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t��� <br /> ���� ��C ��� 1�T�. � � <br /> 25469—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> ei�ht ten ( �10) feet to �,n iron st�.ke or pin on the e�st lir_e of said e�.s� half' of n�rth- <br /> U�ert a,u�rter of s�,id Sectior� 10; thence nor�h, alor�� s� east line nf s�id east half of north- <br /> tirest quarter, fourl;een ( 1400) feet to pla.ce of beginning, and containing 26 acres, more <br /> or less. - <br /> The wes� one-h�,lf of the south�ses� quarter of the nort'r_eas�G quarter of Section Ter� (10) , <br /> Town�hip Eleve: (11) North of Rarl�e Pdine ( 9) t�?est of Sixth P.ri. , and part of trie northwest quarter <br /> of t�ie southea�t quarter o�' Section Ten (10) , in Toti�rnship Eleven (11) Nortri, Range Nir�e ( 9) ��dest <br /> of Sixtn P.fiI. , descriLed as follows : Beginiling at tYie northti,rest corner of northwe�t quarter <br /> of so,� qua.rter, runnirv thence due sout'n to the exterided easterly line of Grand Avenue (as <br /> shoti,m iri the of�icial ��lat ef Jo ln S�'.LamUert ' s Addition to the city of Grand Isla_nd, Nebr�.ska} ; <br /> ther�ce sout:��r1.y, ti1o�?�; s�,id easter��, �o the ce.lter of Eignth Street; thence easterly, alon�; <br /> the cenLer line o�' Ei�hth 5treet to the north line of s�id north�*est qu�rter of souti�east quarter; and t c <br /> �.r:d thence west, alon� �aid nart.� line to the pla.ce of beginnin�, <br /> It �ein� tr,e ir�ter.tion of all partie� hereto, that in the event of the death of either of said <br /> grarteES, the entire fe� sirr:��le t3tl.e to the real est�te aescr�bed herein shall vest in the sur- <br /> vivin� gr�,ntee. <br /> TO HAjJE A?�1D lC� HOLD the p .remises above dPSCribec�, tn�ether �rith all the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> ments ancl Appurtenances thereunto belonging the s��id rrlalter Car�enter, �nd May B. Carperlter, <br /> a.s JOI:�'T TENAr�Ta, not a.s t�r�a,r.ts in cammor�, <br /> Aric� the said G-ra.r�d�d Livestack Commiss3.or1 Company, �. corpor��,ticn, for itself, or its <br /> successors, does hereby coven<�nt ar�d agree to and ti,rith the said parties of tne second part and <br /> his or her heirs and �,s�igr�s, tha.t at tne time of tne execution �nd deliver;� of t�iese presents <br />? it is la.�afully seized of s��id premises; that it nC�s �ood ri�;ht and la*rrful authority to convey the <br /> sar�e; that they are free from encumbr�.nce, �,nd does hereby cover.ant to T�Tarr�nt and defer�d the <br /> sai� premises aga.inst t�r e lati�rf�al cla,ims of �.11 persons ��rhomsoever. <br /> IT' ":�ITNES" ?rJHEP�FOF, the saicl Grand Island Livestock Comr��i�sion Conlpany, a corpor�.tion, ha.s <br /> hereunto caused i�s carpora.te seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed by its PreSident <br /> the day an�j year f�rs� above tirr�.°itten. <br /> Si�ned, seU.lec��. �.el.ivered in t�reser�ce of <br /> ti�Jrl Suhr ( CORP) ---------------- Gr��nd Island Livestock Commission Comp�ny <br /> ( �EAL) (�7.15 I.P.. �ta.mps) By Walter Carpenter, President <br /> (Cancelled _�) Attes� : Merl P. Binnink, Secreta�y - <br /> STATE OF i1EBRASKA ) � <br /> HALL County ) S`'' Or� this �1 day oi Octobe-r, 1.o4i� before me, the uncxer�ignec�, a Notary <br /> P�a.��1ic in ��nc? for said County, personall;; car�e t�J�lter Carpenter, <br />'� Presid_ent of the �r<,:nd T 31��nd Livestock Con:mission Company, a corporatiorl, to me t�ersonally knocrm <br /> to i�e the Presider.t �n.c? tY��e ic�.entic�l person ?