l�d and dPl_i��ere�. in presence of <br /> -- ---------------- E.L.Youn�.in <br /> ( 1. 10 I.R: Stamps ) Stell_��� E. Younkir. <br /> (Ca,ncelled ) <br /> a'�Ar�rF n� Io?•-�.� ) <br /> D�.v=is Couritsr ) `'�' On G.rl�.S ,rc�. cia�r o:c: April A. ?'�. J_����L �ef'nr� me, tr�e uric?ersi�;ned S��. P.. F�mmen, <br /> a :'ot�r;,r Fubl.ic, c�aly commis��ioned ��.nc�� qu�lified for and resid_i_n� in said <br /> co�_�nty, pers�r�.�lly c^ane E.L.Yov.nliin and Ste1l�: E. Younl�in, husb^nc�. and �tiif e to r�e kno?:m to �e tne <br />^1 ,�erso�:s v,rhose name� are <�ifi<.ed to t:e for•e�oinZ�� i;.�t_rt?ment a,s gr�ntors ar.d �cl-nos-�!led�;ed <br /> the ��,r^e �o �e tneir volun��.ry act and �_ee�.. <br /> ',�Jitness ^!tir ��! ��n:i :1ot�r�al SeCl t'_�ie d�;� a:�d ye�r ln:�t �botire ti.;ritten. <br /> ( ��FAL) ti�'. �. Fimr::en, <br /> l=ly co�r���1i�-�s.ion e��pires the ��i- a��.y o�' J�_a1�r, 1-��-1�;�. ���tary Pu�lic. <br /> fiilec i or x�eco_r� t:zis ��? d<:�.�r oi Tvove��'�er, 1�;�!1� ��t �: 14 J o ' clo��i P. :.. <br /> ��� {� <br /> Re�is�er of Deecs <br /> O-C-�-�-�-0-0-0-0-7-n-0-0-0-0-��-0-!�-0-';�-'._;-0�-^-�'-^-�-_�._n_�_�_;�-�;;-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-C <br />� :�^r^�RE�' ' 5 UE�sD <br /> KA?0'�l ALL P�I�:�1 Ev ",�r?�5E P����SE��rrl'S: Th�t t-,��ereas ;n an �ction of p�rtitiori pend3_n� �In thP Di�trict <br /> vOLtY'�`., �?� f�..`L�� �`OlJ.Il�;�r� T,1P.�Y'��„-'"`�� S"1}1°7'('3T7 L�.1Z�'�, �0:�-�-r ��1.:T1�.S DO:�.(�.� �l �?rE'f1C'A E.HP,il�.E?Y�g.fl0tt� :;uardian <br /> o?' L�rr��.n E.Hen�ersl�o��, ��.n �_ncom�����ent, r nd. Verr.a i�...uend.e?��kzo�t, are Pl^int�_-r*'s and FranU V`J.Gre�;�; <br /> is De�er���.?_r;� i�e�n�' c�,,e nuz�lber 1�0�0, for tf�e ���.rt�t�tie,n o;' the ��rerli;,F�s .herein�.fter �.e�cnibed., �he <br /> un�er�-��;nPd. refer�e a���oin�;E�d �ti��,r s:�id Court to ���31->e p�.r±ition �f s:��d real :��L:�r,e, mad.e re;�ort in <br /> ti�ir't_n�, d�a�.�r 5i�;ne:7, �et`�i n.; �'or. th �1?�.t r<-rUiti.on of. s�.�n. l.a.rZds c��.rZnot be .Ei�d ?��:�tlZO,tt �reat �?"e ju- <br /> d:Lce tio ri-ie ov�ner;= t�ie^a ;f, v:l?i_ch z�e:�or;; ���<�,� .��.,.�.�r etia.��ired �k��� `„� CoLtr� arid 1�lie Crn.zrt bein� sati�- <br /> ��P,r,�', t�1F'Y'�4A1�.l,!1� C^T1�'1.