<br />�
<br /> ��7�
<br /> ���ED ���CO�.� �T�. 8 �
<br /> 23469--The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> _.__.._�__�_.__�
<br /> KNOW ALI, ���N ��' THESE PRF5�:1TS: Tl�,�t ��rllerc�as, :in ��n s�.c��on for p�.rtition in tkie Di atriet Co,art of
<br /> Cla,y Co�.z nt;�,T, Nebras?���, ivherein Hez�ry Quigl.e, et a�. , y�ere plaint iP�s and Edith Emery, et a]_. , w ere
<br /> d�fenda��ts, �ein� ca.se No. 6�9�', �or tlie par�ition of t�1e f<�1_lo�•�in� described real estate, to-wit;
<br /> East Half o�' the N�Z'tYl�"TP,St �u��.rter ( E,1`1VJ�,) oi �ection Tv�enty,�'ive ( 25) ToSronship Nine (�)
<br /> Nort�z, Ran�e l�ne (�) West of the 6t'ri P.T:2. in Ha1.l Count�r, rlebrasl�a.
<br /> tlZe under�ignPd re�'e��ee appointed btir the Court to m�ie �arta.tion oY said real estate made report
<br /> 3.n v�rritin�; d4a1y sit�ned setting forth th�,t pr�,rsica,l partition cf said prer:li�es could not be made
<br /> uaithout �reat pre,�ud�ce to the o�.7ners tllereo�', tiah�ch report tiF�as d�..t1.y examined by ttie Court and
<br /> tEie s�.id C�urt bPin�; satis�ied there�'Jit�1 �,pt�rovc3d, ado�ted arid confirr�led tlie s�e,
<br /> And therea�'ter the Court made an order and caused the same to be en�ered directin� me, the
<br /> und.ersi�ned ref eree, to s e11 s�.id prerni�es �"or cash as upon exec,_�tion, at �he ti'lest Front door of
<br /> �!:e C�urt House in Grand Island,Hali Count��, T1ebr��s�:a,
<br /> AND VdHEREAS, in ��a.r�ua,nce to s�.id o��d�r, I, D.B.�,iassie, Ke�eree herein, caused notice to be
<br /> publislied in �he Grand Island Da11y Independent, a c�a�_l�r nfa�k�spaper, printed, pu��lished and in
<br /> yeneral circulation in sa�d COLlrir�r, that I �°�7ould oft er �'or s�.].e and sell at pu��lic auction at
<br /> the West Front door of. the Cou'rt House in Grand Zsland,Hall County, l�ebras�>a on t.he l�th da;r of
<br /> July, 19��� at rhe hour o� ttvo o ' c:Lock P.n�7. on said c�ate, the re�.l estate described a�ove,
<br /> A?`1i) �°T�IER��AS, at tlze time and place stated in said notice and under �Y?e term� ancl conditions
<br /> therein specified, and after no�ice h�.d �aeeri pu��lished for r�ore t.han t.hirty day� as provided anc�
<br /> required by laca, I o�Pfered said �remis:�s for sale at public auction and solcl the sarne to Henry
<br /> Qu�.gle for t.he sti.zm oP Three Thouaanc� Nine Hundred Sixty ( �j�60.00) Dollars, he ��ein� the fii�;hest
<br /> Y�idd�r t}Zere�'or;
<br /> AND ti'�{FREAS, afterv�ards on the 23rd d��.y o° Au�;ust, 1�41�, the Court }��* due and legal proceed>>�
<br /> a;��roved and confirmed tlZe sale and b�r order directed me, the said Referee, to execute to said
<br /> purclZ�,ser, Henry Qlz3�le� a deed conveying �o him said prernises in fF�e simple.
<br /> I�?O�xl, THERFFORE, I , D.B.Massie, RePeree in sai�. action, in consideration of t.rie premises and
<br /> tlze sum of Tliree Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty (�j�6�.00) Do11�.rs so bid and paid b�;� s€a.id purchaser,
<br /> and b,y virtue of the ?�owers vested in me as such Referee, so by these presents �;rant, s ell and
<br /> conve�� unto Henry Quigle and h�.s heirs and as,�i�ns the following described real est�.te, to-wit :
<br /> East Ha1P o� tlie Northzvest Quarter (E;P1VP4) oP Section Tt�enty-Pive ( 2�j) Township Nine (�)
<br /> N�rth,R�.nr�e Nine ( 9) , �"Jest of t11e 6th P.n+1. in Fia7_1 County, N�braska, and a7-1 appurtenances
<br /> thereunto belongin�.
