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��3�� <br /> ��E�E� ��� 0�� 1�T�. � � <br /> � 2S4fi9—The Augustine Co., Grand I�land, Nebr. - <br /> resi�ing in said county, personall,y c��me Ruth G. Testman Roberts and B.r�V.Roberts, wife and hus'pand, <br /> i r <br /> + �, <br /> TT r r <br /> to me �no.,n to be �he identical ner�ons uhose r.ame� are afl3.xed to the fore oin instrum <br /> � �, g ent as <br /> grantor� and ac'_�noTfrledged the s��me to be their voluntarv act and deed. - <br /> ��itness m�,T h�.nd and Seal the day and ye2r last a.bove titi�ritten. <br /> Peg�y Herriman <br /> My commission expires the l�kth day of April, 19�-I-6. (SEAL) Notary Pul�lic <br /> Fi1ed f'or record this 9 day of November, 19�-�- at 3 :1�� o ' cloc:� P.I�i.,,� <br /> ����� <br /> Re��ster of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O�Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0`— <br /> CORPORATION 1�TARRA�?TY DEED - Vesting Entire Title in Survivor <br /> K�i0��1 ALL 2�ZEN BY TH�'SE PRESENTS, That Grand Isl�nd Livestock Commission Company, a corporation, <br /> ( formerly Grand Island Horse & 2yiule Company, a corpora'Cion) a cor�oration organized and existing <br /> under and by vir�ue of the latrs of the °tate of Nebrasria, for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> Four Thousand DOLLA.RS in hand paid doe� hereby grant, b�rgain, sell and convey unto Walter <br /> Carpenter and P�Iay B. Carpenter, husband and wife, as JOINT TENAi�?TS, and not as tenants in comr.ior�; <br /> the follo�ti��.ng described real estate, situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-•�ai'G : <br /> A11 of that part of the east h�,1f of the northwest quarter of Section Ten (10) , Township <br /> Eleven (11) North of Range Nine (9) Tilest, lying west of the cen�er line of the right-of-way of <br /> r the Omaha �,nd Republiean Valley Railroad (as no�tir constructed and operated by the 'Jnion Pacific <br /> Railroad Company) and con�ainin� t?�renty-si:� ( 26} acreJ, ��, little more or less, outside of said <br /> right-of-?�r�y. <br /> IT BESi�'G THE INTr,..,+'�1TI0?�1 OF ALL PA??`1''IES HERETO� THAT Iid THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITH^R OF SAID <br /> GRANT�'ES, THE ENTIRE FEF SIr��PLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRI�ED HEREIT� SHALL VEST IN THE <br /> SURVIVI"1G GRArdTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A:�D TO HOLD the above described premises, Z�T�.t'iYl the aforesaid appurtenances, unto the <br /> grantees a.s JOI�1T TEi�A;�TS, and not as tenants in common, and to their asfiigns, or to the <br /> heirs �nd assi�ns of the survivor of them, fnrever, and the grantor herein, for itself and its <br /> successors does covenant ��ritn the gr��.ntees named he.rein and with their assigns and titi*ith the heirs <br /> anc? assi��ns of the survivor of t�zem th;�.t it is lawfully seiL.ed of said premises; that they are <br /> free from encumbr��,nce, and tha.t s�id gr�,ntor has good title to and good right and lawful authority <br /> to convey t'r�e and it does nereby covenant to warrant ana forever defend said premises untc <br /> the grantees named herein a.nd unto tneir assi�ns �nd unto the heirs and assigns of the survivor <br /> of them, forever, a�ai.nst the lawful cla.ims of al1 persons whomsoever, excludinb the exceptions <br /> named herein. <br /> IN T�TiTT�ESS ��HE�?EOF tne s�.id gr�,ntor has caused tnis instrument to be executed by its <br /> �resident and its corporate se�.l to be afiixed hereto. <br /> Si�ned t��i� 11kth c�ay of' October, A. D. 19���. <br /> Grand Island Livestock Commission <br /> In trlp Presence of ( CORP} ________________ Company A �orporation (formerly <br /> Wm Suhr ( SEAL) (��. 