<br /> ��E�D �Z�CCJRfl� �T�. � �
<br /> 23469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> "�JARRANTY DE^D -Corpor�.t3.on
<br /> THIS IiTDE:JTURE, Made thi� l�-th 3ay of October, A. D. , la�-;4 b�t�tireen Grand Island Livestack Commission
<br /> Com��.r1y, � corporatian, a corpor�tion organiZed ana ex;st�.n�� under �.�ld b�- virtue of tne lat�us af tizF
<br /> State of Nebr�.�s.��a, partY of the firrt p�,�.�t, �.��d Gerala Rock and Agnes Rock, husb�.nd and wife, as
<br /> JOI�IT TE:,A^_?T�, �,nd no� a,s te.�ants in common, of �:�e Coun�y of Hal1, and State of iJebraska, parties
<br /> of�l�e secon� p�,r�,
<br /> r:11�'I�T�'SSE'��?, That t��e s<�io party of tne first p«-rt for an� in eonsideration of �he sum of Forty
<br /> �ix Hundreci DOL�:ARS, in hand pa�.�, receipt t�rnereof is here'�y acknowledbed, has sold ar:d by these
<br /> resEni�s does ran� convey and confirm unto ti�it� s�,id ��ar�les of the second part, as JOITvTT TEidA^rTS,
<br /> p'r�e follo:�,rin�; desc»ibed pre�ises, situated in Gr<�.r�d Is��nd, Hall Co�anty, and S�ate of iVebrasiia,
<br /> to-��ri�:
<br /> `�Jest of the Si,xth
<br /> A part of Secti�n Ten (10) in T���anship Eleven (11) North, o�' R;�.rl�;e Nine (�) r L,
<br /> ' ' a.n mor� �articularly descri'ved as fol�_otr�s: Commencin� at a �oin� on �r.e southeast
<br /> r' n i� �>,l 1�Ieridl � � 1 r Y Island Nebraska and
<br /> P_ 1 c .> > , ; ra.id �
<br /> corner at t;"_e ii�tersec�ion of La*�bert a,nd Fourt?� Stree�s in tL_e c_ty ol G ,
<br /> rTannini; t�ence in an easterly direction alor.ry� the soutl�e�°1.y line of' said Faurth Street a dist�,nce
<br /> of ap�roxima�Ply s�x hundred six (�06) feet and ei��-t (�) �nches to tne SOUV-�1Tisest corr.er of the
<br /> intersection of su�erior and Fo�.�rth Streets �n tlle city of Grar�d Is?a:�d; tl.ence in a southerly
<br /> directian alon� t��e �^aesterly line nf �uperior Street, p��.rallel ��iVe (�2 ) �feetltolthe Ur.ion�Pacific
<br /> Lambert St�eet, a distance of ap�>roxim�tely four �lunc�.red t-��enty-f� 5
<br /> direCt' �
<br /> Railroad Company� s r3_g�1� —b�`�—Way; thence in a t*�estel"ly .�on alon the Union Pacific Railroad
<br />� � � i�rnt of ti1a� to t'r�e ea�terly line of said Larnbert St_reet; thP:zce in a northerly direction
<br /> m an 5 r ,� ,,. � q.
<br /> cO � y '� . ?^ l�.ce of be - in.lint,.
<br /> ,, s Lambert Street, to t�_e p �
<br /> alon�; t�e easterl,� line of
<br /> It bei_�:� t��.e ir�t�n�ion of <�.,11 I�::xrties r�ei�eto, th���t in tl�� event of tne death of either of
<br />, � . • '� -�'�r , c ' �' , ' *• `' -' T'°`� ,S��te C�.eSCP�.YJ@c� nerein Srl�'1_� V@St in tYle
<br /> ual�. - �. ,�.r.tee� tne en,ix e fee siin� le ti �le �o �tne .� 1 e
<br /> €a , r�
<br /> survivin� �ra.rltee.
