<br /> ����
<br /> �C.! !.1 La' '
<br /> ���� ��(. ��� ��. � �
<br /> 25489—The Auguatine Co., Grand Ialand, Neba � � �.
<br /> nnd �as�, z�ris; so �i;;,t r�eith�r oi' t'rae s��zc� :�rantor.� :�or any per::orl in t�leir n��,me and behalf, �h��ll
<br /> or .�,i� l ,�er��fter cl�.�..,a cr :�.E::��.�1d an�;r ���h� or ��tle to the ��a.i.d ,�rer�ises or an;J T��.rt thereo�',
<br /> ;�ut t�e� �:���c= ejr�r�,r c� . , r,�' �:�e;�� s:�:a.11 ,�y �l�rre ��re:�E:.�r b� e<ticludecl an� foi�ev�r barrec�.
<br /> � �.
<br /> .
<br /> �'��: '1T^I���ES" �.�1?-�:���EO�', th.^ saic� ��:»..rt��� oi t'�e �'i���s� pa.rt �ve 11er�unto set their ��nds 2nc�
<br /> ,
<br /> C.� 1 :=1c � ilC.,
<br /> r^,�,_ls ti�,e d.�.�r a:id �re��r �b��i e :��r.,^�t tei:.
<br /> �i ._. :°;-, ..'<���'., �:��.�� c�Fl_i�=<..��-� ���: t� ��.�rce of Nicol��u-s Clau��en
<br /> �: ,rr�� �� F. :�u^'ro�:r __---•---------___�_ ;lat��il�a Claus ��er.
<br /> 1( V��•J• j J S. 11. �j.;;'..�i�i��
<br /> \ VC r1G'����v� �
<br /> :. f7' T� ,.. i ,a ...';r- � _._
<br /> �T��iE G�� .ve�� <�.,�.L;�.
<br /> T� � ,1 '�.T � S`'• ;1; [ � T '`Jf' iiOVE,'T:1r`..c� p.. 1�r. �9�LL;. :7E,'i0Y'° ITI° 'G�"iE'. U'1C1G'1'S.'L}=��BCZ�
<br /> r.«,�.1 Cc n�,r 0:� t� �s 17t 1 d�:ti5 , , ., , j `..
<br /> Herr�ar� F. ���ackoi�� a Ivo���ry I�u'�lir,, duly con:;�is.sioned an� qual.i�'ied for
<br /> � ' 7; �: i � !-Tr �nr� i�� �� ,,, p �� r S "�t18:> 11 Y1C1 iJi"t;11.1i;i � � S^> i1 il S 17J�
<br /> �z�z cz�r� :• ' n s��.�::� �can � ;.�.�� ��or.��17_ c��.�� fvi�o1��.a C1�� E a � a C7_�.a � e i f e
<br /> .a r ,�� 1 �
<br /> �� � �, .� � _ � > >
<br /> ri�J I;l� )i:�O��dT7 �O �.�,8 ti.f`, iV@iil,:i:.�:ll y!JB:C'^OxiS 1rT�10S8 r'i�AilPE3 c�,iE €�.ii�?��-^i`� t0 t',rle iOT'G�Ol.i1� :illStiiUill2(1`4 a,S
<br /> �T'�`3�'?�JY'S �3:1C� �,C1� .O'•`�P ��;�C_ "�i,.it= S�',.:.�� �J fJ8 ����1r' volurltar�T �3,Ct �3.rt�. C�E,'°C�.
<br /> �'17�i1CS.� :Il�% rl�'11:C:. ��Il`1 i`YOv�i'1^l ijE,'��� ��1G �.c^t;y` cr.Tltti y°�3.T' Zc"�..5 '`.� 2.'fJG�TA 4'�1''it�@t1.