40 y.R. St��,mps) Grand Island Horse & Mile Company, <br /> ( Cancelled ) a corparation) <br /> By Walter Carpenter, President <br /> Attest Merl P. Bennink, Secretary <br /> STATE OF' NEBRAS�CA, ) �, <br /> Ha1_1 County ) S`' On t'�is 31 day of October, 19��%4- before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> Public in and for sa,id County, ��ereonally came walter Carpenter, <br /> President of the Gr�nd I�land Livestock Commission Company, a corporation ( forme-rljr Grand Island <br /> Horse & 2�ule Company, a cor�oration) , to me personally kno��rn to be the President and the identical <br /> �erson wrose name is affixed to the above conveyance, and ac'�no��rledbed the execution thereof to <br /> be his volunt�ry �ct and deed as such ofl�c�r a�nd t�e volunt��ry act and deed of tlze Grand " <br /> Isla.nd Livestock Commission Company, ana th��t tne Corporate seal of the said Grand Island <br /> Livestock CoMMissiotl Company ti.ras theretc a.ffixed b;r its aut�ority. <br /> Witness tny hand and Notaria,l Seal at Grand Island, in said county the day and year last above <br /> writ�en. <br /> ( SEAL) Wm Suhr <br /> l��y cornmission ex?�ires thP 17th d�,y of Febru�ry, 19�+1. Notary Public <br /> Filea for record this 10 day of November, 19�-�1 a.t 10:30 o ' clock A.M. ��. <br /> ���:�.�d <br /> Re��ister of eed <br /> 1.7-7-�-J-O-O-O-�-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-�7-�-7-C-�-O-`J-�-�-�-�-0-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-� <br /> "��JARRAivTY DEED - Corporation <br /> THIS IT�DE�3TURE, M�de this 14th day of October A. D. , 19�-!-�, betuaeen Grand Island Livestock <br /> Comrnission Company, a corporation or;�,nized and existi�g under and by virtue of the laws of the <br /> State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and Walter Carpenter, and May B. Car�enter, nusband <br /> and wife, as JOI�'T TENANTS, a,nd not as tenants in common, of tne County of Hall, and State of <br /> Nebras'�a, parties of the sec�nd part, <br />� WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Six <br /> Th�usand Fo�ar H�.zndred Fifty DOLLARS in hand p�.id, rece�pt u�rn.ereof ia hereby acknot�rledged, has <br /> � sold �nd by tnese presents does grant, convey �nd confirm unto t�ie said parties of the second part, <br /> the followir�g descri'�ed premi5es, situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> All of the north�aest uarter of the northeas� quarter of Section Ten (10} , Township Eleven (11) <br /> �. <br /> - � <br /> �v'orth, R�n�e rdine (9) West of the 6th P.I�Z. , containing 40 acr�s, mc+re or less; a�so a tract ol <br /> l�.rd descrybec� as follows : cor^�mencing a.t the northeaet corr,er of the east na.lf of the northwest <br /> au�.rter of Section Ten (1fJ) , Tot�rnsriip Elever. (11) North, Ran�e Ni��e (9) West of the 6th P.l�i. , <br /> thence ti�;est, alor�g the north lir�e of said S�etion 10, eight hundred nine�y-four (g9�-) feet to t��e <br /> center of the ri�ht-af-�?ay of tne Om�h�� and Republican V�,lle�T Railraad Cor::par.y (as noUr constructed <br /> and opera.ted by the Union Pacific Railroa.�i Company} , thence sou�h, a.lor.g the cei�ter line of said <br /> right-of-way, f'ourteen h�.zndred forty-one (1�-��l) feet to a point opt�osite an iron stake or pin on <br /> the easterly line of said right-of-tl�ay; thence easterly, �t ri��ht ar�gles to said right-of-way, <br />