<br /> fi0 HAVE A_t�� TO HOLD t�e prem3�es <<bove described, togetner ?.,ritn all t�ie Tenemeizts, Hereditaments
<br /> and Apr�urtenarices thereunto belon�in�; ���nto the said Gerald Rock and Agnes Rock, as JOIPdT TE�'A�TTS,
<br /> anc not as ten�.nt s in cnmmon,
<br /> And t��?e s��id Grand Is1�nd Livestock Commisaion Comp�.r.;�, � cor;�or•ation, for itself, or its
<br /> succes�or,, �.oes here'�y coven�nt and agre� to �;nd T��ith �'�� said parties of the second �art and
<br /> his or n.er heirs a�ci as�i�ns, tnat at tne t1mA o� �'rie executicn a,nd delivery of t�ese presents it
<br /> is lai�rfu�_ly seized of said preMi�e�; that i� zl�.s �oad ri�h� and lat�rful authority to convey the same;
<br /> t�i<7t the�r are free from enc�ribr��:�ce, and does hereby coven�nt to �f:ari°arzt and defend ti�e sa3.d premises
<br /> a�ainst tl�e laurfu,_ claims of all per�ons wYiomsoever.
<br />� IN WIT??E�� W?-IEREOF', the said Grand Island Livestock Cornmission Company, a corporati�n, h�s
<br /> hereunto cause�. �ts corporat� seal to �e affixed and the,e presen�s to pe si�nPd ��y its President,
<br /> the da.�T 2.:id y�a:r f�rst above written.
<br /> Signed, sealed a�id deliver�d in pr�sence of ( �p?�k�) G��and Isl��nc Livestock Commission Company
<br /> Wm. SuL1r ( �EI�L) By :�Talter C�penter,
<br /> ( 5. 50 .�. tamps ) President
<br /> (C��ncelled )
<br /> STATE 0�' iVEBRASKA ) On this 15th d�y of October, 19��-�-, before me, the undersigned, a Notar�
<br /> HAL:L uOUT�?"'Y ) �`" Pu�lic, in an� for s�id CountzT, per�onally came ��dalter Carpenter, President
<br /> of the Gr��.nd Island Live�tock Commission Com:,any, a cor�oration, to me �ersonally kno;�sn to be �he
<br /> Pre�id?nt and the identic�.l person Z�Those name is af�'ixPd to the above convey�nce, and acknot,sledged
<br /> - the executian t�ereof to be his volunta,r. y �a.ct �.nd deed as such officer �nd tY�e voluntary act and deed
<br /> of tr.e said Grand Island Livestock Commission Company, a corporation, and t'��at the Corporate seal
<br /> � af the s�.id Gr�,nd Isl�.nd Livestock Commiss3.on Company, ���as tnereto afiixed b� its authority.
<br /> - Witness my h��nd �nd Notarial Sea1 at Grand Island, in s�id county the day and year last above
<br /> �srri�t�n.
<br /> , Wr.�.. Suinr
<br /> (�EAL) Not�ry Public
<br /> I�1y Comr:l3.ssion expires t��e 17th d.ay or Febru�ry, �.945
<br /> Filed for record thi5 l�- day of Navember, 19��'�, at 4:00 0 ' cioc�� P.��. ���
<br /> a���
<br /> e�ister of eeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-��-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-�-�-0-�-0-0-0_;�_;�-'��_.;.�-0-O-0-G-G-J-O-
<br /> WARRhl�?`;�Y DEED -Cor�or°�tion
<br /> THIS INDET�?'���UR�F�", ��Iade �his l�-th d_�.y o�' No�rembf,x�, t�.�. l�l��+, be�Gc�een F1.ov�ler-Evar_� Co, a corpora-
<br /> t3 on or�g��.nized ar.c? e:��.�t�_n�; un:7F:r ar�:� �,;,� virtuF� of t_l�le la���� o�' tlie St�.te o�' T1ebr�.sk�., partj= o�'
<br /> t!,<. f;_Y��t p�;.r;, �,r�d Arr��ol.�,. U .RelZer arid Fi�.t�ie RelZer, fia:=band. and ti"lii e , as JCil�r' TET?�'�I�?T5, ant�. not
<br /> as tP�_�r.�s in carnm.on, oi t11E= Coun��� o.� Ka�!�?, anc�. atate or 1'vebrasl-�a, p:�rt�E;� o�. t}1e s�cond part,
<br /> VJITl��'SS�"_"N. T.tz<�t tt�f� s�,i ca p��.rt�j o?' tkie iir�-t p��_°� �'or and in corlsideration of tlZe sum o�
<br /> Other consid.�ration dnd Une anc� P1o/1()0 i�OLi�'�:�i6, ir l�:and p���:?., r<;cei-,:�t Zd.ierPOf is ll��reby �c��not��1 ed.�,ed
<br /> }1�.s solc'._ anc� :��;� these pre�er_�s does �-;z�ari�, convey ar�? confi l�rn un�o t�.'t�r� ;���id par�;es a° t}�e, seccnd.