�'�'1Ec1 ��:l.c S^•r-'.P� �,riC'L t�?E;T'��l��Or' 'i:i,r;�E' �1.21 OT'CZE?i' `�Yl(�. ��.US�C� t!lE' S`3."'.° f0 �@ P,I1tP.Y'P!�� <br /> �j Y'E'C �1?"1�; Iil� �3� ;='?.C�1 T' E',�c'-['i'E' '�O S E'_L1 S�`3.'t.C1 pI'E:t[I�.S�'� Orl �tl@ I�U1..L01'1121f�' LCi'P,lr 'CO �"/�_'G ; �1L ?�UC��_�C S`�.I.P_. <br /> in t4ie m:�nner r�r�vided 'r�y lr.�t�a �.t t�le Plartil F+'ront Door ���' tiie �ou.ilty Court H��use in t:7e C�tty of <br /> G-r. �,nd Is?_�.rld, I�?ebrasl'�., �i��; ��z°ras a° 1:,1�t� s�.:!_e �Pint; 15y� c��.,l�i ��r?:? b�.a_�n::�� al�on confirrn�ti��n, Referee <br /> t„O f'',�^Yi3_:�til i�L1Y'CCl<�.SE?T' �''�_t;}1 'u.,�)�?t,1'�'..('1; O��' f;���_P, i)I'017r;ilt, �i(1�a�11 1�0 �`3.��E', O"�' 5�3.�_i'. <br /> An�:� in �?u7�s,���.nce to s��-!c1 or;�er, T c<�.u,�ed a notice to Ne p�_�b1_; rkied ;n t:��e Grand Island D�,ilY <br /> I?1C'�.P,�Pi1C�E'i1t� 7 �.'r'�;cl.l ne;'1`•J£a�E'i'' Y1"1':.11��C�. a.IlC:I 1,:1 c-;E?r1E,2'c�,1_ C�I'C11�_�Z��071 �71 ���3.�� vJLitli,;,l� ;�?E'CJP�,"�ic9.,� 't}».'t <br /> S 14IC)ZJLC� O��t?1' i0:[' S�?.�_i? S`3.1.;� �c`�..r1t1S �,� t�1"1P, i�TOC't,�1 �':'G:i� l�Ci�ii� p1' �i,�li? �i��_� Ci011�'1�� �iOL1T'�', ��i)U::f? j:I1 t,�1P <br /> v�i�,y o'' C�r. .��.nc� Is�.anc�, -�eb�c�.c��a, at � o ' ci oc�� F.i.7. c:n tlze ��h da;;r of' rro�Te:.ber, 1�4!�, a�,d a.f�::,r p�al�- <br /> �j.C�.t��,�11 Of' E�,�(7. 710��1Ci? iTi S�'�.?.�. :'1B�'IS''JE3.r�E'7' 1.�7 Sf:7_ry .�',i)?�YifiY iO�' ��. .�BI'�O�� Oi:' IilOY'� '�,�1:`lTl �}71Y'�";� C�.�1.�;rS� in <br /> t;he mzririer rr��rided. 1;y la�•:�, at 1�'��e t �.ne and .�:'�zcf� st��,1�ec� 3_n sa�d notice, I o�'Pe.rec� s�.�d 1=�.nds for <br /> sale at �un7_ic a�..action to the :r:i�;i,PSt '�;�c���.Pr ��.nd a�'�ei l;.eepin': ^<�id S<�.?_e c.r,en for r.�ore t��an cne <br /> 'i�>>r y ,�o1d saic� 1.�r,?� ae�cr;bed a� fo�_lo��r�, to r � e�°:�on -1d. ,��,t ,a�,e � r�ceg a� fc�llo��,�s to-�rit , <br /> , V ] <br /> ... � ......, i. J.I.IC• ltl S .`1,_ -.J <br /> AT T-��' .. a T t• u l � Rl r r•, r^�}�= -n�i-.T t,9 ., : ' n_ •c-i `�;'�trt•,� T,T� t=, ��j n <br /> ��ort�.tZ �.���.f ( 1`1.�;) o�. ,�o � Cr�:. (y, , .�_�.,..r� _..___._ v,; „41� (;f�) , .:f'l,,—?lA� _. - � - J 1 „ _t�� of G�'�,nd_ I��_._,..nd, <br /> ' ii�,� l Covnt�r PTF���r�����.��. ��� ,�.,tr�r���rE>d. Y,� tt���,�, an:� reco����c?E���. <br /> � s � > > r��-�% <br />