<br /> ���ED ��CO�� �T�. � �
<br />� 23469—The Augustine Co., (3rand Island, Nebr. .
<br /> QUI T CLAI"�? DEED
<br /> T:iIS I'��?DEi,1mU��E, Made this 3rd da.y of �Iay, in the ye�r one thousana nine hundrecl and forty,
<br /> bet���een Paul C.?iuston and Hazel F.Huston each in their oti,rn ri�hv a.nd as husban� and ti�Tife, of the
<br /> first z��,rt, and :�2�:�bel Nay oi the second part,
<br /> W7TNESSETH, tha,t the said parties of the firGt ,�art, in consideration of the sum of One
<br /> Dollar and other va.:���a�le corlsidera.tion, to us duly paid, the receipt wriereoi is hereby ackno?�r-
<br /> led�ea .'le re�ised, released, an�l qui t-claimed, �nd by these �resents do for ourselves �nd our
<br /> lie�?^s, exec�tors and �,c�.ministr�,tors, remise, release �nd forever quit-c�?im and convey unto the
<br /> said party of the sec��nd Y�art, and to her heirs and assi�,ns forever, all our ry�ht, title,
<br /> interest, e5�ate claim and de:nan3 both at lati.* and in equity, of, in and to all
<br /> Lot E of Jones ' subdivision located on Fractiona.l Lots Two and three and Lot four in B1oc?�
<br /> Severz in W�.ebe� Ad:�{ition to the city of Grand Islanc�t, �� �,z��v�yed platted and recorded.
<br /> Su'��ject to all encumbr�nces of record, t,jhi�h said��a��y T�2abel Nay assumes and agrees to p�.y.
<br /> Toeet��er ti,�ith �11 �.nd sin�ula.r t�?e :�erec�itaments thereunto belonJin�.
<br /> i0 HAVE AT�?D T� HOLD i,he above described pre?nises un�a t�e said Ma�el Nay, her heirs �nd
<br /> a�si;ns; so that neit�lez° Y�se the s�id Paul C. Hus uo.� ar�d HaZel F. Huston each in their od�rn ri�,ht, and
<br /> as husband �n�. ��vi.fe, or any person in our name and behalf, s?Zall or ti,rill hereafter cla,3.m or dem�,nd
<br /> an� right or title tn trie s�^.id pre�ises or any ?:�art thereof, but the;� and every one of the;n shall
<br /> by the�P ;�reseA ts b� exclucle�. and forever b�rred.
<br /> II1 GdITi�ESS �1t���EOF, t'^e said �:,�.rties of the first �,�art have hereunt� set trieir iianc� and se��l
<br /> the d.ay an�. year above writ�en.
<br /> Si�r�ed, sealecx ;�nd delivered in ��resence cf
<br /> ___.____�___�_�.� ___.
<br /> R. S. Ttden�er � $�2.00 I. R. $tamps) ° Paul C.Huston
<br /> � ( C«ncellza ) Ha�el F.Huston
<br /> S2',�TF OF Ne'�ra�'��a)
<br /> H�11 Co�_znty ) �'' On t�is 3ra day of P1ay, A. D. 19�-0, before me, tne undersigned a Notar;r
<br /> Pu�lic, �uly cornmissioned and q.uali�'ied for r nd residing in said cou:ity,
<br /> ��erUon�lly ca�e P���.zl C.Huston ar.d Ha7el F.?iuston eac�: in their otJn r��ht and as 'r�usband and wife
<br /> to me kno?�m to be t.�i� iden�ical persons w'nose names are affixed to the forego3.ng instrument as
<br /> �;r�n�oi°s and ackno��rlea�eca. t�le :�ar��e to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> '�litnes4 my r�,a,nc� ��nd Seal tne da�r �znd year last a.bove tiar;_t�en.
<br /> ( SFAL) R. S. :��renber
<br /> �y commission ezt��res the 22nd da,T of June, 19�-1. I`tot�T�y Public.
