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1 <br /> C I <br /> ���� <br /> ��E�� ��CO]E�� �'�. � 6 .� <br /> 23488—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> ' � -r � .�.. n �i > > o �'l1 r �' � t' <br /> �i?1C�, v�:1F S^•i rk �+`l,t��:'iF-�—T,:,'�.'•-}4:, v��. L�3Z' :iT,SF'�_f' U��' _ _.-: �?.?.CCB�..�OY'�=� �:.C�E,B 1�;,r E?,. (SGSIE'T�d,`-''i� c'�T�C� �T'PP �O <br /> . i - �-' r;? � tti ' 'i rl tI ?'IY� '� 1 � q ��Y C� . '1" j -0 <br /> ,�' , � � �E + t.:le tiimP o.� the <br /> execay�,� J}.^� .� ;.'�_�� y,�•.� J E,� ,; � t�tir f�can� ���._ �� a _c�� ,, r iP_x , ar_:;_ aL ;_�� 1.�, �_ia� a� <br /> _� +' _ • � �' �. �� <br /> tion ar� . �e? 3vE, �T o�' tlz���e pl �,se7�`� it _;.s lat:tf��_,.�y sP�z��. o:{' s�.i�. ���'�:�Zi�.F�, ; �tl<n.t :�t h��.s ;ood. <br /> -�� �,t � ��.,,, .:" l. .`.'.;.]_ c' ,�-}�nI'i i��.r �O i'.OI:�.G�','�J �i1t? S`c�'.i�!P� t'}2€]± �i�l',�r .`.i'E` li P.P �,'i'OI:? P:'1C'_ll:li)1'8.11^E' F:I,Tl:�. ��1t S�'�.C�. <br /> 1. 1.:Y2� n 1, n�k} .�u J .. .}. .!� � +� }. <br />. 1M .1_GZi.tPy��.t_YC-�.Llu lJ�• :A�IF�:� A.1'.������r C��f��i3.�:�J U� T,7nr,�'�C�.r:� C�Ti� 47.�,LF}«r� V}1.F; Jr[�.i�� ��i�E]i.7J..��v �C�,`'�i�,�+iG l! U.�iP, lat�:�1.�� <br /> C�_^.ir1� f' `ll �>?I'�ti�:':S Z':'l�.Oi7;S��;�,r�;r• <br /> O':.' �,y <br /> l°+ •,•-rn ���-•c,+ �T"Lrt F;����t'p "!'iE? :�.'u.1.G_ �+iu1",'E',I'—E'VctiT1S v0. 11�.:� 11P,1^C.-'UT11:�C Cc�.t1SP,C� iU� carnar��,f'.E? SCeI.� u'J ';;�? <br /> �'i�. .,i.��v 1'Y1. � <br /> �.f�ixed a~���. �h����e :��' - �ert� �o ���� sir,nE�d. '��;- irs prev�_d_en.t the d�.�:� and y�ar fix°st above v;ri��,en. <br /> �' Co. <br /> Sz���ne�', t ea, �,:�. a�:�_ u.��.ive���d ir. �resEnr.,.e o�. _.,._. F-'-��"�'I'-�,TT�z�rs <br /> A�tas� : 4� �. -�0 I.R.5t�.��.1�,�- 13y V.E.Etians, Fre;Y� ci.ent <br /> C.T.Flot�,�r ��.nce�..l.ed - �COFtP) <br /> Secrefi��r�v � (SE��L) <br /> R'1 fT1 ^ '�T l � �r ' . r r � , �r ����l.�� f-�7'� 111i� ��l i 7 �' r,�� n T o 'i <br /> SiA � E O� � F'��5?'�A j q�• v11 �' , „ � 11 tiE_ ���.'�,;t O i �'` ��, E,,T':i�JeY' Z.� r . DP.� � � aT?C..E.l'8�.�;',y ,t?� �.�. _TO�'��Y'�r <br /> T .T:l.: v�i'.T!Tr t ) ' t'�`Ar,� � C :ill c`�:� �- �<31' �`'i A hr' �r7 ��'} a..:! c.���� C�3,:if' V.�',.T'STc'�.I1S? P7 c:,�.�'' C�.B?1t U� t',�1f' <br /> ;y 'T ,. c,. vJ l?'1� , 1`i <br /> txi .� � y ��� Yt 't' t � S� c• �.'r�� � ^: rr � <br /> Flo,T�er_�v�,�is �o. �;o m� p:,M, c:r.�.?.�-y i�.n�, r� `c� k,E t�it P E �ent � d �Le s:i.�n',ic �. per„en . w�o e ��a..:e � <br /> c`�,:eP'1s:�nu�0 J�:::E' c;l���.�TE'. CC,?'1' E''r�:1.I1G�� �,?��} c`1..C��i10I"���C�;E'Ca �.1,?E' E'::E'CU'��OTl t�:lt'7'f'")�' �O ;')f' ,�17.5 VC1L117��T'V act <br /> �.n:ti �eed as s°ach uf�'i,.f,� a,��� �rle volur�t����y a�t arid deed c�' Ul�e s�.:Ld F�lot�er-Evans Co. an�.� tl:�,t <br /> t►.7e Co-r;�or�.t? s��� c' t�iFs 5�ti� ,?. Fl�t:E��'-Ev��n�,� �c. cras �liereto a�'�'ixed b�� y�s aut}�iority. <br /> '�Jitness :R�l .iic?