�rhoae name is aff'ixed to tne �bove conveyance, and <br /> <�.cknoti�rled�Pd the e�:ecut�on �hFreof to 'pe rizs volu:.tar;;r act ard deed �,s such officer and the <br /> voluntar�r act ur.r� d.eec� oi the Gr�,nd Igland Livestock Gommiss�.on Company, a corporation, a,nd <br />;� that the Corpor�.te seal of ti�e Granc� Tsland Liy estoc�> Comm3.ssion Comp�.ny was ther•eto affixed <br /> by its a�?�liority. , <br />� Witnes� my haric� an� iJo�arial Seal �4t Gr�.nc� I�lar�d in ��id cotznty the d��y ana year la�t �bove <br /> written. <br /> ( SEAL) Wm Suhr <br /> PJIy comr�is�ion expires t'r�e 1? day of Feby, 1;'��. Notar�/ Public <br /> Filed for record t�nis 10 d�ay of Novernb�r, l��i-��-, a� 10 : �0 o ' clock A.P�'. :-., <br />� ��� � <br /> Re�ister of Dee s <br /> 0-C-0-0-�-0-C-0-C-Q-0-0-�-0-0-C-0-J-C-G-0-0-0-0-G-0-C-0-C-C-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0 <br /> T�'AR�?Ar`TTY DE�'D - Cor�or�.ti cr� <br /> i <br /> T�'I� I�'�ENTU.RE, ii��de this 13t?�? day of October, A. D. , 1�4�!, bett�TeEn Grand Isl�nd Live Stock <br /> Com;.�ission Compan;�r, � c�r,:�oration or�;ani?�ec� and Pxisting under ar.d by virtue of t�ie latias of' the <br /> Sta.te o�' �?ebr�s'�a, part�r of trie fi-rst p��,rt, ar.d Walter Carper�ter, and tVi�.y B. C�rpEnter, or survivor, <br /> of the Caunty of Hall, and Sta,te of �1ebr�ska, part�_es of tne secor�d. pa,rt, <br /> Y�TI'�"�ESS�'TH. That the s�.id party of the f irst ��art for and. in consider�.tion af the sum of One <br /> Huridred DOLI�ARS in har�ci �aici., receipt tahereof is hereb�r acknoUZledgec�, nas sold and b�� these �resents <br /> d.oes �r�nt , conve�.r and cor�firm �arito the �aid parties af t��.e second p�a,rtL the following described <br /> premi.see, �itu��ted in Hall Caun�y, and. Sta�e of Nebras'_�.a, to-wit : <br /> Al1 of the �t:*o h�znc?red ninety-t�,�o (2G2) feet of Lots Twenty-six ( �6) and Twenty-seven (?7) <br /> of th.e CoLanty �ubciivision of the kTest h�lf of the south;�rest c�uarter of Sectior� Ten (10) , in <br /> Toti�rnshix� Elever� ( lI :TOrtn, Ran�e ndine ( �') West of �th F..��. <br /> Also a. tr�ct �f 1<:Lr.d abut�in� �nci layin� directly east of blocks numbered four and five ( �-4- and 5) <br /> ir: George Lo�n ' s Sub-c�ivi.sior� af t:�e sauth part of t.2e ti,��st cne-half of tne northttiTest quartPr, <br /> Sectior men (10) , ToT�rnsnip Eleven ( 11 ) �dor�h, Ran�e Nine ( ��) West of t'Yl� 6tn P. P��. , and <br /> The east tnirty-f�ve feet of Lot Ei�ht (�`>) in i�orUrood Subrivision of part of the west one-half <br /> of t:rle northTaest quarter in Section Ten (10) Toti�unship E`leven ( 11) Nort�i, Ran�;e Nine West �f 6th <br /> P. ��I. , bein; a, rect�n�;tizl�.r tl�ct of ground ��j/�72. �j feet; Yiaving a e�st and �rest af 35 feet, <br /> �.pc� a de�-tii of ;72. � feet, north ��ncl south. <br /> Tt bein� tre of a11. �arties heretc, that in the everit of the death of of said <br /> �ran�ees, the entire fee si:nple title to the re�.l estate described herein shall vest in the sur- <br /> vivin� gr�rtee. <br /> TG HAV� A�.�D i0 HOLD the ��r°emises above descr_�.bed, tcgether w�_�h al1 the Tenements, Heredita- <br /> ments and Ap�urten��,nces thereunto belongin� unto the said '�Jalter Cart�enter, a.nd May B. Carpenter, or <br /> survxvor. <br /> And the said Grand Isl�,nd Live Stock Commiasion Company, a corporation, for �.tself, or its <br /> successors, does hereY�y covenart anc? a�ree to and witr� the said parties of the second �art and his <br /> or her heirs ar.d asr�.�;ns, that �t tYie time of thP executior� �.ncl delivery of these preserlts it is <br /> la?hrfu_lly seized of s;�.id rremises; th��t it n�s ;�od rignt and lat�rful autY�crity to cor�vey tne same; <br /> th�.t they are free f'rorn er_cunAbrar�ce, does hereby covPn�,nt to ?�rarr. ant and deferid the premises <br /> �r;ain�t tne la��rful cl�irls o�' a.11 per;;ons T��homsoever. <br />