<br /> ( "�AL) Her.n�:� F.�u�Y>o�f,r
<br /> i�i� C:.:tim11S'310Y1 81i;'il.t'�:� �'�LP, 17�:1 L�.c.,;�r Oi April� l��v. :'u^vt7:L'y Pu��lic
<br /> F�.lery i�r r��or.<. t'ri�� 17 c���sr o� :'�.ove:�.'r�er, 1;��-'+ at 2 .00 c ' cloc'i F. :i. ��, � �
<br /> � ,�%�-� ,�,�'
<br /> Re�istAr of Deeds
<br /> 0-'�-0-0-'�-0-^-�a-�.:1-0- ,�--�.-�-:�-�-0-0-^-��-�^-0-�-'�-�-0-0-0-'J-O-C-^-�-0-0-�-0-0--�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0
<br /> Q,��I`�" CLA I,�i DEF�J
<br /> mH?5 I",iD^.i'�'JR�', m��d.e ��?is ��'_�1 c�a,.y af Plovember, in the �ear One '�nouUand Nine Hundred Forty-four,
<br /> bet�,reen Alfre�. ��hr�:�s ��.nd. P��-rt�1a L.Behrens, hu:hbancl �.�d. �:��f e ox' t�le County c�' Los Angeles, State
<br /> of C�liforni��., of' t'�?e �i»�� p tir�, �.nd W��1i��m P.Mullen, RAfer�e, of` �;he Ccunty of �:all, State of
<br /> Nebr�c'L��,, af' tne �ecor�d pa.rt:
<br /> x�'I2:�Tr+;SSE`.PH, �h�,t tt�_e ��i�. ;�arti�'s ��' �:�e first p��r� in consideration of the s�am of One Doll�r
<br /> ( �1.�0) anc Oti�'1PY' v�.�.u�.ble consideration - - - DOLLA'��, to the::i dul.y p^.id, the receipt whereof is
<br /> hereby ackno�le�.ged, h^.v� remi�ed, re1��.sed, �nd c�uit-cla3.mec1, �nd by trle�e presents �o, for. o?�r- ,
<br /> splv�s and our heirs, e�ecu�ors anc? �,dr:!�ni5tra.tors, r�:�ise, release, and. �'orever q�.�i�-cl��im unto ' ,
<br /> the ��i�� r��rty o� ty�e sec�nd p<��`, �a.rzd to his heirs and assi�n� forever, al1 our right, title, in-
<br /> terest, e��a.te cl�.im ��nc� de��:�d br��:n- �Rt l�ti�s and 3.n equ3_tf, of, in and to ALL of the �
<br /> South One-�.alf ( �: 1/2) , ol t�e Nort��east One-quarter (NE 1/�) of Section ��'hirteen, (13) , Tot•mship
<br /> Ten, (10) , Ran�e i�ine, (�) , ccnsist:`n�, oi' Ei�,hty (�0) , Acres in Hall County, Ivebraska,
<br /> to�et'r�er iri.tn a�1 and s�.i1<<;ul��.r the a�;�urtenanc�3 thereunto belong�..nG, tc� h��ve �nd �Go hold- unto the
<br /> s�id �r�.ntee and hi� nei rs ,:�ind assi�ns forever; so tha� neither ��re the said �r��ntor� nor any person
<br /> in o?zr namP ar.c? be�1�;;1f, s1��,11 or �,�•il.l hereafter clai�n or d��.�.nc1. any ri�,ht or '�itle ta the said
<br /> premi�es or any �art t��e1"e0f� but t:ney and every one of them shall by tnese presents be excluded
<br /> �a.nc� forevQr b�n�rred.
<br /> I�? ��JITT?ESS rd+TH�REOF, �h� s��id �arties of' the fzrs� part have herevnto set their hand the day
<br /> and yea�r i�rst above z,�-i�it�en.
<br /> Alfred H. Behrens
<br /> Si;ned and De?i.vered in PrPsence cf' I��Iartt�a L. Behrens
<br /> I� Georgi�. C. 'a'�ade
<br /> E1.CKi�?0''ILEDGi�il�;i�1T
<br /> �mA�r� �;� r;.'1LTU�p��,TT� )
<br /> Count;� of Los An�e?es } 's' On t'�is 6th d<�.�r of lti?ovember, A. D. , 1��-��-, before me, Geor�ia C.