<br /> Fiic� for record this 10 da,y of Tdovember, 19z�4, at 5 :00 P.":�i.� ��iG���� �
<br /> Re�;iater of �ePC�
<br /> �—�-7—�—�—�—�—n—�—�—�—�—�—J—•��-1�-17—�—t�—�—�--�—�—�—�—�—�—��—Q—�—`�—�^�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�-17—`J—�—t7—�—`J—�—�—�
<br /> ��jrT:i vi,l":?n� �E''��_
<br /> THIS I��.?�:��?"'��, �vi��.��_� t.l;.;:-, ;�th �?.�.;yr of Sez�temY�er. , in t;:?e yf-�:�r are thous�.r.d ni n� h�.znc�.rec� and.. Fort�.�-
<br /> fola.r, ti�et��leen L�.ur<n Sfiaa1 i'�r�?i sen �.�nd H���i�old N�e7_�en� 11:�r .hu��aand, o:� the #'irst part, �n.d Russel_1
<br /> C,R��Tbu�°n ��.�Z��. �'�_sie G.Ra.;rb.a�°r., a� �jo�n1� ten�ints 1�ri��Z s..arvivorshi�, ��' tl�c� secc�rld p��.rt,
<br /> iTy2`i'�`T;�'c+^r,�+r(�Ti -h4'?`;,� ��1P. S�3,?.:� Y��.1'�i°f.��' -;:'`' ��iP �''.�1'.�-'t; �:i.`:3'f� 1T1 COt1;"�.�,P,T'�1.��QY? O`' COT'I'@Ct?J21 O{ E.'I'�'O11P,0U,�,'�
<br /> :.J J.�. �
<br /> descrir�tion of � �n:T::e�:i;s ��r �'c�r��i �n v°a�rr��.nt�T deed ����co.r.ded in BooY �4 at ��a�e j00 0�' �}ze Deed
<br /> Records cf_iial?_ Coun� ,, rr�}�r-4s1:a, �c� u.� �:�zly n��.ic?, tl�e recei�t 1�.lierE�o�' is 1Ler��b�T ac'�n���7_ed.�^ed,
<br /> lz�.ve rf=r:1����7, rel��^e,z, ��n� q•���t-c��imed, ��.nd. U�.r t1i:,se �rf���r.,s dc� x"�.�r o;1r;���J_ve� ari:�. our heir�,
<br /> E'XeC'..ZtOt:i ct':1`� �,Cl1:i�.21i <'.t��s1.�,!j;_','•� .r'P,;:l���c',� Y'PZ.E�;`1,;":P, 21,.i1'.�. �07'P..VP�' C�{t)1.�—C�..c3.lif1 c`3.'1!j. COriVC'�! U21t0 �:�1P, S�.'1C�,
<br /> ��.rt�es c��' tl�;� s�cc�n.a. ����;, <:zr,::�. �;.� �Gheir liPir� an��. a;=;;�i�ns for�ever, all o�ur r��;.kit, tit] e, i21±E'Y'P.Bt�
<br /> �4t���e �?.��i� �.n�9 d�r:�`�nc'�, both �zt lay; and in eq:z�.t�', of, in arld to �,:1�_ ,
<br /> Tile ?`?��rtlie��ly S;xt;r-si:� (60; �eat oy j�;,e ti"le:�te�°?_;; Four a.,.:� ene-Y�alf(�E;�) feet of. �},e �",�es�erly
<br /> Ti1i.r���-t?�reA ( j '`i i eE�t �1f Lot ��'l�?r�ee ( �) in Bi.�ck �'}Z�rtePn (1 i ) ir. R,�,sel VTheeler' s Add9_t�on to
<br /> ���e Cit�,r cf Gra.�d I,�� ��nd, rlebr�sl��a.
<br /> To�;�;t}-iar �:lirkl ��.��. ��nc� sin :,.zlnr. t!�e ilE�rec�it��r.ne�lt� tliereun�o ae1.ori:;iri��;.
<br /> rn nt r n � � t�, _ _1 ,�,, � :, ,]''�! ;:? ��'^ tn f"}i.E' 5�.�.�. �Ll��P1��. Ci K°�V�i r 1
<br /> :� H:1.�Jt�.; �i�'Tl ��: .��.'i�_; �,kl€, ��.�:�0`TP, af-; .t . �e�. �OT'P �. ....� '�lr?.,� � . . � .. �.�,, U�n and E.�S�.B C`.