�'_7:: i�.?7�� 1�1(�1, ?1''-' c� SE,'<�.1 c:i� �i'�.�,t7:�. ZS--czl2a� 1.T1 ',s-'cl�� COl�Tltj' j�he ��cri.� cll'l(� ��'F7�1' �u�',eY £].�OVP <br /> 11';�l'1_t�4��.• <br /> (S�A�) C.�.Grt?ndy <br /> itii�r .�iG^ii1�SS�.OTI �'XYi:�7,E'S �}1f' ��}�41 �1.c1,`,.' iv:l.' tTU11B 1�'i��i. iu0�`c3.'''�,r P?'.�"!�1.0 <br /> T�,y l_�(� r�P -n::'C G?'(�, u.}1�.:,: i r" ;ti:�;;' li:" 11 C��?E'.i:i.}�8 I'� �;,7�i��� �,t �i�r� O� C�_O C i'i p�l��.�, ��/l-L=C�� <br /> .. . _ , . `j . � <br /> REaf;ister o De�c's <br />�,� ,�, r�� � n /'� '� !�� � ��l (� i—( �l � !� �l il (1 (1 �` <br /> � �_ !'�_�?_n_(l_r,)-!)-,�-�, �,- �- _`-�, ,,_�) ,)-:� i,, _i-O_n_�J--v- )-l_1- ,-.�J- )-''�)-�J-�.,-. -O-C)-; ,) ,l_;_)-�)-��-( �- -_✓- ,--�-�-0-,!- <br /> �UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> TIiSS I"��DEI�?TU�E, I�I<�.de t:iAis 9tn. d�.y of October in tha yea.r one tlio�asand Ivine Hunared Forty-Four <br /> i bet��aeen Lena C. G�ettsch �and Ric��,rd J. Goettsch, her husband, '�tilliam Goet�sclie and P�inn3.e Goettsche, <br /> his f.�ife, Joh•r� Goe��scne ��?ic� i�2ary Gaet�sche, his srrife, Ruc1ol?�h A.Goet�scne and ivlyrtle GoettSChe, <br /> nis U��if'e, Heizr�r Goet�tsc��e, sin;le, Cl�rence Goet;se�e, sin�;le, �nd Elsie �eher �nd Elmer, her <br /> hu:�b�nd, ��I'cl.Tl~I,CY'S ��.n�. first p�.rties and Sop:nie Goett:�che of t�1e second F�art. <br /> "��I`�'NESSETH, Th�.t the saic:� r,�rtiPs of the first par�, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, <br /> love and affection to t'�em duly p<�id, the recei�t ti�}�ereof is hereby ac�inowled�;e�., h��ve �r�,�nted, <br /> conveye�, rernised, rele^�sed �ncl c�uit-c�.aimed, a.nc1 1J`,r tnese bre,�ents do t;rant, cor�vey, remise, re- <br /> lea.Ge, anc� forever c7�ai.t-cl�ir:i unto the said p�r�y o�' the sec��rld X��rt, and to her heirs and assigns <br /> forever, all. their ri�ht, title, interest, e��ate, ��nd demand, b�tn �,t 1ati,* a.n� in equity, <br /> af, in �nd t�, �n.e iol?o��*in� described re�l estate, �i.t»ate� in I�all Countv, anc State cf Nebra.s?�a, <br /> to-.�.�i.t . <br /> tlie ?r�Test Seventee: ( 1?) fee� of Lot a3.x (6) anc� t��ie E�st Tnirty-one (�1) feet of Lot . Five ( �) <br /> in Block_ E�ght ( �) in H.G. C?��.rk ' s Adc7.ition to ti�e City �f Gr��,nd Island in Ha7_1 County, Alebraska, <br /> To�;e�'��N T�ritri �11 anc� sin�;ul<�.,� the hPredita.ments ��ncl a�t�urten��nces t:�e..reunto belor;�;; <br /> TO HA�'�' Ar`?D TO HOLD t:ne a.bove �8�C2'ibed ��remises unto the said Sophie Goettsche and to her <br /> . <br /> neirs ��.nd assi�ns ; <br /> I,,• ',:'Ir?'.dES� TrdH�'DrOF', tne said ��.r��es of the first part ���vr� ::Zer��,�nto set the�Ir hands �he daJ <br /> unc. �e��.r first abave -�Jl�i�ten. <br /> Lera C.Goettsch and Richard a,GoE'tt5ch <br /> Si�nec?, Se��1ed .