<br /> tr�ade, a rlot�r�,r Pu�lic d�il;r commis�ioned ��..,�r.d r�ual�ifi�d ��r and
<br /> residin� in said co�anfi4T, person�ll_y c^.me Alfrr�d Behrens an� 2�iartna L.Behrens„�� f�� k�r�,. nW ebe
<br /> the identa�c^,7_ r�Qi��ans des�r�bed in and who e�ecuted the f'oNegoin� convey�nce as ;ran�ors, and they
<br /> <�ckno�a�led�,ed the sai�: ��s�rument to be �heir volunt�ry act �nd dee�..
<br /> 6aTT�?E�S my �anc? �nri s��1 ���t L����Tnc,��,le i� s�.�.d co?_?n�y , the u.ay �.nd ye��r last above Urritten.
<br />��� �-�y Com::�is:,ion ex��ires �-?�-�-6 ( SE�L) �eorgia C. LJade
<br /> b'ilea for record thi� 1? d?.,y ef Zuovem�er, l;''!!� at 3 : �-� c� ' clock P.r•�. -,�
<br /> �r c�a-2.a[�-� �_
<br /> Re�is�er o+�-f' DeA s ✓
<br /> 0-0-0-0-C?-0-0-0-�-'?-,'�-0-'�-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-'�-0-0-�J-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0
<br /> �,UI��' CLAI;�? DE�'D
<br /> T;:IS I"•'�E?�?T?J�?^, .�i�de t�.�.is 16�' d�.y� of i�?ovem^er, in the year orle �hous�nd nine hunc�red and
<br /> Fort,y-four, bet��reen R. S. �rer��er ��and He1.en D. �ti'en�er, Husb�:.nd �nd ��Tife, of the first ;-�art �nd Helen
<br /> T. Shot�en]tir'., of the second nart, '
<br /> trIIT�T�'S��"TH, ����,t tr:� 5aid ;�artiPS of the first pa.rt, �n eorsideration of t��e �um o� One
<br /> DOLL�?R� tc �.z.� d��ly ;�<<ic, �:nlc i�ece���,t ti.°��.e.reci is hereby �c'_�r�o?�ledbed remised, released �-�nd c�uit-
<br /> C���_'', �rCf 'p;;' �!':eS� �Y'8�P' tS CLO� i0Y' O!IY':P_�.V2S ��.i'_� OUY' �]e�.Z''S� @XP,CU'�O�'S ��,ri� ?,�1'Riri�rtrators, remise}
<br /> T'P�.�c:tSC t,.P.0 i0Y'BVE_'1' ��.;�.t—C1. �i,lln c.r:Cv COt"?ti'P� L1P1'GO t��?@ S�.�Q, j,�c�l'+i,,r Of tYiP S2COiiC� ;..`��T't� c�11C�. t",O i1P.Y'
<br /> ��?irs a,r�c �s�;�n� forever, �_11 o��.r r�.�_:t, title, interes�, est�.�.te cla.im a.nc� demar.,�, both a� laT•J �,nd
<br /> i�� e c��aity, oi, ir ��nc to ��,11
<br /> r�Tnat ���»t cf ure So„�'r.et�.st �,z�-rter ( SE�:) �f �:he Sou�hti�aest Q,;.ar�er ( Sti^T�) of tne Northeast
<br /> Quarter (r�'E;: ) of �ection `�er� (10) 'I'ou�nship Eleve:i ( 11) , nlortil, Ran�;e Nine ( 9) , ��Test of tre 6t�1
<br /> P. �rc. �.nc� rnore Y��,rt;c�_z���r1y �.e��cri.rec as f'ol�_ctv�s : Co,�:nencin� at ��. poirit Or.e HLtnc�red ( �_p0) f eet
<br /> �JJes� of t,�e ��uthe��st ( �E) corner of the East Half o�' the So�itl�*�Test Quarter of the NE4
<br /> (E�1S'�d-'��`1E4 ) of s<�id Section, t�lence North One Hundred Tl�irty-�T.�o ( 1�2) f eet, �hence v^lest for a
<br /> dis��a.nce of One Hunc�red feet, (100 ' ) , thence So�_zth f�r a distance of Orle 'riundred. Th3.rty-t���o (132)
<br /> r eet, thence East for � c�,ist��r.ce of One Hunc?red (lOC) �eet, to the place of be�innin�;, same being
<br /> lor,ated ir. H�11 Countsr, �V'e�r�.�?�a.
<br /> i
<br /> �i
<br />