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C��7� <br /> ���� ��CO�� ��. � � <br /> 23489—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � �, <br /> HALL County ) S'" On this 2&th day of October A. D. 194� before me, the undersibned B.J. <br /> Cunniri�nam a. Not�.ry Public, duly com�mis�ion�d a,nd qualifiec� f�r and <br /> residing in saici county, person�lly c�me Bernice ��teinrich and George E. t�Teinrich, her husband to <br /> me knou�rn to be the ic�entical persor.s whose names are affixed to the foregoin�; instrumen't a.s <br /> grantors and acknowlec�ged tne same to be their vclunt�.ry act and deed. <br /> �litness my hand and i�otarial Seal trie day and yea.r I�st above T.�ritten. <br /> ( SEAL) B. J. Cunnin�ham <br /> P�Iy commission e�7�ires the 5th day of August, 19�+7. Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this 6 day of November, 1�4�-, at �: 30 0 ' elock A. �,1. y, ��2��� � <br /> \, ��e-�. <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-c-o-o-o-c-C-0-0-0-C-0-0-C-0-Q-G-C-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-�-0 <br /> QUIT CLAT�" DEED <br /> THIS I?�?DENTURE, Made this lst day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and <br /> forty-four, between Jes�e Spri��:, a T�idower, party of the first part, and Clarence H. ��riese anc� <br /> El1a Wiese, �s ,�oint tenants, not tenants in common, with the ri�ht of' survitTorship, of <br /> the seccnd part, <br /> ��^dITNESSETH, thC�t the said party of the first t�art, in cor.sideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> an� other v�:�.uable considex�ation to him duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereb,y acknowledged <br /> 1'PITiised, relea.sed, and, anc1 by these presents does for himself h3.s heirs, executors <br /> a.nd administra.tcrs, remise, release and ferever auit-cl�.im and convey unto the said p�rties of <br /> the sECOnc� p�rt, anc� to thAir heirs and assi�;n� forever, all his right, titl.e, interest, estate <br /> claim and demand, both �t la.w and in eouity, of, in �nd. ta all <br /> The Nortnerly Sixty ( 60) feet of Lot Ei�ht (�) in Block Tv�renty ( �0) of the Original Town of <br /> Alda, H�11 County, �1ebr��.s.k_a, as surveyed, z�I�.tted, <�nd recorded. <br /> The undersi�nea, Jesc�P Sprig�;, is the surviving husband of Ailien Sprig�, who died on Ma.rch <br /> &, l�'-�1; the ��bove described premis�s h<a�inb been purcl�ased by the undersigned anc�. the <br /> Ail3.en Sprigg �nd occu�ied a,s t�ieir homeste�.d. <br /> To�ether with all anc. sin�ul�r the hereditamen�� thereunto belon�ing. <br /> TO HAVE �i�D TO HOLD the above described premises unto the saicl Clarence H. ��triese and E11a <br /> Wiese, as joint tenants, not tenan�s in comMOr., with the ri�ht of survivorship, their heirs and <br /> �:.s;--i�,ns; so that neither the said �ra.ntor, or any person in nis name and behalf, sha11 or will <br /> hereafter clair:l or demand a,ny ri�ht or title to the said premi�es or any part t'riereof', but they <br /> and every one of �hen sh�17_ by these �resents be excludea anc? forever ba.rred. <br /> I�� WITNESS ��^I�IEREOF, the said p�rty of the first �art has hereunto set his hand and seal the <br /> day an�x year above written. <br /> Signed, se�,lecG ard c�elivered in presence of <br /> B.J. Cunr,ingham ---------------- Jes�e Sprigg <br /> ( �0. �5 I.R. S�amps) <br /> ( Cancellec,_ ) <br /> STATE ^F I�TF�3RASKA ) <br />' ��• i� <br /> FiALL CountY� ) On this lst day of Noverr,ber A. D. 1�3 ,4 bef�re me, the undersigned B. J. <br /> Cunrin�h�m a No�:ary Public, duly commissiened and au�lified for anc� <br /> resic?ing in s��d county, personally c�me Jesse Sprig�;, a TaidoU�er, to me knov�m to be the identic�^;.l <br /> i �er�son T�.-hoce na,me is �ffzxec�. tc� the fore�oin� instrument as grantor and aekno�rlec�ge� the �ame to <br /> be his voluntary �ct and cleed. <br /> Witness my 'riar�d and Idotari�.l Seal the day anc� year last �,bove t�rritten. <br /> ( SEAL) B.J. Cunningham <br /> I�Zy commission expires the 5tn day of Au�ust, 1947. Not�,ry Publ3.c <br /> Filec�. f:or recorc t_��i� 6 dCv of November, 19���T, at �: ,0 o ' clock A.I�i. �., <br /> (�c�`�1 ���t <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-c-a-c-�-o-o-c;-o-o-O-�J-0-C-0_0-C-0-0-0-Q-0-0-o-a-o-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> QUIT CLAIP�I DE�D <br /> THIS Ii�?�Ei�TL?�?E, ��Zade t��i5 �OtYi d�ay of June, in the ye�r one tY.ousand nine hundred ��nd forty- <br /> i our, bet,�reen Rub;� Schoel, single, of' the f irst part, and HenrST Schoel, of the second part, <br /> '�TITNESSETH, th�.t the s<�ic� part�T of thz firs� p�:�rt, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> and oth�r considera.tion, to her �uly paid, the receipt T�herzof is hereby acknowledged has remised, <br /> released, �r.d �uit-cl��,imed, and by these presents dc for herself and her heir�, e�.ecutors, and <br /> ��ministrators, re:�ise, releage and forever quit-claim and convey unto tize said party of �he <br /> sec�nd Uart, �nd te his ne�.rs and �ssi�ns forever, all ;ner ri�ht, t�tle, interest, estate claim <br /> �nd dem�,nd, both at 1�w and in ec�uity, of, in and to all <br /> Fractiona� Lot Thr�e ( 3) in FL°actional Block 2'en (10) , Bonnie Brae ' s Addition to tne City of <br /> Grand Isl��.nd, Hall Count,y, Nebraska <br /> Togetkzer ti�3 tn all and sin�ui�r the hereditaments ther°unto belon� <br /> T� HA�TF AP?D TO H�L� the above describe� premises unto the saicl Henry Schoel, �.nd his heirs <br /> and assi�;ns; so �ha.t neither she the said Ruby Schoel, nor any person in her n�.:ne and behalf, <br /> sh�.11 or Z�ill hereaf�er claim or demand any right or title to the premises or any t�art <br /> t'.�ereof, but the�� and ever;� one of thern shall b;� these presents be exc.luaed and forever barred. <br /> IT1 j11IT�1ESS '�JHE=tEOF, the s�,id p�..rty o�' the first :?art h�.s hereunt� set hPr hand anc� seal the <br /> day and ye��r �bove written. <br /> Si;nec�, sealed and delivered in �}resence of: Ruby Schoel <br /> Lloyd W. �elly <br />