<br /> p��.rt, tl�r ia�lo�'rir_; ciescribed �oren,,i c e:, s;ru��.tec� in Ha11 Cou��t,y, ��,nd State ot' iveb��...sl��, to-v�,it:
<br />� All of Tk�.e N�r°tk:_er.ly Ori�-l1a?f (�1„) ot Lot Si� ( 6) �n B�_c��c�t Siv ( �) , �� Scliir:uie_ � � �d�.i�ion to t11E
<br /> ' ('�j 4-�r {' n n. <.� �, 1�' }�'c � ,`"-,' ,� � �
<br />�'� �_ �,, o.� �, �r� I�__ r .z,i�ebras _�i, a.. �rvr�,yed., �,l�tit�e:z �.r:d rE�corr.l_ea.
<br /> I, �_ � v � � r � S'` f c 't' i-
<br /> SURJ�:C`� to E�.sem�n� fior arive��;��,tr pur�oses, ��.s set ia�-�li u11r.�:r �.:tr;, T.o. j� i.� %b.; �ract, da�e
<br /> Septer�z'ner 27th, 1�27.
<br /> ,.n iT T� m 1 n p n ;'� t� 4 r"+—t�c, m � r��[.` r r� � nrr� rH� m t�� f, n� n � (�P Q
<br /> .T�T B L',��,s l,�r � ?i�' �1 � IL '1�? � Fii?:RE�C.-, 1.:.�T sT�� ��-i� E rE_��, 0: �N �� D �rs_�I OF' FI__�"' ��� .,AID
<br /> F � �1.�. �, �Ol��� V 1'S J 1 1 1 _,1...�t� . � 7 '[�T 2� \
<br /> �7i��t1.C��r.��. � f1,."�._ �-I�vTTn'� .`y „1nF�� (iTT"p7 7'� rl�iiA�iTJ� I'1� ll�li.� 1^S:�L'�L .i1iSr���yj� ��u���Ij��..,� L1.�L:C'�7iT �1r.�11� .� `�r � �iM m' � TT��
<br /> _ � _ L 1_-� r ��:..y l�C� y _ .� _, . I E.. I�. �r _� S��_
<br /> VIVIa>?C� G::�'�IvT`��;�.
<br />, _ � ±;��J�t{Zpr �;,'+.t�� all �l:e T� r�e�ent�, Fieredi tament�
<br /> TO HA�rE A�?D TO fiOL�) the r��er?j.��=s t�bove dP :cribE:d, ,.
<br /> an�_ Aprur�,f�n �.nces tliere��n�o i�elo�F;in ; �n�o 1:E- ��Lici. Arno�_d C.Re�iei� a��� f�iati;ie Re►_ier, Hu�b��.nd and.
<br /> f, .r;, mT �*��i`'�1v c`3„rl� 210t c^�ti rE'.t�,,?"'�,�"< �.rl �:�!r�.I`:071y �?1C�. tiC? rC:B:L"1' c`�.5:.;�r;'_�.F� UY' �O �:f?-�7'� c`d,�C�. c`3, . �=rlE?;C1S
<br /> �iw e, a� J�'r.�� . � , _
<br /> ofl t1.:�t, s:.?-�vi�ror a�' the.:,
<br />�
<br />