I _
<br /> ���
<br /> �lE�D ��ECOR.]� �To. � �
<br /> 23460—The August[ne Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> HALL Caunty ) �S On this 3Qth day of June, A. D. 19�-�-, before me, the undersigned, Lloyd
<br /> �d.KellST a Notary Pu�lic, dulSr commissioned and qualified for a.nd
<br /> residing in said county, personally came Rub;� Scnoel to me kno:•�n t,� be the i��entical person whose
<br /> name is afiixed to the foregoino instrumeni, as gr�.n�or anc� acknowledged the same to be her
<br /> volunt�ry act ��nd deed.
<br /> �ditness my hand and Notarial Sea.l the day and year last above ti�Tritten.
<br /> ( STAL) Lloyd W. Kelly
<br /> M� commission expires th� 27th day of Octol�er, l��-j. Notary Public
<br /> Fi1ed for record this 6 day of November, 19�4�!�-, �,t �:30 0 ' c�.ock P.M.� . �
<br /> Regis �er of �ee s
<br /> 0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0^0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-V-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-0-O-O-C-O-O
<br /> THIS IiTDENTURE, MAde this 7tri day of November, in the year one thousand nine hun�red and
<br /> Forty Four, betYnreen Alma Scott and Floyd Scott, her husband and Helen Gaddis, sin�le of the Pirst
<br />' part, and Alvey Craven of the second part,
<br /> ��TITNESSETH, t'rlat the said part_ of the first �a.rt, in corlsideratior� of the sum of One Dollar
<br /> and other v�,lued cop�si�eration DOLLARS to them duly paid, the receipt whereof is nereby acknow-
<br /> ledged we remised, released, �nd quit-claim, an� by these rresents do, for ourselves and our heirs,
<br /> exeuctors and admir:�.strators, remise, release and forever quit-claim and conve�� wzto the saic?
<br /> part of the second part, and to his heirs and assians forever, all our right, title, interest,
<br /> estate our cla.im and demand, both at l�w and iri eQuity, of, in and to all
<br /> Lot Five ( 5) , B1oc'� 5ixteen ( 16) , W�,llich' s Addition to the City o�' Grznd Island, Nebraska
<br /> mogether ?^,ri�h all anc� singula,r the hereditaments thereL�nto �?elonging.
<br /> 'TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseri'oecl premises unto the �aid Alvey Craven his heirs and
<br /> assigns; so that neither parties of' the said first part, or any person in their nar�e and behalf,
<br /> shall or rr�il.l Yiereafter claim or demand an� right or title to the said premises or any part
<br /> thereof, but the�r and every one of them shall by tnese presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> I1? t�TITT`TESS '�IHEF�EOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and
<br /> seals the d�y and yea.r above Ttitritten.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
<br /> Helen Gaddis
<br /> , H. T.Brown Alma Scott
<br /> F1oyd Scott
<br /> aTATE OF Nebraska)
<br /> Ha1I County } S5' On this 7�h day of November, 19�-!-�, before me, the undersigned H. T.Brown
<br /> a Notary Public, duly comr.:issioned and qualified for and res�ding in
<br /> said County, bersonally came Alma Scott and Floyd Scott, her husband anc�i Helen Gaddis, sin�le,
<br /> to me known to be trie identic�l persor.s whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as
<br /> grantors and acknotsl.edged. the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand a,nd P3otari�l Seal the day and ye�r last above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) H. T.Broti�m
<br /> My comr�ission e�pires the 27th da;� of' Navernber, 19�4-�. Notary Public
<br /> Filed �'ar record th3.s 7 day of November, 19�'--'b at 3:00 0 � clock P. M.� �
<br /> Re�ister of Deed
<br /> o-o-o-o-a-o-c-c_c-c-o-o-o-c-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-c-c-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-c-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-c-o-c-o-o-a-c-o
<br /> K?v'0?^T ALL ^2FN BY THESE pRESEArTS: Tha.t z�re M3.nnie Rauert and Arnold C. �a.uert, her nusband;
<br /> Bertha Schuett �n� Hans Scnue'tt, her husb�,nd; Elizabeth Nelson and Iv�.n Nelson, her husband; and
<br /> Pe�rl Niemoth, a single person, for and in consideration of tne sum of Two Hundred TzlTenty and
<br /> no/100( �220.Q0) DOLLARS in hand �aid do hereby gra.nt, bargain, sell, ccnvey and confirm unto the
<br /> United States o�' America and its assigns the folloti�ring described real estate situated in Hall
<br /> Count�r, and State of T�lebraska 'Go-SJit :
<br /> Beg�nnin� at th e Southeast cori�er of�he North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter (;�1�-NE�SE4) of Section T4aenty-seven ( 27} , Tottinshi� Twelve ( 12) Plorth, Ranbe Nine (�) West
<br /> of tn.e 6tr� P. P�.. , runnir.g thence North 4�65 feet alor.� the e�istin� Granc� Island Airfield �roperty
<br /> line to �� point; thence West a dist�,nce �f �00 feet; thence South �b5 feet to the existiri�;
<br /> property of said airfield; thence East along said existing airfield property line to the point of
<br /> beginning, coni,airiing 4. 25 acres, more or less. The grantors hereb;� convey all of their right ,
<br /> title and inter�est ir� ancl to any alleys, streets, w�ys, st1^1pS� or gores, abuttine or ad�oining
<br /> tr e af'orementioned land.
<br /> TO HA�JE AItiTD TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Heredita-
<br /> ments an�. Appurter��nces t?�lereunto belonging, unto the saic' United States of America and to its
<br /> a.sr�i�;ns forever. And i.�re do hereby covenz�nt t�rith the said Grantee and with its as�,�,ibns, that we
<br /> are l�,wfully seized of said premises; th�t tney are free from encumbrance; tnat we have �ood right
<br /> and la.vti�ful authori�y to sell the same; and T�re do riereby covenant to ti�arr. ant and defend the title ,
<br /> to said premises �gainst the iav,rful claims of all perscns whomsoever.
<br /> And the said Grantors hereby relinr;uish a.11 ri�;ht, �itle and interest in and to the above
<br /> described premises.
<br /> Signed this 25th day of October, A. D. i9�-��
<br /> In �resence of _________________ Pearl Niemoth
<br /> ( �O. �jj I.�. Stamps) Arnold C.Rauert
<br /> Kenneth C.Fritzler (Cancelled � ) ��innie R�;.uert
<br /> Hans Scnuett
<br /> B rth �Schuett
<br /> � E�iza�e�h Nelson
<br /> Ivan Nelson
<br />