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t�1 V� <br /> ���� ��� ��� ��. � � <br /> 2548'J—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. � <br /> QUI�' CLA IT� DEED <br /> THIS I�DEN'�URF, Made this 27tn day of October, in the ye�r one thousand nine hundred and <br /> forty-four, between Loyal Denm�n and M��.yme E. Denman, h�s wife, parties of the first part, ancz <br /> �3e-rnic� �nfeir�ri���; p��rty of the second part, <br /> WI1'NESSETH, that the s�id paxties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar <br /> to them duly paid, the rec�ibt whereof is hereby ackno��ledged remise�, released, and quit-claimed, <br /> and by these nresents dn for themselves, thei r heirs, executors, and admir.istrators, r emise, <br /> and forever ouit-claim and conve;� unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs <br /> �ncl. assigns forever, all their right, ti�le, interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in <br /> equity, of, in and to all <br /> Lots Or�e ( 1) and T�tilo (2) on Island and the South Half of trie Southeast Quarter of Section Nine <br /> (9) , in Township Ten ( 10) , North, Range Ten (10) , ?pJest of the 6th P. ?��I, , in Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> containing l�-2. 30 aeres, and <br /> The Northeast Quart�r and the Northt,�e�t Quarter of the Southe�.st Quarter and Lots One ( �) and <br /> Two ( 2) all in Section Tkrenty-nir:e (29) , Township Ten (10) , North, Range Ten (10) , �tirest of the <br /> 6th P.P��S. , containing 295. 65 acres, in Hall County, I�T�br�.ska. <br /> Ta^�ether t�.lith a.].l and singular the hereditaments thereunto belongino. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLll the above describec� premises unt� the saic� Bernice Weinrich her heirs and <br /> as�igns ; so tha.t neither the said grantors, or any person in their name and beha.lf, sh�,ll or will <br /> here�.fter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but they and <br /> every one of then shall by 'Ghese t�reser.ts be excluded anf f'orever barred. <br /> IP�1 titrITNESS Z�'�'REOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their har�s and seals <br /> the day and_ year abet�e written. <br /> SiVned, sealed and delivered in preser:ce of <br /> Loy�.1 Denman <br /> B.J. Curiningham Mayme E. Denman <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) 5s. � <br /> hALL County ) On thi s 27 day of October, A.D. l�ll-�- before rne, the undersi�ned B. J. <br /> Cunningham a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qua.lifiec� for and <br /> residin� in s�,id county, personally came Loyal Denman �na r�layme E. Denma.n, his wife to me known to <br /> be the identical per�ons whose na.mes are affixed te the foreGoing irstrument as grantors and <br /> acknot�rledged the same to be their voluntary act ar�d deed. <br /> Witness m,y riand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> ( SEAL) B. J. Cunningham <br /> I�y commission expires the 5th day af August, 1�4:�. Notary Public. <br /> Filec�_ for reeord this 6 day nf November, 1���4- at �: 30 0 ' clock A.:�2. ;,_�., <br /> ��a� ��_��- , <br /> Register of ee s <br /> 0-0-0-�-0-o-o-a-o-0-C-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0 <br /> QTTjT CLAIP? DEED <br /> THTS Iti`DENTURE, Ma�e this 2�th day of October, in the year onP thousand nine hundred and <br /> forty-four, between Bernice ��deir�rich and Geor�;e E. ��deinrich, her husband, parties of the first part, <br /> a.nd Loyal Denman, party of the second p�rt, <br /> WITNES�ETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, <br /> to them duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereb�r acknoti•Tledged remised, releasec, and quit-claimed, <br /> �nd by these presents do for tnemselves, their heirs, e�ecL�tors and administratc,rs, remise, release, <br /> and forever and convey unto the part;� of the second part, and to his heirs, and <br /> assi�ns forever, a,ll the�r right, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in <br /> eauity, of, in a.nd to <br /> A tra..ct of land coz.tainin� 39 acres a littl.e more or less, more particularly described a.s <br /> follows : Commencir.g at the Southwest corner of the Southeast (�uarter of Section THrenty-nine, <br /> ToU�nshix� TPn, Rar���;e Ten, irl Hall County, Nebr�.ska; thence in a Nor�herly direction a1on�; the Half <br /> Section line a distance of' 120 rads, thence ir, an E�,sterly direction at right angles a dista.nce -of <br /> �7 rocis, thence in a Southerly direction at right angler and parallel with the Udest side of said <br /> Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-nine to the North bank of the Platte River, a distance of � <br /> approximately 101. rods, trence in a Southwesterly d�!rection alon� the Nortn Bank of the Platte <br /> River, to the place of beginning; also, am easement a.nd right-of-���ay over �, strip of ground 16 feet <br /> wide, more particul<�r]_y described, as folloti�rs : Beginnin�,� at tne Northeas� corner of the above <br /> described tra.ct of land, thence in a Easterly direction parallel with the I�orth line of said <br /> Section Twenty-nine to the East lirie of sa�d Section Ttlrenty-nirie, tnence in a Soutnerly direction <br /> alon� the E�st line of s�i� Section TT�ren', a distance of 16 feet, thence in a Westerly <br /> direction to a point 16 feet South of' tr.e point of beginnin�, tn.ence in a Northerly direction 16 <br /> fee'� to the point of beginnin�;, said tract of land tc be use� fer road R�urposes so long as the . <br /> gr2r�tee herein or his successors ottim said 39 acre tr��ct of land. <br /> Together titititn �,11 and singul�.r thP hereditament5 trereunte belongin�. <br /> TO HAVE AtiTD TO �IOLD the above describec� premi5es unto the said Loyal Denman his heirs and <br /> assigns; so that neither the said grantors, or any person in their n�me anc� behalf, shall or will <br /> hereafter c7_a,i�:l or demand any right or title to the said x�remises or any part tnereof, but they <br /> and ever�r one of tnem shall b�,r these presents be excl.uc�ed and forever barred. <br /> I�1 S�lITNESS ti+�-IE�EOF, the said ���rties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals <br /> the day �,nd ye�r above taritten. <br />� Si�;ned, sealed anc� delivered in presence of <br /> Bern�ce Weinrich <br /> , B. J. Cunniri;ha,m �' GeorGe E. '�'einrich <br /> I <br />