<br /> TO HAVE AS1D TU HOLD the same un�o the said Henry qui�le, his heii s �nd assi�,,rris forever.
<br /> In ���itness �r�hereof I have Yiere�::nto set r�y hand and Seal this 30tti d��.� of Septer.nber, 1�4�.
<br /> In P�'esence of D.}3.DQassie
<br />. Mollie Deines ( . �0 I.R.Sta;�ps ) Refsr�e
<br /> �, Cancelled _ )
<br /> STA2E OF NEBRASKA ) Ss. On tkiis j�Jth d�.;r of. Sppter��ber, 1g4ZH, before ne, the under�it�ned, a
<br /> CL�Y COLJNTY ) Notarz,r Public duly commissioned and qtzali�ied for and residing in
<br /> said Cot?nty, per�onally came D.B.11��.ssie, Referee, to me kno�an to �:,e the identical per�on whose
<br /> name i� affixe�. to the fore€�oin�; convetTance as grantoz� �nd �zekno�uled�ed tlze execution thereof' to
<br /> be his voluntar�T act and deed.
<br /> WITT�;ESS my h<�,nc�. and I`dotarial Se€�l the da�% and ye�r last above v�ritten.
<br /> Nlollie Deines
<br /> ( ���L� Nota-ry Public
<br /> �Ry Cor�lrnission expir�s �1zly 1`, I�47
<br /> F1_led for record t3-iis 27th da�.r of �etobFr, l�Z��'-, at 10 :30 0 ' clock A.I�?. � ���� `-'d�`�y�-
<br /> Re�;ister oP Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-Q-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-i�-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-C'-0-0-0_0-0-O-0_�)-0-0-0-U-0-0-C-O-�J-0-0-0--�-0-0_0-
<br /> THTS INDFNTURE, Made this 2nd da� of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and
<br /> Forty Fo�ar, between Nelle M.Henderson and Arthur R.Henderson, wif e and husband, of �he'f irst part,
<br /> and Lulu Dahl of' the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said parties oY the first part, in consideration of the sum of One
<br /> Dollar, and other valuable consideration DOLLARS, to her duly paid, the receipt whereof i� hereby
<br /> �.cknowledged have remised, released, and a,uit-claim, and by these presents do for themselves,
<br /> their heirs, executors and administra.tors, reMise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto
<br /> the said party o�' the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all their righ�, title,
<br /> interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all
<br /> The East Ha1f of' the Southeast Quarter (E�SE4) of Section Twenty-four (24) , in Township
<br /> Twelve (l�) , North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.�I. in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Together �rith all anc� sin�ular the hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described preMlses unto the said Lulu Dahl her heirs and
<br /> assi�ns; so that neither grantors the said Nelle M.Henderson and Arthur R.Henderson, or any
<br /> person in their name and behalf, shall or will hereafter cla3.m or demand any right or title to
<br /> the said premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presenta be
<br /> excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said par'Gies of' tne first part have hereunto set their hand and seal
<br /> the day and year above written.
<br /> Signed, se�.led and delivered in presence of Nelle M.Henderson
<br /> Bernice Stuart Arthur R.Henderson
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska)
<br /> H<�11 Coun�y ) SS• On this 2nd day of October A. D. 19�-�- before me, the undersigned
<br /> Bernice Stuart a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualif�.ed for
<br /> and residing in said county, personally enme Nelle M.Henderson and Arthur R.Henderson, wiPe and
<br /> h7.asband, to me known to be the identical persons �a�ho5e names affixed to the f'oregoin� instrument
<br /> as �rantors and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Seal the day and year la5t above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) Bernice Stuart
<br /> My commisaion expires the 22 day of Apri1, 19�-9 Notary Public. , (�,
<br /> � . �,�-�.! \l✓
<br /> �-�- t .00 P.M.
<br /> tober 1 a �
<br /> Filed for record this 27 day of Oc , 9 3 � �`�`�'�'
<br /> �- Register of ee s ✓
<br /> . . ;
<br />