<br /> ?3�'��i�?'Tl f�.5 ,���:"_Z` t8T1c�'7t^ tV��11 SLll`'V1V�JC'.�-'�7��� t�1�'�T' I3°�2'�� c�.?`:c� £i��.31.a?1S; SO tf7�l'� 11P�.r.f1��"' VJE? tC?8 S?�.��
<br /> :.;r+`iYltO]''�� �" t1.'"izr �PT""?Tl �I1 C:.11' :'i �:il!� ��?(�. �.)�il^.�_'F� U.'t:�,l�_ OY' T,fJl�� �"1P,Y'Pt�,��E?I' C�.£1,�.2T1 Uy �P,"1�1,11C�. a.?1V ri�ht
<br /> or t:��.� t� t 'r.Ze �:�.i.�.� ;;:�°r�i�-f�,: or a�i�T r�<zrt t��ere�>S', :.�:t �he�r r�nd eve.ry one of t�l�r_� sli�,,l_? bJr th�se
<br /> 17r'F'SB'11,..5 }J� E',X^�.;Z:�.E.'�. ��.T1:I 101'e''.VF'1' b�.l'7'P,�.•
<br /> IT,1 �7T`i,N���� '�ni�-_�r�r, �h� �r�.z:3. p�3.rtiev� �j' ';,ie �'i��;-� part IZ�ive 1iP.reun��o 5et our liards �.n ti seals
<br /> fil�e �.ay �.n:� ,rf���.ti° �,hove w���it�erx. �
<br /> Si�;�.��, ce�.�_�d anc� ae?_i�rez°ec�. yn 1,rpspnce �:� La.ur�� St�.al 1`lizlsen
<br /> � _. _ ,.. _ __ _ --- I��.rc�1d L.NieJ.sen
<br /> Sm ,�,�., nn n��C�rT ) n � ; � � d r �' ge��teribf=�r �i D 1�4�, Y�efo�e �,Ze, t.tLe un:3ersi�ned, Geo. E.
<br /> f �_: ;,� �_ T. �� n }�.0 � ��� oa : , . . ,
<br /> • rr +� m :7.i.nn,�� TT � ,�,r ���� '}- t* T� l� � � l r r• a � i
<br /> ?i��7ATILI��. �p1T�,?�Y j .:��,.��on, l.o���.� ,, P_�.�._,.zc, a No �ar� � u'.1_ic, �.�_�� cam.:zis�ione�l �:4n;�. q�_�a_��.fiiec� �'or
<br /> �.,-,,� r��; ��?.�n�r in ���.�d. cc��.;.nt,,T, ,r�e-����on,��]�l�r ca;�,e L�ura Staal ��T�e�_sen and �iaro�:� L.�T�-P�_3°:"t� her l.�.z�b�.nd,
<br /> to :i:e 1>no��:�n *�,_ ��� t'�,e ; ��.f��:��c=�.l > �r.,�ns t-r�ia;�e n��.r�es are aft'L�e�. to t}lt� �'orF�:;o�.n�; instr�_�m�nt �,s
<br /> , -
<br /> �, .r:�,ato�s �.r�d. ��.c?�no���r� �d;ed fi.�r� s�a��e to '��e tI1P,�r v<�lunt�.���T ��c v an.. de��.
<br />' i�11.�,T?E?c�' a:�' 11�.I"1!�. �3.?1'�? lTOt.:`3.�`'!_`?.1.. ��'7�^`li_ ��1P CX�IvT `c�.T"lCi Vr='-�.i' �..c�S�i �,��OZTP. IFJI^��i�Pl:.
<br /> G�o.E.!l,T�.son
<br /> ( �E:.L) ':`dotax°,y Put�l:i_c �'o� OrA�on
<br /> ;.ry Cor��iis:,i:�n ez,�irF�;, t-�E� l��?i dr:��T ���:' Jar_. 1��E6
<br /> Fi�_�d for r��cord t.t1�s 1�� �_ �:�r_�,j� ��' P��ove:�rber, 1.��;-��, �.t 2:�0 � � cloc�> P.;:T,� �,` � ���d �-��-„-,Y
<br /> Re�;iSter o�' Dee��.s
<br /> �—�—�j—�—�.�--�� _�— .. ,)— -� , ��.�• i�„ � -.. �l- �l—�, ..—�i'-v—�'—�—;� �� ��—�.�—'.�--�i—�l—�—�.�--�.. ���—% J- ,I ��—�J—�_�-1.�—..�—�.'—�i �' .
<br /> �� /�
<br /> �.� �_'J�
<br />