^nd Delivere�: in Presence c�' ��Tilli�;m Goettsche anci Minriie G�ettSChe <br /> A. G.Abbott to �.11_ excep� ��Iyrtle, John � R?�d�1.y�h A. Goettsciie and i�yrtle Goettsche <br /> L����ry Goettsche HQnr�r Goettsche and Clarence Goettsche <br /> Elsie Rehe-r and Elmer Reher <br /> John �oettsche and Mary Goettsche <br /> St�te of Plebrasi�.a � �,,.,. On this 27 d�,�Y of October, 19�+`�-, 'pefore mQ, A.�.Abbott, a Notary Fublic, <br />� fiall Ca�_zn�y. � "'~ c�?z1y commissioned <^:�nr q:�...til_ifi�d for and residing in said county and state, <br /> �erson�.11y c�.�ae t�.e �bove n�}x�.�ed Lena C. �oettsch 8c Richard J.�oettsch, her husband; �1i11i�,m Goe�tsche <br /> & Mi�nie Goettsch�, his �»rife; Rudolph A.Gaettsche ��,,nd Henry Goettsche, sinUle; Clarence Goettsche, <br /> �in�,le, Elsip Reher and Elmer Reher, her l�.u:;ba.nd, t�rho a��e personally kno��rn to me to be t�.n of' t'rie <br /> �deratic�l persons :�escribed in rnnd t-�,-:�Z�se names �.re aff'i�ed to tr�ie f'o7°egoin� deed z,s grar�tors and <br />� t:�ey scver�lly ��cl�no-rlec��,ec� the f�re�oin� in��rument to '�e tneir valuntary act and deed for tne <br /> jJUI�T.�OS P_.5 ``' <br /> tnerein s�;.ttec?. <br /> ��Titne�s m;� ha^d and Nott^ri��l Se�z.l at Grand Isl�.nd in s�i� ccunty, cn the date la5t above <br /> meri�;ionec.�. <br /> A.G.Abba tt <br /> ( �EAL) A1�otaxy Pu'�lic <br /> T4y co�mission expires Se�,t. l�, 191i,� <br /> 5�:;4te os C�.i�.fornia ) , On t��is 7th c?�.;r ci Novez:�ber, lo��-'!, before me, Edw*ard P.Lynch, a Notary <br /> �Coun�� o� Los An�eles ) 5'" Public, duly comr�i;���ir�nPd ant� a,�'ied f�r ��l�c� residinU in s�,id Cou�ty, <br /> personall.y c�.rne t":e gr��.ntor^, Jvhn Goettsche and P�2�.ry �oettscl�e, riis taife, n�.med with oth�rs in the <br /> forFL;o�.r.�; c?eed ti•��� r7,r<. :e��son��.11y knot�rn to me to '�e t:�e ideni,ical. p�rsons described in s;tiid deed <br /> <�,s Jonn GoettschG �.�.nd P•2�ry.ry Gcettsc��.e, �iis c�aife, anc? t-��'�?ose n� :rnU arE �,f':_�'ixed to the fore,;oin�; derd as <br /> grU.nto-r� �:.d they severally ac'�noT��Tledg�d tre for�goin;� �_nstrument to be their voluntary act :�.nd deed <br /> �'or the purpoc �s ther�=in s�atecl. <br /> �'�itness r�;� h�.nc ar:�. T�oin�^:�al Se�.l a� Compton in said County on ��he clate la�t above mentioned. <br /> Edward F. Lynch <br /> �SEAL) PJotary Public in anc? for said <br /> ?.?y comr�ission ex�iY°e:� aep�. 27, -1.��-� St�.te & Count;T. <br /> St�te o� Pde'�r�ska ) �,. On t�:�is 2� day o{' �ctobel, 19�-'+, pefc�re me, the Lan�ersi�nea Pdot�,ryr Public, <br /> County of Adams } ' d��Iy ccmrnissioned �nd qu��,�ified far a:ia residinU i:� saia Count�-, perso��,lly <br /> ca:ne P�Iyrt?e Goet�sch�, or�e of the �;r<}ntors n�:1med ti:ri�r� otilers in t�le fore�oin�; deed ;�rho 3.s <br /> �noT;.�n �,o me to be t:ie ici�r�tic�:�l pe±�aon describea in s;�id aeed as TlIyrtle Goe,ttsche, �v;fe o�: Rudolph <br />